Dear, Billy.

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Max had made Steve drive to the cemetery, she got out the car ready to head towards Billy's grave. Lucas got out the car, chasing behind Max, the two of them seemed to start arguing about something before Max brushed him off, continuing towards Billy's grave.


Rory watched from the car as Max pulled out the letter from within the envelope, she began to talk to the headstone. Rory knew that as much as it seemed like she was talking to herself, Max was finally telling Billy what she's been wanting to say since the day he died. 

After about 15-20 minutes, Steve started to get concerned about how long Max was taking. He decided to make his way towards her to hurry the girl up slightly as they really did need to start figuring out how to help the girl survive this 'curse'. Once he made it to Max, his face seemed to drop and he began shouting for her and clapping in her face. The three teens ran from the car towards the duo, knowing exactly what was going on.  

S- "Call Nancy and Robin! Call them now!"



Dustin came running back over to the group, dropping down Max's Walkman and multiple different cassette tapes on the floor.

D- "What's her favourite song?"

L- "Why?"

D- "Robin said if you listen...its too much to explain right now. WHATS HER FAVOURITE SONG?"

Lucas and Aurora began shuffling through the tapes looking for the song Max seemed to play on repeat recently. Once Aurora had secured the tape they needed she threw it at her brother almost hitting him directly in the face, he placed the tape in the Walkman before placing the headphones over her eyes. The group began to call out for Max again, tears falling down Rory's face. 

Max began to float upwards, her eyes were white and before any of them could grab her she was too far up in the air. Rory screamed for her friend, the girl was like a sister to her, she couldn't lose her too. She screamed so loud for the girl, she was sure the whole of Hawkins heard it, just as her scream came to a finish... Max began to fall, the group grabbed at her sighing with relief at the sight of the girl still breathing and talking.


Vecnas curse // Eddie Munson x OCWhere stories live. Discover now