Upside down.

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Nancy and Aurora started running towards Steve, they had grabbed some broken oars they could see on the way towards him. Robin and Eddie had seen them after coming through the gate and quickly caught up to them. Once they were next to Steve, Nancy and Aurora swung their oars at two of the Demobats that were strangling and biting Steve. Eddie and Robin watched in amazement at the two girls fearlessness. Aurora stood on the Demobats tails that was strangling Steve while Nancy was stabbing it repeatedly, Eddie and Robin were swinging their oars at nearby bats that were trying to get to them.

One grabbed onto Nancy's back, Robin grabbed at it while Aurora tried to get the bat off of Steve, she stood on it and continued to stab at it but it wouldn't give up. Steve bit onto it's tail which made it retreat slightly and try to fly off, Steve grabbed the tail before it could take off and began bashing it against the ground before Aurora stood on it again, Steve pulled harshly against the tail making the bats body split in two under Rory's Doc Martin boots. She grimaced slightly at the mess it made on her boot, not noticing the three pairs of staring eyes that remained on the duo.

N- "Steve. Steve, oh my god."

E- "Jesus Christ. Jesus H Christ!"

Eddie threw his oar down on the ground, Aurora made her way over to him. She placed her hand on his cheeking looking him up and down to make sure he wasn't injured. He grabbed her hand, kissing it lightly before making sure she was okay too. Nancy checked on Steve and looked at his injuries.

R- "Do you think these bats have like rabies?"

A- "What?"

R- "It's just that rabies are, like, my number one greatest fear. And I think we should get you to a doctor like really soon because once the symptoms set in, it's too late. You're already, like, dead."

The group stared at her in bewilderment before hearing a screeching noise from the distance, grabbing Eddies hand she turned to look in the direction of the noise. The lightning was red and from the looks of it, more bats were making their way towards the group. They placed their feet around the gate and screeched at the group, seeing that there weren't many there, Steve decided the group could fight them off. As if on cue, the screeching noise came from the sky again and with one glance the group could see hundreds more of the creatures coming their way. Taking off in a run towards the woods, Aurora refused to let go of Eddies hand out of fear of losing him.

~Wheeler house~ 

The three young teens were sat on the couch, being questioned by the police. Erica was trying to figure out why the three were lying about Eddie and why they were at the lake. The room erupted into a loud argument of shouting before the Chief stood up telling them to shut up. They were now being questioned individually instead to avoid any backlash from the parents.


Back in the upside down, the group were crouched under Skull Rock except this one was covered in vines. They were watching the family of bats fly around looking for them before they finally went away.

R- "Okay, that was close."

E- "Yeah, too close."

S- "Oh, sh...shit."

Steve had fallen against the rock as he was losing a lot of blood, Robin started ranting about rabies again while Nancy wrapped Steve's wounds. While that was going on, Aurora wanted to speak to Eddie. She grabbed his hand and pulled him a little bit further away from skull rock.

E- "Hey, what's wrong?"

A- "Nothing, I just need to tell you something."

E- "What is it?"

A- "I don't need time anymore, Eddie. This isn't the place that I wanted to do this, but the last time I was here I was terrified and now i'm here with you and I don't feel as scared as I used to or as much as I probably should. You're my safe place. I wanna be with you."

E- "Definitely not the way I thought this would go but I don't care. I wanna be with you too, when you jumped into that lake earlier, I was terrified but I couldn't run this time. I had to help you, you were all I truly cared about."

The two smiled at each other before the kissed softly, it lasted about a minute before they just rested like that for a while.

E- "So I guess we're officially a couple then, weird love story to tell the grandkids right?"

She laughed before leaning in to kiss him again, she was happy. It definitely was the weirdest place to become a couple but hey, he's known as the 'freak' for a reason right? Eddie was suddenly very interested to look around at the parallel universe of their home, he began climbing up a rock while Aurora walked over towards Robin. 

E- "So, uh, this place is like Hawkins, but with monsters and nasty shit?"

N- "Pretty much."

A- "Watch out for the vines, it's all a hivemind."

E- "It's all a what?"

S- "All the creepy crawlies around here. They're like one or something. You step on a vine, you're stepping on a bat, you're stepping on vecna."

E- "Shit."

Aurora watched carefully as Eddie began tiptoeing down the rock avoiding all the vines and even the cracks, Nancy and Steve were explaining some parts of the upside down to Robin while Rory helped Eddie down from the rock. Robin started talking about getting guns from the police station downtown when Nancy reminded them that she has guns at her house.

E- "You? Nancy Wheeler, have guns, plural, in your bedroom?"

A- "Full of surprises isn't she?"

N- "A Russian Makarov and a revolver."

Steve and Nancy started flirting with each other about their past when Eddie threw his denim jacket at Steve, something about 'modesty'. The ground began to shake, Aurora fell into Eddie who wrapped his arms around her to hold her up as they fell to the ground. When the shaking stopped, creatures from around the upside down started snarling. 

E- "Yeah so guns seem like a pretty good idea to me."

A- "Yeah, me too."


Vecnas curse // Eddie Munson x OCWhere stories live. Discover now