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[Author pov]

During the car ride Darren noticed that Justin was slowly falling asleep , knowing that justin would tilted his head he carefully slide to Justins side letting Justin's head land on his shoulder.Once Justin's soft hair hit his shoulder he could feel butterflies around his stomach, his face was hot, his ears were hot, he just couldn't stop blushing.

Darren then took the small chance and carefully !but! smoothly wrap his hands around justin waist, pulling him closer so he could get comfortable.

They soon got home meaning that Darren's lil moment has to end.He carefully pulled away from Justin and slowly tap his shoulder trying to wake the sleepy kitty up.He then heard Justin's small groans and mumbles as he slowly gets up and scratches his head.

"Wake up sleepy head." Darren teases as Justin just gives him a death glare.

"Fuck—you" Justin mumbles in a raspy but tired voice.

Darren chuckles as he grabs the bags from Justin and brings them inside for him, making the kitten form a lil smile.

Play format.

Seb: "Yoooo! Y'all finally back."

Ryan: "Oh please, it wasn't even that long."

Darren: "But anyways we got some more things for the house if anything."

Oliver: "Sounds good, u can place them on the table."

Darren: "mhm."

Justin: "I'm gonna go to bed, I'm pretty tired."

Kane: "but it's like 3:00 in the morning!"

Justin: "so?"

Darren: "you can sleep anytime of the day, Justin go to sleep ."

Justin: "mhm."

Kane: "bitter much? "

Darren: "Shut your ass up and help me place the food where it needs to go."

Kane: "Mhmmm."

Regie: "Broo, I just got a dam on instagram."

Oliver: "what? By who and when-?"

Regie: "sense now bru."

Seb: "who is it?"

Regie: "some girl named Leena."

Oliver: "Well did you message her back?"

Regie: "no but I'm gonna."

Oliver: "oh okay."

Kane: "ooo Regie finally gets a girl?"

Regie: "Dude shut up."

Kane: "chill bru!"

Ty: "Oh boi, we'll as long if you two get along then have fun."

Regie: "why is everyone acting like I'm gonna automatically be into her."

Darren: "Hey who knows."

Regie: "Whatever bro."

All the member laugh as Regie goes to answer her Dm, Oliver could only just stand there was all the members start teasing the nonchalant man about getting a gf which made his blood boil, but like said before he could only just stand there.

Ryan: "well? What u say?"

Regie: "I said 'Hi how are you.'"

Ryan: "Bro got the L rizz."

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