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"COME ON YALL!." Ryan yelled as everyone hurled into the car.

"I'm coming!" Regie yells as he whisper the girl good bye and heads over to the members.

"Get in the car bro and stop flirting with that girl~." Ryan teased as Regie rolled his eyes.

"Shut up." He got in the car .

They all got seated in a comfortable position and were ready to be out. Oliver driver seat, regie passenger, Sebastian in the second row left, Ryan in second row right, kane in the window seat and Justin & Darren next to each other in the back with kane. Oliver then drives the car away from the studio and towards their house.

        Few minutes into the ride 

Play format:

Ryan: "Bro I'm gonna flop on my bed once we step into that house."

Justin: "Me too, I'm mad tired."

Kane: "Bro the photo shoot was mad tiring."

Justin: "It very much was, I as about to collapse."

Darren: "You weren't tho right?"

Justin: "No haha."

Seb: "I say tomorrow we do something but in the house."

"What is?" Ryan ask , lazily turning his head around.

"Uhhhh- well I still need to think." Sebastian says as the rest rolls their eyes.

"Dude then why would u tell us." Justin said in a serious, funny manner.

Everyone just laugh as they continue the ride but with music and some jokes along the way.

As the ride went on Oliver peek to his right to see Regie still on his phone smiling at it.

Olivers Pov:

Regie was quite through the whole ride and if he was ask a question, His simple answer will be like "oh yeah" or "mhm" I was already getting jealous as the ride went on and how he kept on texting someone who made him smile..And not me. I wanted to ask him a question but to also think that he would just answer it with a simple nod or a "mhm" just like  the other ones made me hesitate. I gave in and ask, "Hey Regie? You been quite."

Regie stop what he was doing and stared at me with a innocent look, "huh- oh yeah ."

"Yeah dude, you have been on that phone for like 30 minutes already." I say as he look embarrassed.

"Is it that—Girl?" I ask , I could see his face turn slightly red I could tell he was embarrassed. It didn't please me at all.

He look again back at me, "Yes it is, we got along well."

I heard those words come out his mouth and instantly got jealous. I couldn't bare to think that the fact someone else is making him blush and not me. I clench my fist as I kept on driving. I didn't want to make the situation awkward so I played the next song to 'Cold war' and as I expected everyone started bobbing their heads as they sing to the music.

                 Arrived at the house
                    Authors Pov
Everyone got out the car as they arrived home. But surprisingly someone was waiting for them at the door.

Sebastian noticed and saw who it was.

"Hey dar look, it's char!" Sebastian said as he points at the door way.

Darren look to where Sebastian was pointing at and saw a girl about kanes height, blonde glowing hair, pink outfit and a big smile.

He immediately runs towards her and gives her a hug,"what are you doing here? And how are you!"

Char smiled as she pulled away from the hug,"duh I cam here to see my bestie!"

"Hey char!" Kane greeted as he walk pass them.

"Sooooo how's it been? Yk." She looks over his shoulder.

Yes, char knows.

"Yeahhh about that- he..has a boyfriend." Darrens excitement slowly faded away as he told her about Him having a boyfriend.

"Oh no Darren! I'm so sorry." Char said as she gave him some water.

"Nah nah it's fine, it's just tough and I'm roommates with him. All he talks about is "Nick this nick that." It's so annoying. At this point idk what to do with mysel-"

"Hey Darren! I need you for a second." Justin interrupted them, starling Darren.

Darren look at Justin nervous, "F-for what?"

Darren could see char smirking as he blushed, "oh Uhm just a quick conversation." Justin added.

Darren slightly nods and follows Justin to their room. As they where walking upstairs darren could feel his heart bouncing repeatedly, he didn't know if Justin was mad or serious. He just couldn't tell. As they make it to their room justin gently shuts the door.

Darren sits on the bed as Justin soon sits with him.

Play format:

Justin: "So Uhm."

Darren: "Before you say anything, did I do anything?"

Justin: "Oh no of course not! Uhm so I got something for your birthday! I just wanted to show you up here because they are special!"

Darren: "Wait really-?!"

Justin: "Uhm ofc duh! Your my best friend why wouldn't I."

Darren: "Oh.. yes I see."

Justin: "This gift means a lot so you better keep it safe Darry!"

Darren: "why do u keep calling me that."(chuckles)

Justin: "Becauseeeee! Anyways let me go get it!"

Justin quickly runs towards the bathroom like a little kid chasing the ice cream truck. He then comes back out with a small box with sliver format.

"Oh shoot! What is it a bracelet?" Darren says as Justin gives him the box.

"Find out!" Justin smiles as he waits for Dar bear to open the box.

Darren look at Justin before opening the small silver box. He opens it to see a white silky, shiny chain and at the bottom of the chain there was a half circle that had his initial. 'D' he smiled as he carefully took it out the box .

Darren smiles as he looks at Justin who also had a necklace with his (Justin's) initials on it. 'J'. "Aw Justin."

Justin smiled, "Do u like it!"

"Bab— I mean ofc I do, thanks man!" Darren said as he hugged Justin.

Feeling Justin's warmth between his frost amazing, he felt safe with him . He wanted to hug to last forever.

Darrens pov:

I could feel just warmth onto mines, it felt awesome. At this point I was on cloud 9 and just by feeling Justin's warm hands over my shoulders as we hugged passionately.

As we were hugging someone knock on the door. Unfortunately interrupting our hug. I got a little mad as Justin went up to open the door and to my horror. There he was the guy who stole my heart. As my heart jumps onto him and hugs him . Right in-front of me.

It was nick.

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