Phase Two

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Max made her way to the glowing light where Vecna stood, pausing Kate Bush and removing her headphones, she called out to him.

M- "Hey! Asshole! I'm here. No more music, no more games. What are you waiting for? Do you want me or not?"

The light went dull and transfered its brightness to the lamp that Max was holding, she made her way up the stairs following the light as it stayed bright, showing that Vecna was going towards the attic. The plan was working so far. They arrived at the attic where the lamp got so bright it hurt to look at, suddenly the light faded out. Something was wrong.

M- "I know you can hear me. I know you can read my thoughts. Even the worst ones. Maybe mostly the worst ones."

She places her walkman down on the side and sat infront of the lamp.

M- "I thought about what you said. About how i wanted my brother to die, I thought you were just trying to upset me. To anger me. But you weren't were you? You were just telling the truth, Billy he made my life a living hell. Every chance he got. So sometimes... I would lie in bed at night. I would pray that something would happen to him. Something awful. I knew that he drove to fast so I would imagine him crashing. Dying in that stupid car, I wanted him out of my life. Forever. I wanted him to disappear. The day that he died... I think thats why I just stood and watched. Not because I was scared or weak. Because I didn't know if he deserved to be saved. And i ahve tried to forgive myself. But I can't. So now when I lie in bed at night. I pray that something will happen to me. So that's why I'm here. Because... I just want you to take me away. I want you to make me disappear."

L-"Is that all true? You wanted Billy to die?"

M- "Why are you talking?"

L- "You ever have thoughts like that about me?"

M- "No, Lucas. Never."

As the conversation contiinued, Lucas' words became harsher and then his voice became distorted. Slowly switching into Vecnas voice. He has her.


Lucas began to flick his flashlight on and off out the attic window, signalling down to Erica that Vecna had Max.

E- "Okay, she's in. Initiate Phase Three."

Vecnas curse // Eddie Munson x OCWhere stories live. Discover now