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"Nick! What are you doing here? I thought you went to your grandmas?" Justin ask confused, obviously not expecting him.

"What? I can't see my beautiful kitten?" He teased as Justin uncomfortably smiled.

Darren's P.O.V

Once I heard Nick call Justin kitten I could feel my blood boil, no one rarely calls him kitten other then me and Regie. It made me mad to think that someone else takes the chance to call him that.

As my mind kept thinking about the name calling i could see a weird smile pop up on Justin face. It confused me "why did he smile like that?" "Did they have a argument?" I countered to myself.

I slightly made a uncomfortable eye contact with nick, it was kinda weird. He look disgusting about something but I didn't know what or why. And I'm pretty sure I couldn't care less. But at the same time it was kinda un Settling . Seeing him look at me with utter disgust made me give him a awkward look.

The awkward staring contest was cut short as he clears his throat and grabs Justin by the waist. Right in front of me. As he kept on flirting with Justin I decided it was enough for me. I quickly cleared my throat and got up, "Um I'll be going now, you two have your moment." I leave, shutting the door behind me.

I quickly walked down the stairs seeing char. I decided to hang out with her to ignore my feelings and to stop thinking about Justin. "Hey char! " I say , trying to hide the hurtness aching in my stomach.

"Oh hey Darren! Um what did Justin say to you?" Char ask, making Darren look down at his chest.

Darren smiles slightly as he holds the bottom of the necklace that was around his neck, " he gave me this." He lifts up the necklace, showing char.

"Aww, he's so cute." Char said as she examined the necklace.

"Yes he is cute, too cute for me to handle, but of course fucking Nick has to ruin everything, he gives him hickeys, gives him love and affection, gives him gifts, give him fucking-"

"Hey hey! Enough Darren. I get it you are obsessed but you need to move on. Find someone else! Please I don't want to see you hurt anymore." Char interrupted the clear stress Darren.

"Your right, I'm sorry . Maybe it would be better off if I-"

"GUYS GUYS!" They both get interrupted by Ryan speed running towards them.

"What-?!" Darren says as Ryan takes a deep breathe.

"Look! Nick is cheating on Justin!" Ryan pants as he slowly lifts up his phone. It showed Nick kissing another one , but instead of it being Justin it was a girl?!.

"Holy fuck!" Char says as she covers her mouth due to shock.

Darren could feel something in his stomach jumping around again, he felt piss off but at the same time relax. He wanted to beat the fuck out of nick but at the same time wanted to jump around in jolly knowing that he might have a chance.

Darren and looks at the two before all three of them dash up the stairs.


The three barge through the door, startling Justin as he was about to pick up some trash from the navy bed.

"Where's nick." Darren says, as u can hear the anger in his tone.

"What do you mean? He's just in the bathroom but he'll be out in a few. Why you guys need to talk to him?" Justin ask.

As soon as they heard that he was in the bathroom they immediately went to the bathroom and bang on the door.


"Yo what the fuck!" Nick says from the other side.

"Get the fuck out of there! You are no longer aloud in this house!" Ryan yells as he starts banging on the door.

"Wait what! Why ! Can y'all stop!" Justin intervened a he try to get them away from the door.

"Justin you don't understand." Char says , trying to push Justin away from the door.

"No no! What don't I understand! Please tell me what's going on." Justin says now confused and nervous.

All the other members rush in the room as they hear the screams and banging.

"Yo what the fuck! What the hell is going on!" Oliver questions.

"Hey, hey! Darren stop banging on the door!" Sebastian says as he immediately runs towards the bear and grabs him away from the door.

"What is going on?!" Kane said as everybody became more quite and chill.

Darren was breathing heavily as he look at the members, "Ryan— show them."

Everyone looks at Ryan confused as Ryan nods and takes out his phone, scrolling through something due to his hand movements.

He finds the picture as he shows everybody, unfortunately including Justin.

Justin's P.O.V

Ryan held up his phone to show the group a picture, once I fully examined the whole picture my heart drop. It drop farther then the end of the ocean.
I felt watery substance roll down my cheeks and underneath my chin. I was trembling like crazy. Everybody's eyes were on me, their eyes look upset and I could tell they felt the same way. It was nick in the picture, kissing another that was not me. I wanted to cry, I wanted to curl up in a ball and die.

Oh god please tell me this isn't real. I countered. I felt pressure on my right shoulder. I looked to my left to see Darren. He look at me with so much pity and awe. I gave up and started crying. Everyone immediately try to console me as I kept on raging with tears. Regie, Sebastian & Darren immediately went towards the door and started banging on it again as Ryan And oliver try to console me.

My hearing got more faint as I can hear everyone who was talking become faint as if they were walking far away from me. Then there was a ring coming from my ear as I can feel myself getting sweaty.

I immediately got out of Oliver's and Ryan's grip and sprinted out the door . I ran across the hall way and into my room where I slam the door behind me and flop on the bed, crying my eyes out.

Authors P.O.V

Regie and Darren barged into the bathroom but to find only a open curtain and a slide window.

They immediately go towards the window as they look down to see Nick making his way to his car.

Darren angrily punches the wall as the other members stand their in completely stress and confusion.

"There's no way he could jump off from the 2nd floor and now get hurt." Regie says.

"Your right, there's a chance he has a hurt knee. Gives us more chances to beating the fuck out of him." Darren agreed, breathing heavily.

"Hey! No. No beating up anyone! We need to give this situation a break considering we have a now crying justin in the fucking room who probably doesn't want to even talk about it." Sebastian intervened.

"Oh fuck! Justin!" Darren says as he tries to make it out to room but gets stop by Oliver.

"He needs his space, just let him do him." Oliver suggests as he slowly brings Darren to the bed. Sitting him down.

"Why would he do that to Justin! We need revenge." Ryan says, clenching his fist.

"I don't know but some people are just clout seekers." Sebastian

" I just hope Justin is doing okay.."
Kane worried.

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