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Sebastian grabs his camera from his desk and puts it in the stand preparing for the video.Sebastian sat down on the bed with the lighting in good position as Darren finally enters the room looking all droopy.

Sebastian notices Darren's weird behavior and decided to investigate a lil, "Hey Dar? You alright."

Darren looked at him and clears his throat trying to act clueless, "yeah? Why you ask."

Sebastian doesn't believe him but let's it slide not wanting to make him uncomfortable or anything else.Sebastian simply just nods as he stands up and gets water before they start the video.

Soon after Kane suddenly appears and questions what video they were filming.

"Hey guys, what video is this?" Kane ask sitting on the right side of the bed .

"Oh I actually don't know myself, it's for Sebastian new yt video." Darren says as Sebastian comes back with a water bottle.

"Oh Kane! Do u wanna make a video with us?" Sebastian ask putting his water bottle on the floor near the beds legs.

"Uh sure why not." Kane agreed as the three boys all sit down in front of the camera.

Sebastian then quickly goes up to the camera and puts a time limit so they would have enough time to fix their positions.As the timer finally counts down to 1 Sebastian starts his intro.

"Hey stars! Sense we didn't have the time to keep you guys updated due to our busy schedules! I decided I had something planned for us." Sebastian claps his hands in the process of doing the intro, just lien any typical intro.

Darrens POV:

As sebastian was explaining what would we be doing for his yt video I felt my self zoning out, I don't know what came over me but I lost track and could feel my vision getting blurry, ears ringing, head throbbing and the next thing I knew felt my self getting lighter as I I can see myself laying down and then.saw black.

"Darren?! Darren!"

"Wake up!"

"Is he alright?"

I could hear the faint mumbling of some familiar voices from each direction. I could still hear the loud ringing from my ears as the blackness that I was seeing was slowly fading away. My vision was still blurry but I could make out some people hovering over me, then it hit me. "They were my members? And why was I on the ground?" I countered to myself as I can feel something going under my back and lifting me up a slight bit, i then felt a warmth of touch in my forehead making me feel more relaxed..

I then slowly opened my eyes with the blurriness fading away as the vision became clear.I saw -"J-Justin?" .
He was holding me in his warm arms as the other member where pasting around the room or kneeling down around me.I then look back at justin as I saw him put his hand on my forehead I guess trying to check how hot I was.

"Your gonna be okay." I hear him say, comforting me.

I then try to get up as the other members watch out for me making sure I don't fall or smth. I then look at Justin and made eye contact for about 1min before I realized that Nick was there and he was watching, I quickly looked away from Justin's glazing eyes.I then see from the corner of my eyes Nick was intimidating staring me down, He looked disgusted and annoyed. I try to ignore it as I quickly stood up in a lazy manner holding onto Justin's shoulder, Justin then grabs my arm and swings it over his neck, helping me walk and keep balance.

"You okay Darren?!-" Justin ask me, looking at me with pure curiosity/ confusion.

"I'm good, just lightheaded." I say trying to reassure him as Nick quickly came up to us.

"You pass out, you good." He said to me but I can tell that he wasn't worried, but was only here because of Justin.

I could see Nick moving slightly closer to Justin which made my blood boil but I ignored it considering I couldn't do anything anyways.Oliver offers to help as he gently takes me away from Justin which made me even more piss and it wasn't because of Oliver
, but because Nick was still with Justin. Oliver gently walks me up the stairs and into my bedroom, he places me on the bed and leaves a water bottle next to me.

I then feel pressure from the bed moving down because of body weight, Oliver sat in front of me as I sat up to respond better to whatever he was gonna say, "Darren, Are you alright? How did u pass out all of a sudden."

I simply sigh as I try my best to remember, "I-I really don't know Oli."

Oliver sighed as he wonder this eyes around the room then back at me, "Alright just be careful."

I nodded as he patted my legs before leaving the room and turning offthe lights. I couldn't remember what happened and how, I tried to brush all the hard countering/thinking I was still doing and layed down on the soft mattress.

As I was about to close my eyes I could hear the door squeak open and the sound of footsteps coming towards me, once I felt their presences near me I quickly reacted and turned around, grabbing the the wrist of the person.

"Ah! It's just me-!"

I looked up and completely regretted what u did, it was Justin..
I quickly let go of his wrist and cleared my throat.

"S-sorry, just stressed out." I say being completely embarrassed.

"Oh Uhm it's fine, so how you feeling?" Justin say's sitting next to me, making me blush.

"I-I Uhm, I'm doing alright, thanks."

"I don't believe you. Here let me check." Justin says then suddenly puts his hand on my forehead.I was completely taken aback as I could feel myself blushing.

As Justin was feeling my forehead I couldn't help but look at him with completely'awe', as I was in the mits of staring he wonder his eyes onto mines making my heart skip a beat. But me being a total weirdo I didn't look away. I was so caught up in the moment when our eyes met that I didn't want to look away.
We where looking at each other for about 4mins until he was the first one to back down.

Justin blinks multiple times as he clears his throat, quickly removing his hands from Darren's forehead, "uhm yeah, I'll be right back."

Darren closes his eyes knowing that once again he screwed up again.

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