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The sun was up and it was the day Justin would leave the hospital, he didn't want to because Darren was still gonna be there, but then again he did miss his bed the hospital ones are too hard. (Just like my 12inch...😿) The members were gonna pick him up at around 4:00 and it was currently 2:03 in the morning so I guess he still had some time & too waste his time he went to go see Darren, but problem is he could only watch through the window as Darren was taking some test.

Legs getting tired of standing he went around the hospital, looking for some sort of entertainment that was most definitely not his room. As he takes out his phone to scroll through some stuff a nurse approaches him, "Excuse me sir." She said calmly but with also a little concern. "Yes?" Justin asked innocently.

"What do you need? Are u hungry?" She asked, Justin looked at her then thought for a second I mean he was pretty hungry. "Uh yes that will be great, I'm pretty hungry..!" He said with a smile, the nurse smiled and signaled him to follow her. Justin ended up following her but not to close behind, soon they got to the lobby where there were others, the nurse told him to sit down and he did as told. Waiting the nurse finally came with some food and smiled before handing it to him.


Justin was back in his room, heart racing as it was almost time for him to go. He wanted to go visit Darren but he was still running test and taking treatment, it made him anxious of the possibility of him not being able to talk to Dar for the last couple of minutes. Roaming through some stuff that the nurse gave them, he got bored enough to get up and walk across the hall, hoping that Darren's testing was over.

He then got to Darren's door and looked through the windows but unfortunately the curtains were blocking him from doing so, getting anxious he just opened the door slightly, peeking his head through it.
Then he felt relieved that there wasn't anyone there but Darren looking through his phone, which obviously was cut short once Darren immediately noticed Justin. Once Darren noticed Justin he smiled which made Justin's heart skip a beat. Justin walked over to Darren and sat down next to him, resting his head on Darren's shoulders.

"What time are you leaving?" He said calmly. Justin's face became more pouty once he heard leave thinking again that he had to leave. "Around 4:00.." he said in disappointment. Darren sighed and wrapped his arm around Justin & brought him close. "Why are u wasting time to be here with me?" Darren said in sarcasm, chuckling a little. "Because I wanna see you for the last few minutes, plus I already got myself ready!" Justin said looking up at Darren with a proud smile.

"Justin can I asked you something..?" Darren said, looking down at Justin. "Mhm?" Replying back Justin waited for a answer. "What are we...?" Darren suddenly asked but Justin didn't answer, to embarrassed to do so. Sighing Darren pulled Justin and gave him a slow, passionate kiss. Justin started chuckling in between it, pulling away as he caressed Darren's cheek.

"..Darren" Justin said with a slight smile, "What do u think we are~?" Justin teased with a sarcastic look. Smiling sarcastically, Darren kissed Justin again but this time it was quick. "That answered my question." He said going for another one, as he kept on repeatedly pecking Justin's lips, making Justin laugh. Justin then got a short notification on his phone knowing that he got a message from someone. Quickly picking up his phone he looked at it and it was Ryan, trying to type to him as Darren kept on kissing Justin's cheek & neck.

"Darren stop!" Justin laughed as he shoved Darren away, fully being able to text Ryan. Darren just looked at him with full passion and greater love.


Justin we are on our way, are I ready?

Yeah, how far are you guys??

Uh about 30 mins, hopefully we will be there by less.

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