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Oliver's pov:

I was woken up by the sound of voices yelling in my ear, I was trying to make out who it was because I was still exhausted. I then turned to my right trying to squint my eyes open to see who this person was and finally my vision wasn't blurred.

I could make out the face and it was non other then ugh, Darren.

[Authors pov]

Play format.

Oliver: "D-darren?! What are you doing waking me up so early."

Darren: "Because just wake up."

Oliver: "That's not a reason Dar."

Darren: "Whatever just wake your ass up."

Oliver: "whatever man, I'll get up later go downstairs."

Darren: "Fine, just be up bro before I go hug Regie-"

Oliver: "Oh you wouldn't dare."

Darren: "oh, oh trust me I will."

Oliver: "Fine then I'll cuddle with Justi-"

Darren: "Uh forget it okay!, I won't hug Regie."

Oliver: "ahh you see, haha got you."

Darren: "Shut the fuc-"

Justin: "Hey guys! Uhm breakfast is ready."

Darren: "Justin!—i -I mean okay."

Justin: "hey Dar!"

Justin says patting his chest as he walks past him jumping on Oliver's bed.

Oliver: "Ya! Justin your heavy."

Justin: "What? No I'm not."

Oliver: "I'm messing with you."

Justin: "Whatever."

Darren: 'cough! I'm right here."

Justin: "Oh that sucks bro."

Darren: "Very funny."

Justin giggles making Darren smile.

Justin: "Alright. see you two down stairs."

Justin says walking out the door and heading down the stairs.

Darren: "why won't he cuddle me."

Oliver: "Jelly! Anyways imma go eat."

Oliver teases the bear as he pats him on the shoulder before leaving, leaving the Dar bear dumbfounded.Darren rolls his eyes as he then soon follows Oliver down the stairs meetings up with everyone else.

Ty: "Good morning Dar."

Darren: "Morning."

Darren says as he immediately walks over to Justin (Like always), manger Ty shakes his head as he chuckles knowing that Darren must be really into Justin.

Regie: "yo good morning bro."

Darren: "morning."

Darren greets the nonchalant man, dabbing him up in the process.

Seb: (Yawns) "Woo, wee! Morning y'all I am exhausted."

Sebastian says getting a good stretch.

Kane: "glad I'm not the only one, I'm exhausted from last night show."

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