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Tysm everyone for supporting my stories, I'm so grateful that you guys enjoy my work because it takes times to think of ideas Yk!!

Onto the stores sorry lmao.

Seb: "God DAMIT! I don't know Leena. What do I do..."

Leena: "CONFESS!!"

Seb: "BUT HOW!"

Leena looks around to see if anyone was looking or eavesdropping.

Leena: "I have a plan. And your gonna have to follow it."

Seb: "Fine but what is it."

               <<At the house>>

Darren: "Alright that's it, yep just one more anddd!"

Darren was helping the drunk Justin to his bed, once he made it he flopped on the bed and Darren just sighed.

Darren: "Cmon let me tuck you in."

Justin: "I-I can do it myself!"

Darren: "I don't care, you are too drunk rn. You literally can't even talk without stuttering."

Justin pouted and Darren chuckled. He gently picked up Justin in a little bridal style and placed him in the right position. He gently patted the kittens head and shook his hair a little bit, making Justin put on a slight smile before getting more comfortable.

Darren's P.O.V

I was about to leave but stopped, I felt like I had to do something. I turned around and walked back to Justin who was already K.O, I slowly smiles at him and slowly leaned in. I carefully moved Justin's hair away and kissed his forehead. God it felt so needed.

Having my lips against Justin's soft skin felt like heaven, but I felt like I wanted more. After I leaned away from the kitten's forehead I glanced down at his pink,plum, peach lips.

I bit my lips wanting Justin's against mines so bad. I couldn't explain how desperate I felt and wanted to kiss him so bad but my brain kept on resisting telling me it was wrong & wasn't given the consent. It felt wrong but I couldn't help it.  I leaned In slowly and waited until I got closer to his lips, I thought about it for a second and shook my head.

I immediately leaned back and stood up, I know it was wrong so i didn't .. I then walked out the room, I know we share a room but I decided to sleep on the couch to give him some space.

<<Back at the party>>

Seb: "You sure this will work??"

Leena: "Ofc ! I'm a match maker trust me."

Seb: "Ok ok. When do we do this plan of yours."

Leena: "Tomorrow sounds good!"

Seb: "Oh okay, shit."

Leena: "Calm down Seb!"

Seb: "I-I'm just nervous, what if he regrets me!"

Leena: "Your overthinking needs to stop! Your a nice gentleman who wouldn't say yes?"

Seb: "Uhm Ryan?!"

Leena: "Oh boy Seb! Look it's gonna work just fine, all you gotta do is ask him to go to the park!"

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