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Darren's  P.O.V

Gosh this dude. I mumble as I walk out the party and to the car with the sleepy Justin on my back."why now? Jesus dude I told you not to drink so much. Why can't u just listen." I mutter, suddenly he moves a little.

"D-darren, I'm sorry." He says. His voice sounded weak due to the alcohol.

My heart became soft once he spoke, I felt bad. I mean who am I to tell him what to do anyways. He's a grown man.. "No no, Justin don't apologize. It isn't my choice anyways to tell u what to do." I explained.

I could feel Justin's hair against my neck as he snuggled deeper into my neck. It gave me a chill down my spine as I just stood there. I was stuck in the thought 'Why am I not moving?' Sooner or later o found out that I was too flustered.

"J-Jesus, I'm such a fucking simp." I complained to myself and made my way to the car.

I gently open the door with my feet, (IK I'm the shit) I grab Justin's legs and kneeled against the seat. Reversing the grip and carrying him in a bridal style. I slowly placed him on the passenger seat , he was half awake but looked waisted. Gosh he's so pretty, Jesus dude. I cursed myself and smiled . I closed the door and went to the drivers end.

<<At the party>>

Leena: "Heyyy M-moy!"



Sebastian immediately runs towards the pool once he saw Leena slip in.

Seb: "LEENA?"

Seb yelled for her name, everyone at the party was surrounding the pool, wondering what was going on.

Sebastian was worried but soon it was changed to relief once he saw her pop out from the water. Laughing like nothing happened.

Leena: "WOOOOOOO!"

She yelled raising her hands up, everyone cheered as some people started jumping into the pool.

She then looked at Seb.

Leena: "Come on Seb!! Join me!"

She insisted. Seb shake his head playfully as he sat down at the edge, dipping his feet in.

Leena playfully rolled her eyes and doggy swam toward Seb. Resting her arms on the edge.

"You okay?" She ask.

"Yes. Why u ask?" He questioned, she rolled her eyes.

"Seb. I don't even know u that much and I could tell your nervous about something." She said and Seb looked down at his feet that was peacefully swaying side to side by the water.

Seb sighed and looked to his far left making Leenas eyes follow his. She sighed and look back at Seb with pit.

"Dude...Why don't u just talk to him." She said, and he shook his head.

"No. I'm afraid he would dislike me after.." Seb mumble.

"Cmon! I know you see him hanging out with some girl! That's why u gonna pull up your balls and go towards them!"  She insisted and smack him on the thigh.

"Ow! Okay okay! Jeez. I'll go up to him." Seb says, getting up nervously as Leena just watched in satisfaction.

Seb slowly walks towards Ryan and the giggling girl. He taps Ryan shoulder and was immediately met with dark, chocolate eyes.

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