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⚠️TW: Gore & drug abuse actions situations!!

Harm on a member will be shown on this story, remember all of this is fiction and is obviously not real.

All the members are healthy and are doing well irl!

Weapons will be involved.


Immediately right after Nick fell he quickly goes over to him and knocks him out cold. Breathing heavily he realized what he just did, "Did I just do that?! YES I FUCKING DID!!" He cheered for himself, grinning at the sight. He soon snaps back to reality and grabs the hammer that was being held by Nick. He was debating on going further and hitting Nick with the weapon or just locking him in the shed. He looked around for a second and soon came up with another plan.

[With Regie & Kane]

The two boys were currently roaming around the area trying to find a way out, but ofc with their armed weapons. The two boys stop once they heard soke footsteps and immediately ducked down. "Shh" Regie put his index finger against his mouth & Kane nodded gripping onto his weapon.

"I know your here, F-Fucking come out! Your dirty little scums." They heard Leena say as they could hear her roaming around the area. "Really scrum bags?" Kane sarcastically complained, "This shawty gotta do something better." Regie retorted making Kane giggle. "Shh cuh the bitch might-" "found ya~" quickly looking up the two boys were face to face with a end of a gun. As she was about to fire Regie immediately grabbed the end of her gun and flipped it up, making the bullets hit the ceiling.

Regie and Kane immediately sprinted, Leena reacted quickly and pointed her gun at Kane, but Kane knew. Shooting at kane he slides against the ground behind gallons. Having a plan Kane took one of the gallons and threw it at her, she quickly dodge and shot a second time but it obviously didn't hit anything but the gallons. All of a sudden Regie comes from the side and tackles her, causing the two of them to collapse on the ground. But Regie reacted quickly and crawled towards her which didn't fit with her as she started fighting with Regie on the ground, Each of them fighting for dominance.

Kane saw this all happening but couldn't do anything sense he now had a arm that was gushing blood.. It was from the firing.. as Leena gets into if Regie she finds a sharp peace of glass and try's to lunge it at Regie but her quickly kicks her off with his feet, making slam against the wall. "How loca can you possibly be?!" Regie was breathing heavily as he struggles to get up, he found out there was a peace of glass in his leg preventing him from walking properly. Leena noticed and smirked, "As loca as I can get~" she stood up and ran towards Regie, But was soon stopped when she got hit by a flying object. Falling to the ground and groaning in pain, Regie looks down at her in shock. "W-what the fuck?!" Regie cursed under his breath, he for sure didn't do that neither did Kane. He looks to his right and realizes who it was and grins, "Fuck yeah Ryan!" He said proudly as Ryan stood there surprised at himself, but also amazed.

Ryan immediately goes to help Regie stand then someone else comes into the room, "W-what the fuck-? Leena?!" Oliver was shocked at the whole scene but immediately ran up to hug Ryan & Regie once he saw them.

But their interaction was cut short once they heard Leena groaning struggling to get up, "I-I'm sorry..." the boys were confused. "What?" Oliver was just as confused. "I-it was nick..." she then passed out before she could finish, the members were astonished by this but couldn't do anything about it because they heard the groans of Kane from behind the gallons.

They immediately ran towards the gallons and saw Kane bleeding nonstop from his arm, as he held the wound. "Shit, shit hold on buddy." Oliver said taking a peace of cloth that was placed where the guns were layed on. He quickly wrapped the cloth around kanes arm preventing the bleeding, then helping him to his feet. As Oliver & Ryan help Kane, Regie looks back at Leena. He felt that something was off about this and decided to get his answers. Going up to Leena he picked her up and carried her on his back, "What the fuck- Regie what are you doing?!" Ryan yelled. "I need answers." He simply said and started leading to the stairs, Ryan and Oliver looked at eachother and followed close behind.

[With Seb & Nick]

Nick was woken up by a flash of light, Sebastian had his phone flashlight up against his face to wake the boy up.
"W-what the fuck?!" He cursed as he shut his eyes and looked away, trying to dodge the light that was being flashed in his face. Once Sebastian got him to wake up he immediately started to text Oliver, notifying him that he had Nick tied up. "Look man I don't know what you wan-" "ah, ah! Nah bro we ain't doing that. Let's be real we know what you u did & so do you." Sebastian said cutting off nick, he didn't want to hear those lies from his mouth.

Soon after Oliver came into the shed with Regie & Ryan, Kane was in the car already. Nick was taken aback when he noticed that Regie was holding onto Leena, "Let go of her asshole." He yelled and Regie took a step back but he wasn't scared, he was disgusted. "Dam cuh, no need for yelling. You can do that when u get arrested." Regie snickered. Regie felt some movement on his shoulder and realized that Leena must be waking up, he immediately put her down and sat her on a chair next to Nick, Tying her up as well waiting until she's fully conscious.

She groans as she wakes up, "What is going on.?" She hissed as she looked around. "Leena you need to tell us what's going on." Regie informed her, desperate to know. She didn't answer but instead looked down, "Why would you do this?! What the fuck is wrong with yo-" "I was forced-!" It went quiet once she announced. The boys where astonished and didn't know what to say, Nick looked at her disappointingly.

"What do you mean forced..?"


Any thoughts??

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