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[Authors pov]

As Justin was talking with the other members and including his bf he could see Oliver coming back downstairs and followed by Darren.Oliver went back to the others but as for Darren he goes to the kitchen looking like he hasn't slept in days.
Justin felt worried and concerned as he saw Darren he was worried if he was sick or feeling down so se excuse himself from the rest to go chat with Darren.He then walks over to Darren who was already getting a drink from the fridge.

"Hey Uhm Dar? Are u feeling okay." Justin ask slowly going up to him.

"Yes." Darren simply answered but obviously Justin didn't believe him.

"Darren I know your not okay just talk to me-"

"What part of fine do u not understand?" Darren interrupted justin.

"Wha- oh, I'm sorry." Justin apologized as he look at Darren.

"Don't apologize if it isn't your fault." Darren said with a stern straight voice as he walks away with his drink and headed back upstairs.

"What...? M-maybe he just needs some space." Justin mumbles to himself by the way darren acted towards him.

Justin's pov:

I could feel something was really off, darren look like he hasn't slept in a couple days and his nose look so red aswell as his cheeks, it look like he was crying but I wanted to know why he's my friend and I'll do anything to make sure if he was okay...but I think he needs some space...

As I was countering I was interrupted by a pair of arms wrapping around my waist as I smiled knowing who it was.

"You okay?" I heard nick say as he kiss my neck.

"Mhm, just tired." I say as I turned around to face him.

"Oh okay, we'll unfortunately I have to go early because of some family issues." Nick say I as he gave me another quick peck.

"Oh it's totally fine !" I say as I hug him.

He then kiss me as he walk towards the door waving at me once again, as soon as he left all the members went towards me like fresh men girls having a girl talk with the popular girl about their crush.

"Y'all so cute omg!" Ryan said tugging my sweater as I blushed.

"Sooooo how's it been how's a been~" Regie teases as I blush even more.

"Ya! Shut up already." I quickly said as I could feel my face getting hot because of embarrassment.

As everyone was asking me questions I could spot Darren front the top of the stairs staring at me with a disappointed type look, I felt bad for some reason but I didn't know what was wrong with him so I just tried to Ignored it sense he was probably just upset about something, but something's telling me I needed to find out.

"Hey Oli? Can I talk to you for a minute?" I ask oli pulling him aside.

"Yeah?" Oliver ask me.

"Well is Darren doing okay? He looks very tired." I say seeing Oliver's face expression change.

"Yeah..He's just tired." I hear Oli say making me feel upset.

"Oh then I hope he feels okay.." I say as I smile and leave.

[Authors pov]

After Justin left Oliver could feel his heart breaking for Darren, he knew what was the real reason and had to lie to someone about it.It didn't feel good to lie but Oli had no choice he didn't want to betray Darren especially because he promised him he wouldn't tell anyone...As Oliver was countering Manger Ty comes in calling everyone to the living room with a bright smile on his face.

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