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Authors P.O.V
As Ryan was walking around the pool he immediately gets startled by a arm wrap around his neck, making the pressure on his head go down. "Wtf-"
He cuts himself off, realizing it was just Justin. Fooling around as u can say.

"Jesus justin! What's gotten into you." Ryan said before quipping, "Why so hyper all of a sudden?" He ask.

"I'm just boredddd! Come let's go have fun! Instead of you being all boring in a dam floaty!" Justin says, dragging Ryan into some fun area that have ppl playing games.

Justin pulls Ryan to one of the games which was a large set of connect four.

"Your red and I'll be yellow." Justin claimed, Ryan nodded. "This seems so dumb." He dramatically changed his tone.

"Dude come on! Just have a lil fun in you~!" Justin begged and Ryan rolled his eyes, Ryan then hummed a chuckle and playfully shakes his head.

Ryan then bends down and grabs some of his color that was formed in a soft circular shape from the ground. Justin did the same with his color.

They started playing the game as they laughed, complained & cheered.

Round 1: Ryan won and Justin threw his piece at him.

Round 2: Ryan won again, Justin:😭

Round 3: Justin finally made a spin back, Ryan:😒

Round 4: Ryan spins back and won😭

After a few more rounds Justin finally gave up having defeated in big bright letters all around him. As for Ryan he was smiling brightly knowing he won.

They both get interrupted by a big squeal sound that sounded like it came from a microphone. The two boys look and say Leena on a stage holding a microphone.

They both look at each other and giggle as they walk towards the crowd that was already in front of the stage.

They were joined by their group mates. Leena then taps the mic twice before clearing her throat.

"Thank you all for coming to this awesome pool party! It means a lot! Shall we ease a toast?!" She heads up a fancy whine cup as everyone follows her actions.

Everyone cheers as the DJ starts to blast music & everyone starts to dance to the rhythm. Ryan wonders his eyes and it ends up being on Seb, he smiles and goes to Seb.

"Seb? Do u wanna dance ?" Ryan ask.

"I-I uh-" Seb starts to panic, not expecting Ryan to even go up to him, let alone ask that.

Ryan rolled his eyes as he drags Seb to the crowd. The two started laughing and dancing as the music beats were hitting their ears making them vibrate.

Meanwhile Regie and Justin being the drunkest.

Justin stables himself on a wall as he tries to flirt with some person around the corner, "Hey cutie—You look very lonely~" he said and the person just looked at him confused.

"Excuse me?" The person said.

"Ya heard me! Don't be a dumbass ~!" Justin drunkenly snapped at the person.

"Who tf are u talking to like that?!" The person said obviously pissed off at what justin said.

"You! Who else ." Justin snapped back.

Darren's P.O.V

Everyone's loud cheering and screaming had me going crazy, I could feel the vibrations in my ears buzzing as the beat to the music from the incredibly loud speakers filled. Everyone where I looked there was either couples making out or grinding on each other to the music. Gosh...if only I was doing that with Justin.

Speaking of Justin, where is that kid? I thought to myself as I started scanning the place real hard. I then noticed a short, blonde hair man hanging against the wall talking to some random guy. Sigh it looks like he's drunk I mumble to myself. I notice that the guys face expression changed from confusion to offensive. I knew something was wrong and immediately rushed over there.

"Hey Uhm, Sorry about my friend here." I say, as I carefully grab onto Justin's waist & he gripping onto my shoulder.

Justin looked at me with a cute,
Confused whiny look that made my heart flutter like crazy. The guy just looked at him then me in confusion but then left right after.

"God Justin. I told you not to drink so much, y'know how bad it can get." I say & he rolled his eyes.

"It wasn't—that much~!!" He said, gripping harder onto my shoulder as he tried to keep balance.

(A/N📝 well that doesn't salve his case.)

Feeling Justin's warmth against my shoulder felt nice..., his hair smelled like marshmallows and his lips looked to plumped. Gosh he looked so adorable.

"D-Darry ~! You smell good." He suddenly said.

I slightly blushed, not expecting to hear Justin say that. "Oh? Well thanks ig-?"
I say, trying to act normal.

<<Play format>>
-it's 1:04-

Darren: "Alright dude, that's enough for today."

Justin: "B-but Darry!"

Darren: "No buts kitten, the more drinks the more— weird your behavior would be. Especially towards others."

Justin: "F-fine, can u carry me-?"

Darren: "Fine, come here."

Darren lowers himself as Justin throws himself onto his back. Darren then lifts back up as he grips onto Justin's legs & Justin wraps his hands around Darren's neck lazily.

Ryan: "Is he k.o?"

Darren: "Uhm well no, but he's gonna end up being if he keeps drinking."

Ryan: "Looks like it's too late for that."

Darren looks at Ryan confusingly but then realizes what Ryan meant. Darren slowly takes a slight side eye behind him, andd yep..Justin is indeed K.O.

Darren: "Shit, we'll ima take him home ."

Ryan: "Would you like me to come?"

Darren: "No no it's fine, I'll just take him home."

Ryan: "Oh alright. Well good luck with that kid."

Darren: "What do u mean-?"

Ryan: "Nothing! Just go dude."

Darren: "Oh~kay?"

Regie: "Yoo! Is k-kitty okay~?"

Ryan: "And now I have to deal with drunk Regie. Great."

Regie: "Aye cuh-! F-fuck you."

Ryan: "Fuck u too."

Oliver: "There you are. Jesus bro."

Regie: "W-what!"

Oliver: "Why is Justin on your back K.o?"

Darren: "As u can guess, he was drunk and pass out."

Oliver: "Oh boi, wait are you gonna take him home?"

Darren: "Yeah, IK he can't handled that much ."

Oliver: "Ahhh okay! Well good luck."

Darren: "Why does everyone keep sayin that?!"

Ryan and Oliver giggle.

Ryan: "just— Take him home already bru!"

Darren: "Ok- okay!"

Darren pushes Justin up a little more, getting a better grip as he then leaves to the car to take the drunk kitty home.

IK it's short💀💀💀

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