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Ryan look down at the hands from feeling warmth. He sees Sebastians hand on top of his. He could feel his heart beating rapidly as Sebastian moved his hand more up.

Ryan's P.O.V

I felt someone's warmth into my hands which made me feel a cold shiver down my spine. I gave a lil side eye down to see what was on me and I saw Sebastian beautiful hands on mine. I could feel my heart racing as he started to move up my hand, tracing our fingers together.

I was feeling sm emotions that I couldn't pick one. It felt so good to have bus warmth on me. But I didn't understand why. I never had any interest for guys so I was shocked at myself. Me feeling butterflies in my stomach for Seb holding my hand?!

Why am I feeling like this , especially towards Oliver's brother?! What is wrong with me. IK people ship us but I didn't think we would get to the point where we held hands. It felt so surprising but also good. I wanted it to last forever.

I slowly turned my gaze to Seb as I could see him looking down acting .  completely normal, like if he isn't 1_ HOLDING MY HAND. I wanted to make the next move, I considered my self as the dominant instead of subordinate or submissive. So I slide closer to Seb. I could see him blushing so I smirked.

"Seb."  I said. Sebastian slowly looked up at Ryan, "Y-yeah-?"

"Why you looking away? Your the one holding my hand." I teased, now seeing a new form of red appearing on his face.

"I-I was just trying to mess with u." He said and I rolled my eyes, "Fine, I'll be going now." I let go of his hand and put myself in the water.

I sat on a floaty with a soju as the water drifted me off side to side in a relaxing manner. I could see Sebastian looked dumbfounded, I smirk seeing him like that and continued my relaxing moment.

Sebastian P.O.V

Ryan kept on teasing me about the hand thing which made me fluster to the point where I had to put my head down. It was so embarrassing. He then ask me, "Why you looking away? Your the one holding my hand." Which made me turn red.

I got to embarrass to tell the truth so I lied, "I-I was just trying to mess with u." I stuttered. After I said that he looked upset, I was confused until he said "fine." And let go of my hand. I felt disappointed and confused once he Rolled his eyes and got on a floaty.
But why would he get upset, that question kept on circling around my head into deep thought.

3rd Person P.O.V

              <<Play format>>

Leena: "Heyyy Seb, how's the party?"

Seb: "Oh it's pretty nice!"

Leena: "Glad to hear! We haven't got to talk Soo what's up?"

She said, sitting next to Sebastian as she dipped her feet into the water.

Seb: "Well, Ryan has been acting weird."

Leena: "What kinda weird?"

Seb: "Like the pissy kind."

Leena: "He's always like that."

Seb: "Yeah I'know but it's just different for some reason."

Leena: "Can u explain the difference your seeing in his behavior?"

Seb: "Well.. I held his hand y'know to tease him but he held back on, he then leaned closer to me and started teasing me. Which is it really like him. Then I told him i was messing around and he rolled his eyes."

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