25. ⁉️⁉️

763 21 18

⚠️TW: drug abuse behavior !!


"W-we are leaving!" Kanes yell echoed through the hall way, loud enough for the two love birds to start getting things ready.

"Talk to you later?" Ryan said. All Seb could do was just stand their awkwardly making Ryan chuckle at the scene.

"Y-yeah of course...!" Seb muttered and Ryan rolled his eyes & smiled.

He then left and ran downstairs, leaving Sebastian there — Dumbfounded.


"Alright guys, let's get these things in the moving truck and hurry up & go." Oliver said and everyone did as told.

After everyone was finishing putting things where they belong, they finally drove off back to Leenas. (Ofc they made sure to get Justin's & Darren's belongings.)

(A/N📝 Seating arrangement: Oliver  driver seat, Regie in passengers, Kane back- left window seat and sebryan together, Seb has the window.)

[Play Format]

Seb: "Do you guys think this will be over?"

Seb asked and everyone stayed quite, not knowing what to respond with.

Kane: "Well—Uhm we really don't know. We just gotta try our best to ignore him, or them."

Kane responded interrupting the silence.

Ryan: "W-wait what do you mean by 'them'??"

Regie: "Did you not see the video Leena showed us!  It showed him yelling at someone."

Oliver: "Why would he be yelling at someone?? I mean if there was really someone there wouldn't he been more quite."

Regie: "No no! Well he wasn't really 'yelling' he was whispering towards the bushes."

Oliver: "Ahh okay."

Seb: "I'm still questioning, why did he bring—'well theses other people' with him if he just wanted to apologize?"

Ryan: "Maybe that fucker was trying to do something else!"

Kane: "I agree with Ryan. If he just went to go do a simple apology why would he bring other ppl into it?? He was definitely planning on doing something."

Regie: "M-maybe kidnapping?"

Oliver: "No-no lets not go there, but now I'm thinking..."

Ryan: "Wait guys! Did any of y'all tell her abt him?"

Kane: "What you mean?"

Ryan: "Regie, did you tell her abt Justin having a ex?"

Regie: "Uhh no—wait."

Seb: "Holy fuck."

Oliver: "Wait, wait so your telling me none of you told her about nick!?— Then..how did she know?"

Everyone looked at each-other in unison, everyone was thinking about the same thing and were shock to their core.

Ryan: "Holy shit, OLIVER DRIVE."

Oliver: "ON IT."

Oliver presses the gas and picks up the pace, passing by other cars with the fast speed they were going.

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