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Justin's P.O.V

I left the room and got my shoes from the door entrance. I slide them in and was ready to go. I was still hurt by the situation with Nick, I still cared for him so much it hurt. But Ryan was right and I did needed someone better. Someone who will treat me right. And not him..but why is it so hard.

I caught my self zoned out as I held onto the wall, leaning half against it.

I then felt a tap on my shoulder, instantly I turned my glaze towards the person.

"Woah! Sorry to startle you. Just checking in ya." It was kane.

"Oh! Sorry. I was zoned ou-"

"Yep I could tell." Kane interrupted me before I could mutter out the T.

"Oh well okay."

"What are u doing here anyways? You going out?" Kane ask me.

I simply responded, "yes I am. With Darry actually. We are gonna get food."

"Oh sounds nice, make sure you get me some!" Kane said as he tap his hands on his thighs, throwing the peace sign as he walk away.

I sigh and smiled. Soon Darren came down stairs with his car keys.

"Your driving?! Heck no!" I say.

Darren scoffed, "What! I can drive."
He teased.

"Fine fine. But if I die it's on you! Meaning court buddy!" I snickered.

"Oh please, we'll both be dead." He teased as he walk pass me.

I playfully rolled my eyes as I followed up, close behind.


Kanes P.O.V

I myself down in the couch and started watching anime as the usual. Then I noticed Regie going through the fridge. But something was off, he look tired, miserable.

"Hey Regie! Are you alright?" I ask and he look at me with a faint gaze.

"If I had to be honest, no I'm not." He said as he walked over to where I was sitting.

He sat next to me and placed his head on my shoulder, grabbing the nearest blanket and wrapping it around himself. I guess he was just tired so I let him doze off onto my shoulder. Few minutes of watching anime and having the sleepy nonchalant man using my shoulder as a pillow , Oliver comes downstairs.

Oliver comes downstairs and makes eye contact with me then he shifts his gaze onto the person beside me. Then he slightly smiled?

"He's tired huh." He said walking towards us, well I guess mainly Regie.

Before I could answer his question he grabs onto Regie and simply picks him up in a bridal style.

"What are u-" i get cut off by Oliver shushing me.

He then heads towards the stairs as I just stood there in confusion, well I guess SAT there.

"Well okay then." I say, un pausing the anime scene I was ready to now watch.

In Oliver's Room

Oliver slowly placed Regie on his bed and fixed the blanket for him. Oliver tucked him in and just stared at him.
He felt something pounding in his chest. Oliver then unexpectedly leaned down to face Regie properly, Oliver slowly caress Regies forehead, then cheek, then lips.

He caressed the nonchalants man's plum bright pink lips, they looked so kissable. Oliver leaned in but as they were about to context lips Oliver stop himself.

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