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Sebastian's P.O.V

I was scattering my hands around as I picked up different glass sizes from the floor. Ouch! I flinch as I felt my index finger stinging. I looked at it and it was bleeding, shit I mumble to myself.

Someone palmed my finger ji
unexpectedly, I flinch a little then looked to my right and it was Oli.

He looked at me with concerned eyes, "oh shoot, can someone get me a napkin!" He asked and Kane got up to go get one.

"Here." Kane handed the napkin to Oliver and he handed it to me.

"T-thanks," I mutter and grab the napkin, carefully wiping the blood away.

After a little bit more of cleaning. I've noticed some black ink on the tennis ball so I decided to take a closer look. I reached for it and grabbed it, turning it around so I could see the ink better.
It read: Your mine By:N

I was shocked whether to believe the worst or ignore it. I look up and called for the members who were throwing the rest away.

"Guys! Look." I say lifting the tennis ball up.

"What is it?" Regie asked, I handed the ball to him to answer his question.

"Holy Fuck, JUSTIN, DARREN!!!" I yelled, watching them rush out the bathroom they were holding hands which was kinda odd??

"Yes?" Justin's said but not with concern, he looked pretty chill and a lil happy.

Authors P.O.V

<Play format>
12:06 AM

Justin: "Yeah?"

Sebastian: "First of all why you two holding hands?"

Darren: "Because."

Justin: "Nun."

Sebastian: "Anyways Uhm... There's a message on the tennis ball."

Justin: "Let me see."

Sebastian passes the ball to Justin, Justin grabs it mindlessly and takes a look at the black ink written on it. He takes one look and immediately drops the ball. The members immediately stand up once the ball hit the ground .

Darren: "Hey hey, what happened?"

Justin: "I-it's nick.."

Darren: "What? DF u mean nick?! Give me the dam tennis's ball."

Darren snatches the tennis ball from the ground looking at it. He felt his veins get still as the anger increases.

"How tf dare he? I mean really who tf does this guy think he is?!" Darren says in frustration .

"What did it even say?" Ryan asked still confused.

"It said, 'your mine' in black ink." Sebastian answered his question, taking the ball from Darren and handing it to Ry.

"What does he think he is? Some kinda badass overpowered k-drama bad guy!?, dumbass." Ryan said making the others laugh.

"Ok okay! No more funny business, sense I'm pretty sure we all know who it is so we can just report it to the police." Oliver says taking his phone out from the back pocket.

*Knock Knock*

Two desperately knocks echoes through the living room. Everyone looked at each other before Oliver goes to answer the door, the others just follow behind also wanted to know who it was.

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