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"Nah- don't start with your bullshit, your just trying to save yourself." Nick snickers and Leena looks at him doubtfully.

Kane pulled Regie aside and whispered, "Regie if she was forced why didn't she help us when she was the only one chasing us?" Regie looked at Kane with a poker face, if it was true why wouldn't she help, that question kept circling around his head. He looked at Kane and nodded.

"Sorry Leena but we don't believe you." Regie claimed and she looked dumbfounded. "Are you serious why! He really did force me..!" She kept on pleading which made the rest of the members dumbfounded, "So we lying now~?" Nick snickers at her with a devilish smirk.

Soon later the sound of police sirens were heard from the distance, meaning they were here. Two members go outside to discuss with the cops as the rest stay. Soon Leena and nick were against the cop cars as they were being hand cuffed.

The members all sighed in exhaustion and relief that the situation was over, all they had to do was take Darren to the hospital which was still very difficult.

Couple hours pass and Darren was in a hospital bed getting treatment for his wounds, the members weren't aloud to be in there so they went home. One thing is that Justin also needed some treatment sense one of the doctors noticed that Justin's condition was gonna get worse if they didn't do something, so they left them there to be treated.

"Ah shit-!" Darren hissed as the nurse slightly touched his scar with a cotton ball, "Sorry but this will help." The nurse calmly insured him as she placed it down, getting a bandaged instead.

Soon the nurse left to give him some time alone, she had to deal with some other patients as well. Darren just emotionally looked around the room, sighing as he sat back at the end of the bed. Then he remembered that Justin was in the room from across the hall which made him immediately feel awful. He felt bad about this whole situation and wanted to comfort him, so he waited until it was noon.


Darren didn't hear the clicking of heals nor the sounds of shoes echoing through the halls so he took the chance and got up, of course with a few struggles. After some weak limbs he was at the front door looking out in the halls to make sure his surroundings were clear, then going across the hall quickly entering the room and shutting the door behind him, soon to be met with puffy eyes looking back at him. The guilt he felt became worse as he looked at Justin who looked like he's been crying.

"Justin..?" Darren softly said, slowly walking over to Justin. Once he put his hand on Justin's shoulder, he looked at him. "Darren..?" He said not expecting to see him there. Darren just smiled and rubbed Justin's shoulder, but Justin didn't look pleased.

"Leave darren..." suddenly Darren's smiled faded once he heard those words, "What? Why are you serious?" Darren was completely flabbergasted.
"Darren I want time to myself." Justin said with a stern manner. "But I waited all day to be here..Justin pleas-" "no, it's your fault this happened! If you didn't like me then maybe this wouldn't happen." Justin suddenly blurred out, "W-what?! Are you kidding me. So it's my fault I caught feelings for you? Even if I didn't he still cheated on you and you think it's because of me?!" Darren was astonished by Justin's response and was irritated aswelll. Justin realized what he said but couldn't change that fact that he did, when Darren is mad it will take forever for him to forgive.

Darren stared at Justin waiting for a response, still pissed off but soon stared to feel soft again. "Justin...talk to me.." Darren trying to talk to Justin but he wasn't bugging. All Justin did was stare at him, making Darren nervous. He didn't know if he could get a word out of him, "Justin..please-" "stop Darren. Can u just f-fucking leave." Darren was shocked at what he heard, especially from Justin. He felt hurt and slowly got up, going to the door.

"W-wait." Justin said and went up to Darren, before Darren could say anything he felt arms around his waist, looking down to see Justin. His sadness replaced with happiness as he hugged Justin back, "Justin look at me." He said and Justin slowly looked up at him, tears running down.

"I'm sorry...! It's not your fault but mines-! I-I didn't mean what I said-!" Justin's voice was getting weaker as he kept on talking, "Hey, hey it's okay. You were just mad and I can't blame you...but what you said about my feelings towards you hurt me." Darren sounded upset and looked at justin with disappointment. "I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean anything. I'm sorry for bringing up your feelings i-it wasn't my true intentions to make you feel hurt! I liked you Darren, your feelings towards me means everything." Justin said almost tearing which made Darren soften up, "You like me~" Darren softly teased before cupping Justin's soft cheeks.

Knowing that Darren forgave him justin smiled before being the first one to lean in and kiss him. The kiss lasted a couple of passionate minutes before they pulled away. "It's okay, your okay." He said and as he held Justin close. Justin started to giggle but then his giggles soon faded away once he noticed his condition, "Darren! O-oh my god what the fuck happened, does it hurt, is it healing?" Justin said in a panic as he looked around Darren's arms and head. Darren just chuckled at Justin's panic expression, he found it cute. "Don't worry about it." Darren try to insure him but Justin didn't seemed pleased, "No Darren this isn't okay! Wtf did they do to you?!" Justin looked at Darren with disbelief, "Justin. They're in jail & I'm fine." Darren said softly holding onto Justin's wrist as he held it up against his chest. Justin sighs and rested his head on Darren's chest.

"We should probably head to bed, plus you leave tomorrow." Darren said, "Wait just me?" Justin was confused one what Darren meant. "Listen some of my wounds are really bad so I'm gonna have to stay for a few days..maybe even longer." Darren said, he was upset that he had to stay there and didn't have anyone to talk to, and to not be able to be with Justin had him in disappointment. Justin looked confused and upset by this news, immediately throwing himself on Darren and giving him a hug not wanting to let go.

"Come on now, you need sleep." He said as he started walking Justin to the bed who was still upset about the days Darren would be in the hospital. Soon justin gave in and tucked himself in as Darren watched, "Darren why can't you sleep here with me. I want you with me..!" Justin complained and Darren chuckled. "My love we are in separate rooms, plus by the morning I will need to run some test, unfortunately." Darren sighed and softly caressed Justin's forehead. "Now go to bed, don't worry about me okay?" Darren said, Justin sigh & nodded the disappointment still noticed in his expression. Darren just smiled at Justin who looked annoyed, the smile was full of satisfaction because knowing that justin was annoyed that he couldn't be with him tomorrow.

Darren sat there for a second just looking at Justin who was slowly drifting off by the second. He gives one last soft chuckle before heading off back to his room...


Any thoughts??

If there's any grammar mistakes, please point them out so I can fix them!

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