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"Anyone one want the rest of my fries? I'm full Af." Justin complains, picking up his fries.

"Ill take it." Darren said with no hesitation.

Darren takes the fries justin held in his hands. He wanted to tease him a bit with his sussy boi energy.

"Feed me."


"Feedddd me!!" Darren whined.

"What! Why." Justin pouted.


"Fine, give me the dam fries ." Justin gave in and did a little pout before grabbing a frie. Moving it slowly to Darren's mouth.

Oliver and Sebastian look at each other in shock.  Oliver mouths to Sebastian oh.my.goddd as Sebastian looks back at them in disbelief

"There ! Eat up fatty." Justin sarcastically says as he violently taps DARS shoulder.

"Ow!! Tf ."

Justin laughs. The members finish up their food and all decided to do a Yt video, to keep the stars updated.

"What video is this gonna he about?" Regie ask.

"Uh , Sebastian do u have any ideas ?" Oliver turns the question into Seb. Not knowing what to do himself.

"What- Uhm-"

"Candy kiss! The fans have been asking for it. I swear they wanna see Ryan and Justin kiss again." Kane claimed, jumping off his seat.

"Oh boi. That already happened once, doesn't need to happen again."

Sebastian P.O.V

Once I heard Kane say that my heart felt like bricks. It wanted to punch the wall out if jealously. But I knew Kane was right, everyone in the comments section always ask for the same thing.
There will always be ship comments about the so called ship name "Justryan." Which made me want to pull my hair out.

There were always sides and always different opinions circulating on the internet about which ship is best between Justryan and Sebryan. I made me happy that the ship with me and Ryan was winning.... But at the same time I hated it because of the comments.

I didn't know how to feel about the whole shipping deal. I wish I was Oli.. he will always get shipped with the person he liked. And the comment section wouldn't be about other ships but just them. While for me there will be Seberren and Justryan. It's just so exasperating.

I was lost in my own thoughts when I felt someone tap my shoulder.

It was Oliver and he had a concern but stern look on him."Hey, You good? You looked a little hence."

"I am," i said before quipping, "I just have been thinking about some stuff."

Oliver sighed, "I don't believe you, the other members might brush it off but I know better. You better tell me what's going on."

I sigh before telling him, "It's just the jealousy I've been having lately.. and I can't seem to shake it off once, it's tiring Oli.." I say, weakening my voice.

"It's okay." Oli soften his voice, "if you need anything you can just ask me."

"No it's fine, I'll just forget about it." I say , walking to my room.

Authors P.O.V

Play format


Regie: "Hey Justin! Can u get the door for me, I have to take a shit."

Justin: "Ugh fine."

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