Side chapter 2 -17+

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Knocking on the door, Sebastian yelled, "Kane!! I gotta pee! You have me doing the pee dance right now waiting for you!" Sebastian whined.
Kane finally came out, giving Sebastian a death glare. "You're such a baby for your age," he said. Sebastian glared at him before rushing into the bathroom, making Kane chuckle.

Ryan came by just as Kane was walking away from the bathroom. "Hey Kane, have you seen Sebastian by any chance?" Ryan asked, curiosity evident in his voice.
Without thinking, Kane acknowledged the question and said, "Oh, he's in the bathroom." Ryan nodded, a look of relief and mischief crossing his face as he thanked Kane and waited nearby for Sebastian to come out.

Kane left, and Ryan was waiting at the door, but he got a little too bored—or in better words, impatient. So, he went inside the bathroom.

The others were still outside. "Hey! Darren, where's Justin?" Oliver called out from afar, as he was hugging up with Regie. Darren looked at Oliver and shrugged. "Dunno, but let me go check," Darren said before jogging inside the house.

Darren stepped inside the house and couldn't help but smile when he saw Justin playing with the cat. He quietly approached Justin and, in a playful move, wrapped his hands around Justin's shoulders, startling him. "Hey beautiful," Darren said, his tone a mix of teasing and genuine compliment. Justin looked up, slightly surprised, but couldn't help but smile at Darren's playful greeting.

"Don't startle me like that!" Justin exclaimed, turning around and letting his arms hang from Darren's shoulders. Darren pulled Justin closer by the waist and rested his head on Justin's shoulder, breathing heavily. "I love you, Justin," he whispered.

Justin smiled, but then let out a surprise gasp once he was lifted up into Darren's arms. "Darren!" Justin exclaimed, Darren smiles, "Hey, don't be yelling 'Darren' once we're settled in bed." Darren smirked. Justin widen his eyes as Darren took the both of them into a room.


Ha....              Hmp.....           ha..

Sebryan were in the bathroom making out, Sebastian was the one breathless and making all those noises.

Sebastian was on the counter, Ryan couldn't carry Seb but he did walked forward until Sebastian had no choice but to sit himself on the counter. Ryan roamed his hands down Sebastian's torso and down to his thighs. Making Sebastian's breathes quicken.

The window was catching some of the breathes and was fogging up a bit, that was caused by Ryan's breathing as he was nibbling and planting kisses on Sebastian's neck. Sebastian's hands had a firm grip on Ryan's shoulder that he kept tightening each time Ryan bit his neck.

Ryan soon pulled away, "What's wrong? Why are you so shaky." He asked, his voice tone concerned as he placed his hand on Sebastian's thigh.

Sebastian breathes heavily, "Yeah-no I'm fine. Just a bit sensitive ha.."
Ryan smiled and continued on.

To be continued.

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