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Justin looked back at her, "Yeah...he l-likes me...?"

"W-well what are your going to do? Are you gonna talk to him or-"

"No. I'm gonna tease him, it's karma for all the times he has done it." Justin looked at Leena and they both smirk.

The walk towards the two and acted completely normal. Like they didn't hear what they heard.

"We're here! And we got the drinks!" Leena said holding up the bags.

"Ah thank you!" Darren said taking a drink.

"Darren, can I sit next to you." Justin ask.

Darren widened his eyes and look at Regie. Regie gave him a wink as he made a head jester to say yes.

"I-I s-sure."

"Thanks!" Justin interrupted him, sitting down close to him.

Justin's P.O.V

I still couldn't believe what Darren said, my best friend from high school liked me... I was still confused because I never noticed anything to give clear signs. It didn't know how to feel about it.

But a ....hot, handsome...-g-guy! like him liking a stubborn guy like me?! There's no way. He's probably just joking around.. but the way he confessed to Regie made me believe otherwise. Wait why am I thinking about him! Tf is wrong with me.

I was filled with sm emotions that I didn't know which one to feel first. But at the same time I felt some sort of relieved, I couldn't put my head through it. But to please myself I wanted to tease him. I just felt like it needed to be done.

I some bow slide my hands onto Darren's thigh, I could see the nervousness in his eyes as he looks at me with a flustered look.


"Chilllll, it's only temporary." I say, laying my head on his shoulder smirking.

I wanted to be the big spoon to Darren sense he's always the one doing it to every other member. I wanted to make sure he knew what was coming from me.

Suddenly he ask me, "Justin. Are you tired?"

I nodded my head as he can feel the movement on his shoulder.

"Do u wanna go home?" He ask me.

I mumbled," Mhm."

"Uhm guys, imm take Justin home . He's tired."

"Okay," Regie said going back to his phone.

Leena just looked at me and nodded. I smirk back at her but then I suddenly got my feet taken off the ground and into Darren's arms. He carried me in a bridal style as I could feel myself getting flustered by it. But why? It's not like I like him or anything....

I guess he noticed how red I was and ask, "Why so blushy~?"

Shit, I thought to myself, "I-I what! Me flustered? N-never."

He look at me with a upset gaze and then put me in the car. I felt bad because knowing that he likes me he wouldn't like to hear me say that.

"You ready?" He ask me and I nod.

                  Back at home

I felt myself waking up to someone gently tapping my shoulder, telling me to get up. I mumble and groan as I could hear the person calmly chuckle. I gently opened my eyes and say Darren going around to the car to my door.

He open the car door and gently picks me up again, I got a little grumpy I wanted to be the one to carry him. But then again he is pretty strong, but oh..those big arms that could easily wrap around my waist..wait what am I thinking! I'm not one to be s-submissive-!

I couldn't take my eyes off of Darren's
Muscles, they were just so hot... I just couldn't stop. His cool tattoos on both arms, more on one & less on the other. Why was I even thinking about this. Tf is wrong with me.. why am I giving in.

I was to focus on his arms that i didn't notice we were already in my room.
He placed me on my bed and was about to leave. I quickly got up before he left and grabbed his wrist.


"Darren. I need to ask you something, and u need to be honest." I say, trying to be as serious as possible.

I could see the nervousness in his eyes, as I let go of his wrist.

"Darren.. I have heard that u Uhm.. had a crush on me. And I just wanted to know how long you have been having this crush." Once I said that his face looked pale. I could see his face turn redder than a tomato.

3rd Person P.O.V

"Justin... I-"


"Okay... uhm, I've been liking you Uhm ...sense high school...OKAY OKAY FNE, I've always fucking liked you, you are just so fucking cute and so sweat, everytime you smile I get so much fucking butterflies that I can't even explain, dude I like u not even, I Love you Like so fucking much it's unbelievable. During the whole time you were with that fucking Nick guy I was losing my mind, I wanted you all for me and just me. No one else. My brain really said just to 'fuck everyone else' and to just focus on giving u the love and affection u deserve. I would buy u gifts when not even needed, I'll treat u like a prince, I'll clean anything you would want me to, I'll always be by your side—There."

Justin was flabbergasted by what he was hearing. All that coming out his best friend's mouth felt so weird but lovely. Justin looked at him and walk close to him.

Darren was a blushing mess as he looked down at the short boy staring right back into his eyes.

"Darren, I want you to prove to me how much u really loved me." Justin said.

"I will do everything just to earn your respect." He said but he sounded serious, making Justin's skin quiver.

"I- w-whatever.." Justin said clearly flustered by Darren's quick response.

"I'll be going now, u get rest you don't want your beautiful eyes to be drenched ~" Darren said and left the room, leaving Justin fully red and dumbfounded.

Then suddenly Oliver walks in the room, "hey Ju- you alright?"

"Oliver!" Justin ran towards Oliver, startling him, "Darren likes me!"

Oliver was shocked, "Wait.. HE CONFESSED?!"

"What? Wait YOU KNEW?!"


"Dam you Oliver."

"Well? Do u like him back?" Oliver ask and Justin went quiet.

"I don't know... so I told him to prove himself to me.." Justin muttered.

"It's okay, as long as your okay with it, but I know that Darren would do anything to prove himself justin."

"You really think so?"

"Yes, trust me."

Would Darren be able to win Justin over?

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