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"I don't know... so I told him to prove himself to me.." Justin muttered.

"It's okay, as long as your okay with it, but I know that Darren would do anything to prove himself justin."

"You really think so?"

"Yes, trust me."

"Alright..Imma go now." Justin said, still not sure or not about the whole proving self.

Once Justin left the room Oliver immediately ran out the room, dashing down the stairs.

Oliver skipped a step and trip down the stairs, He gasped before almost hitting the ground. But Oliver felt something warm behind him like holding onto him. He thought to himself 'why didn't he fall?' Oliver slowly opens his eyes and sees chocolate brown owns staring back into his.

He felt his heart bouncing repeatedly as the person had a concerned look.

"You okay? U lucky I was here you clumsy idiot." He said and Oliver just blushed.

"Y-Yeah sorry Regie.." Oliver said, putting his two hands on his face.

"Why you covering your face? Is there something wrong?" He ask, trying to get oliver to uncover his face.

"N-no there's nothing wrong! I just need to talk to Darren-!" Oliver said, pushing Regie aside .

"Why do you need to talk with Darren? Is it something important?" Regie ask, he look confused and scratched the back of his head.

"Yes now BYE!" Oliver ran away from the confused Regie, he didn't even know where the dar bear was and was just running to get away.

After a bit of searching he found Darren getting into his car, "Hey Darren! Wait!"

Darren got out of the car, "yeah? Need something."

Oliver ran towards him and hugged him, "YOU CONFESSED!!"

Darren widened his eyes, "Y-yeah! And I'm trying to prove myself," his face now turning red.

"Omgg Darren!! I'm so proud of you! Are u gonna get him something now?"

"Actually yes, I was gonna get some food for him. Sense he's always hungry I decided to get his favorite." Darren said with a bright smile on his face.

"Awww, your definitely gonna win him man!" Oliver patted his shoulder.

"Maybe... I-I don't know." Darren weakened his voice a little softer.

"Cheer up man! Let's think positive." Oliver w the reassured him.

Darren lightly smiled by Oliver's enthusiastically words, "thank you Oli. But imma go now." Darren waves, getting back in his car.

"See you soon dar bear." Oliver tapped the car side twice before Daren back up the car and drove away.

Play format:

Regie: "You knew too?"

Oliver: "WHAT- you scared me-!"

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