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Focus chapter
Main lead Sebryan
Half lead Oliegie

Trim P.O.V

The members finally arrived home and carefully made their ways inside to house to grab their belongings.

Regie noticed the window was still shattered and had to eventually do something about it.

"Um guy, what are we gonna do about the window." He asked and everyone looked at the window, clueless.

"Uhh, maybe we should grab a couch?" Kane suggested.

"What do you mean by couch." Ryan interrupted, lowering his eyebrows.

"Dude how slow can you be, raising the couch and blocking the window." Kane explained, using his hand jesters to explain better.

They all agreed and started to lift the couch, knowing it was their only plan they had no choice. The boys finally lifted the couch up and carefully placed it in-front of the shattered glass, covering it.

"Jesus that shit was heavy, well I guess it worked." Oliver said, taking exhausting breathes.

"Alright let's get this going and hurry up, we don't want that nick guy coming back." Seb said, going upstairs.

Everyone agreed and started scattering to rooms searching for important belongings to bring, some snacks and others.

Oliver's P.O.V

As soon as I got my belongings I went to Darren's & Justin's shared room to grab theirs as-well. As he was looking everywhere and grabbing stuff i saw a blue journal under the pillow. I realized it was Darren's side due to the toasty on top of it, and took the journal.
And ofc it has Darren's name on the front cover.

I opened it and my heart flatter, and I smiled softly.

Pg 1

Everytime I catch a glimpse of you my heart immediately weakens, it's impossible for me to even handled it causing me to hide. My feelings for you always grow higher the more I see you.

I want to feel your lips on mine and last it forever, gosh your so beautiful. Your beautiful locks, plump lips, soft skin & slim body is everything to my liking.

Your natural beauty is what always stands out from you, the inside and outside. Every-time when you shine those teeth I feel like levitating. It's so contagious that it makes me smile brighter everyday.

Every movement you make I will always glance, it's impossible for me to keep my eyes off you when you are literally beautiful.


Entertaining Authors P.O.V

"I guess that was just page one." He said smiley softly.

Knowing this would probably mean a lot to Darbear I kept it and put it in my bag where the other belongings were in. I then get interrupted by two knocks but it sounded like wood knocks instead of medal, so it was from the wall.

I quickly turned around and saw Regie leaning against the door. Once I saw him he gave a sarcastic scared face.

"What you doing sitting bruh, we gotta hurry up and get out of here." He said walking into the room.

"Oh uhm, just thinking about something but it's really nothing important." Oli explained, getting up quickly.

"Oh ok, we'll I've been thinking about something's too and I just wanna say-"

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