Operation: Find Eddie.

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The three teens began their way out of the house, each of them had grabbed anything they thought was necessary.

D- "Have you two talked to anyone else?"

M&A- "No."

M- "I can't find Lucas or Nancy and Mike's in-"

D- "California. Shit. Shit. Shit."

As they made their way to the door, their mom began to freak out about safety and the news. Neither of the siblings had properly listened, their minds set on one thing alone: finding the 'freak'. Dismissing their mom with a simple 'love you' the trio ran out the door.


Jumping off their bikes, they pushed open the doors loudly announcing their surprise visit to the two teens behind the counter who stared at them in bewilderment.

D- "Hey Steve. How many phones do you guys have?"

S- "Someone was murdered."

D- "How many phones do you have?!"

S- "Two. Why?"

R- "Technically three, if you count Keith's"

M- "Three works."

S- "What are you-WOAH"

Dustin had slid his bag over the counter towards Robin and Steve as the two of them jumped away from it as if it was poisonous, next thing you know Dustin is clumsily launching himself over the top of the counter too.

S- "No, no, no! My tapes! Dude."

Rory smiled for the first time in almost 12 hours, laughing slightly at Steve's frustration with Dustin. After watching Dustin's lovely attempt at parkour, Rory made her way round the counter to the gate, opening it for Max before letting herself through as well. Dustin was now sat in front of the computer typing away as him and Steve began to argue about 'base of operations' and Steve's jealousy of Eddie and Dustin's friendship.

D- "Can you two just fill them in?"

R- "Fill us in on what?"


As they were going through the list of people to call, none of it seemed to be helping, no one knew where Eddie was or where he could have gone. After calling over 10 people Robin took over from Rory as she could see the girl was getting worked up considering she had just yelled at an old man to rot in hell through the phone. Rory was now sat crossed legged on the counter, aggressively shading in her most recent drawing in her sketchbook.

M- "Hey, guys I might have a lead."

Robin and Dustin hung up on whoever they were on the phone to and Aurora threw her sketchbook to the side but not before closing it.

M- "Apparently, Eddie gets drugs from some guy named Reefer Rick, and sometimes Eddie crashes there."

A- "Oh yeah, Eddies known him for years now. I've never met the guy, pretty sure he's in prison or something."

R- "Sounds promising. Where does Reefer Rick live?"

M- "See that's the thing. No one knows. He's more of a legend than someone that people actually know."

A- "That explains why I've never seen him"

D- "What about a last name?"

M- "Don't know that either"

S- "I bet the cops do. If he's actually a drug dealer, I guarantee you he's been busted at some point. Means he's in the system."

D- "Seriously? Cops? You think Eddies guilty don't you?"

Vecnas curse // Eddie Munson x OCWhere stories live. Discover now