Pep Rally

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TW: SH !!!

Blue and Red lights flash all around the parking lot. Sirens from the ambulances, fire trucks and police cars ring out through Aurora's ears. A flash of a flesh built monster obstructs her mind, Eleven laying on the floor as the monster penetrates it's long claw like arm through Billy Hargrove's chest. Max's scream mixing with the sound of a nearby alarm awakens the girl immediately, she looks around her room in a panic. A sigh of relief escapes her mouth as she notices she is in the comfort of her bedroom. "It was just a stupid nightmare" she whispers to herself.

She looks around at the Queen poster that sits nicely above her desk that is messy with piles of unfinished homework and jewellery. Taking a deep breath in she turns her alarm clock off and gets out of bed. Walking over too her wardrobe she takes out a t-shirt that reads 'Led Zeppelin' across the front, some blue ripped baggy jeans and a leather jacket. After getting dressed she heads over to her desk that has a mirror placed neatly on top of it. 

She opens up her makeup bag and begins to apply some concealer to her undereye to hide the fact she hasn't had a good nights sleep in almost a year. She puts some mascara on and adds some eyeliner before putting on her jewellery, she places a silver chain necklace around her neck, the charm at the bottom was a guitar pic with a 'H' engraved on it. Next, she places her hoop earrings on and several bracelets to both wrists, a portion of her lower arms were always covered with bracelets. People always made rumours that because of what happened to her friend Jim Hopper the year before the girl couldn't handle the grief and had begun to harm herself to divert the pain she was in. 

She gets up from her desk and heads towards the kitchen where she pours herself a coffee and picks up some toast that was already placed ready on a plate for her. "Can you make sure your brothers awake please Rory?" said her mom from the couch, where she sits stroking the cat and watching TV. "Yes momma, I'll go now" responded Rory. Walking towards her brothers room she slides open the door, as she's about to speak she hears a voice come through saying "That's a negative, Dusty-bun" she fake shivers out of disgust hating when she walks into a Suzie-Dustin conversation.

"Son of a bitch!" responds Dustin. Before the conversation can continue Aurora decides to make herself known. "Morning, Dusty-bun" she says in a mocking voice, "Morning, Rory". Hearing a beep of a car outside she turns back towards her brother, "I'm getting a lift with Steve and Robin today, make sure your there on time or Lucas will be pissed". Dustin looks over at her, gives her a look and responds "I doubt he even cares, he's all popular and shit now its all he cares about." Rolling her eyes at him, "Just be there okay? Love ya". She closes the door and hears Dustin start talking to Suzie again, she continues to head towards the door, grabbing her Doc Martins and bidding her mom goodbye.

Closing the door behind her, she gets into the car saying 'Morning' to a riled up Steve and a Robin who seems to be obsessing over the way she looks. 

S- " and then there's Heidi tomorrow night but the problem with Heidi is that she's going out of state for college. Do I really want to start another relationship that has no point other than sex? I don't know does that make sense to you? ROBIN ARE YOU LISTENING?" 

R- "Uh, yes"

S- "What did I just say?"

R- "Something about sex with Linda."

S- "NO, I'm talking about Heidi."

Rolling her eyes with a smile, Rory turns her head to gaze out the window. As she's looking out at the fields they pass, a certain someone crosses her mind, thinking about his tattoos and his rings. She thinks about the way he's so passionate about D&D and music, she begins to smile as a part of her was getting excited to see him at school. Realising what she's feeling she tries to push those feelings aside, it doesn't seem to be working until Steve snaps her out of her daydreaming since he started shouting "BOOBIES" at Robin. She sighs and decides to tune back in to the conversation to get rid of her thoughts of a certain dark curly haired boy.

Vecnas curse // Eddie Munson x OCWhere stories live. Discover now