Side chapter. 1

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"Hey!" Justin yelled as he was splashed by water. Ryan laughed and said, "What, get in, bro!" He splashed more water at him.
Suddenly a bigger splash was formed as Regie popped his head out from the water.

Ryan was complaining that he got his hair wet by Regie. "Regie, bro! What the fuck? Now I got my hair wet," he exclaimed. Regie gave him a look that said, "Are you serious?" and replied, "Mf, what?! Your already in."

"And so?" Ryan scoffed and Regie rolled his eyes, splashing Ryan. And that's when the punching Ryan came out as he grabbed onto Regie and started having a kitty fight.

Justin just shrugged, used to Ryan typical behavior. As Kane walked by, engrossed in his phone, Justin grabbed his shoulder and playfully pulled him back.

"Kane! Dude, you're always on your phone, bruh," Justin teased. Kane complained, "Aye bro, I'm trying to beat this specific game! It's so damn hard." Justin laughed and said, "Join the others, bozo." Just then, Darren joined in, sneaking up behind Justin and resting his chin on Justin's shoulder.

"Oh boy Kane, you've gotta stop being such a buzzkill," Darren exclaimed, playfully burying his face into Justin's neck.

Kane couldn't help but protest, "Seriously? Is it 'Gang Up on Kane' day or something?!" Justin and Darren contained their laughter.

Kane left still complaining, Justin then turned around to face Darren, immediately locking his lips with his. But it was cut short by Seb, "Wachu doinggg." He said looking innocent.

"Jesus Seb," Justin exclaimed, clearly taken aback by Seb's sudden interruption.

Darren, on the other hand, looked visibly annoyed, giving Seb a look that seemed to say, 'Can you not?' Seb, being his usual mischievous self, responded with a playful pop noise from his mouth before innocently asking, "So, when's the food gonna be ready?" With that smile, 'the cute one.'

"Justin and I have no clue, so if you could kindly scoot out of here," Darren said, motioning with his hand to shoo Seb away.

Seb pouted and protested, "Don't shoo me!" Justin couldn't help but laugh. "I'll just ask Oliver," Justin said, heading over to Oliver.
This left Darren and Seb standing there. Darren complained, "See what you did? He's not in my arms anymore." Seb scoffed and replied, "Stop being sentimental."

"You wanna talk about being sentimental? Let's talk about you and Ryan," Darren said, crossing his arms with a mischievous grin.

Seb choked on air, caught off guard by Darren's comment. "Shut up, bro," Seb replied, his tone revealing his flustered state. Darren couldn't help but laugh. "Ah, see? That's what I thought," he said, teasingly.

"Yo Oliver, Seb wants to know when the foods ready." Justin went up to Oliver who was talking with a female friend. "Almost, tell the baby to wait a few more." Justin laughed at the comment.

Justin looked over at Reggie who was looking at their direction. But Justin knew Reggie was looking at Oliver and his female friend.

"Hey Oli," Justin exclaimed, hitting Oliver who was nowclutching his chest in pain. "Ow, what happened?" Justin glanced at Regie, then turned his attention back to Oliver. In that moment, Oliver noticed that Reggie seemed to be feeling jealous.

Justin smirked, and walked away. Oliver sighed, "Hey jaz, I'll be right back." He said, "Okay." She said with a smile, continuing to help with the food. "What a bunch of gays." She exclaimed.

Reggie was drying his hair when he felt a pair of hands collide with his, to help the drying. Reggie turned around and saw Oliver smirking. "I can dry myself." Regie exclaimed.

"Why won't you let me help?" Oliver chuckled, placing his chin on Reggie's shoulder, wrapping one of his arms around Reggie's torso. The other hand went right under Reggie's chin, facing him face to face directly.

"Stop Oli." Reggie muffled. Oliver hummed a protest. "Reggie." Oliver turned Reggie around. "Were you jealous?" He added smirking once he saw the flustered expression appear on Reggie's face.



"How so?"

"Because I know you dear."


Oliver chuckled and kissed Reggie, Reggie caught off guard kissed back. "You didn't have to do that.." He said wiping his lips. Oliver noticed, kissing Reggie again, long enough for the both of them to run out of breathe...nah just Reggie.

"Oliver.! Stop."

"Don't wipe your lips then."

The two love birds got splashed, it was Ryan. "Get a room you gays!" He yelled, laughing. Reggie frowned and immediately jumped in, "Oh shit." Ryan immediately swam away, Reggie chasing behind.

Leaving Oliver to admire the chaotic scene, chuckling as he only watched Reggie.


I know y'all want some Jarren and sebryan, Dw. It'll come soon.

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