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Ryan's P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of soft snoring to my left. I turned to my left and saw Justin. I let him bunk in my room for the night so he can cool down from the situation.

I stretch carefully, trying not to make so much movements so I don't wake the snoring kitten up. I carefully move towards the side as I drag myself out of the bed. The moment I got of the bed I took a chance and took a big stretch.

I walk towards the bathroom with my slippers making scratching like noises. I lazily turned on the lights ready to be blinded. As the lights flick on I covered my eyes with my fingers, preventing the light from dramatically blinding me.

I heard some movements from the bed so I turned around and saw Justin groaning and turning around the bed. I assumed that he was just trying to get in a comfortable position, so I slide it off as I continue to do whatever I was doing.

"Ryan..Can u get me water." I couldn't hear him clearly. I went towards Justin to ask him what he wanted because the first time he only mumble. Well I guess he was just tired.

"What was that Justin? Can u speak up a little ?" I say kneeling down to his side.

He slowly mutters out, "Water please."
I understood what he said and nodded.

"Alright , I'll get you some water. Give me a minute." I say calmly as he slightly smiled.

Before I left I noticed his eyes were puffy red, poor thing he was probably crying all night. And all because of nick. If only he could see that Darren was... never mind I probably shouldn't be thinking about this. I need to get him the water so that's what I'm going to focus on. I left the room quietly shutting the door behind. I went down stairs softy not making noise because of how early it was. I made it to the kitchen and got to the fridge, I also decided to get myself some water because I was also feeling thirsty.

Then I came across Sebastian.

"Hey Ryan, how is Justin doing?" He ask and I shut the fridge.

"He's not doing so well. He was crying all night." I say , now placing the 2 cups on the counter.

"Oh well that's a bummer." He says as he leans against the counter.

"Hey, can u make that 3 cups. I'm also feeling thirsty." He says and I sigh.

"Fine." I say, grabbing another cup from the cabinet.

I started poring the water into all three cups. Sebastian takes his cups as I take mines and Justin's. Before I leave Sebastian called my name again.

"Ryan, i um— uh never mind I'll tell you later!" He say as he walks away in a rush. I was confused but shrugged it off .

Stop focusing on that weird kid and focus on your friend, i curse myself in my thoughts. I brought the drinks successfully upstairs and back into my room without spilling on drop.

I placed to water on the desk next to Justin. Justin was already up by the time I got to the room, so he immediately grab the water right after I placed it on the counter.

"Woah, you must be mad thirsty." I teased as he stop drinking, taking a breath.

"Well yeah, my mouth felt kinda dry." He responded.

"Ayo? " I joked as he softly giggled.

We laugh it off but ur was cut short quickly once we both saw a notification on Justin's phones. Justin looked at me before going to his phone to see. It was nick and as you can guess he was apologizing. Justin was about to respond but I stopped him.

"No Justin. U can't just easily forgive a cheater!?."

"Your right I'm sorry, it's just that... I really liked him and it's hard for me to move on from him." He says as I sighed knowing how he felt.

"Hey it's okay for you to feel that way. It's just that I don't want you to get hurt or to be tricked into something. You deserve better and someone who will treat you right.. and maybe that someone might be somewhere, like Darr- ...never mind, regardless you need to let it go."

"Your right, I do need something better and someone who will treat me with all respect!" He confidently says.

"That's it! That's the justin I know." I say as he hugged me.

Authors P.O.V

As Ryan and Justin were chatting on his bed there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Ryan says. And the person comes in.

"Oh hey Darren!" Justin says.

"Oh hey, are u feeling okay? Do u need water? Do u need food? Do u need-" Darren gets cut off.

"Hey! I'm okay haha. Thanks tho." Justin reassured him but also softened his voice. You can tell he still felt hurt.

"He's fine. Anyways are we doing anything today? Like as a group." Ryan ask.

"Oh I don't t know. We will probably just chill for today." Darren simply responded then quickly turning his gaze back to Justin.

"Hey Justin, do u wanna go get some food with me?" He suddenly ask, also feeling nervous.

"Um sure why not! I'll get my shoes." Justin says as he gets up and heads to their room.

Sorry it's short, theirs a lot of school work that I have to catch up on! I'll make sure to make the next one more longer when I get the chance!

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