26. ‼️‼️

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⚠️TW: Gore & drug abuse actions situations!!

Harm on a member will be shown on this story, remember all of this is fiction and is obviously not real.

All the members are healthy and are doing well irl!

Weapons will be involved.

"Justin...why are your eyes red." Ryan was shocked at the sight, now realizing the condition Justin was actually in.

"Justin what the fuck did they do?! D-did someone fucking drudged you?!" Feeling frustrated he immediately pulled out his phone to warn the other members.


"Oliver, Oliver!"

"What?! Did something happened?!
You okay?"

"No oliver! Justin- I found out he must've been drugged!"

"What makes you say that?!"

"Dude! His eyes are blood shot red! Just hurry up!"

"Shit, okay we will be there!!"

"Okay. Pls hurry."

Call ended.

"Guys, I just got a call from Ryan. He thinks Justin was drugged! We need to get going." Oliver said, the other members were just as confused but knowing the problem they're in they wouldn't dare to deny the possible chances of Justin being drugged.

"But what about Darren?!" Kane questioned. "Shit your right, Uhm Regie - Kane! You guys keep looking." Oliver said grabbing Sebastian and heading off to find Ryan. Regie & Kane looked at each other and nodded, now going off to continue their search for Darren.

"Ryan! There you are." Sebastian said, picking up the paste to get their faster.
"Let me see Justin's condition." Oliver gently gripped onto Justin's chin and took a closer look, to their prediction Justin was indeed on high substance. All three looked at each other in disbelief and disgust. "How could someone do something like this, I don't get it." Shouted Oliver you could here the angry in his tone.

"Hey! Don't yell my ears hurt." The sloppy boy pouted, falling asleep on Sebastian's lap. Seb froze, he didn't want to wake the sleepy kitten up so he stood there.

"Shit." A reduce voice came out, then a sudden bang came from across the hall. The three boys looked at each other and immediately got up, loosing this chance to find Darren was too biddy. At any sound they would hear will be investigated. Obviously only two got the chance to stand while the other had a sleeping beauty in their hands.

"We will be right back." Spoke Oliver, "mhm" all Sebastian could mutter back. Walking towards the sound Ryan flashed his light and finds a basement?!
Bingo they had a feeling they were getting close. "I'll text the others." Oliver whispered and pulled out his phone, "alright."

Oliver's P.O.V

Pulling out my phone i quickly dialed Regies number, god don't ask why. I immediately held the phone to my ear impatiently waiting for him to answer.
"Come on, come on." I tapped my feet then he finally answered,


"Regie! Get kane and make your way here as fast as possible!"

"Did you guys find him?!"

"N-no but I think we are gonna! We found a basement, we think Darren could be there!"

"We are on our way!"

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