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Darrens pov:

Me and Oliver were in the car trying to pipe down from the situation. I couldn't get over myself at this point I just couldn't stop panicking and over thinking. Knowing that I had to let it go I just couldn't there was just something else about Justin that made me..me and to think that someone else if giving him the love and affection makes me feel worse. I look to my left to see Oliver but he look a bit worried. So I checked on him, "Hey oli? I know this situation is about the nick things but, are you alright?"

"Yea I am-let's just focus on yours."

"No, I want to make sure your okay." I interrupted him.

"It's just—Regie okay? The more I'm with him the more nervous I get and it's unbearable! Not to mention we literally live in the same house AND ROOMIES!" Oliver blurred out in a panic mess.

"Hey hey! Don't worry to much we are dealing with the same situation.." I reassured.

"Yea,  yeah I now but how are we gonna live like this." Oliver said.

"I don't kno-"


We both got interrupted by a knock from the window. I look at my right to see it was Sebastian. I open the car door for him to get in and once I did he immediately got In and shut the door behind him. 

"Is there anything wrong?" I ask.

"No, it's just I'm kinda — having a panic attack.." he said as he sat next to me.

"What's up?" Oliver ask. I turned my head to him.

"Regie..He's hanging out with this girl and it look like they where flirting and stuff-"

"W-wait what-? What are you talking about ? and why u telling me about this?!" Oliver responded.

"Come one Oliver! You like him." Sebastian conceded. I turned my head at him.


"Dude you make it so obvious I don't even know how the others don't notice." I interrupted. I tuned my head to Oliver who was now glowing bright red.

"What ever, who is this girl?"

"It's the one that he has been dming on all insta." Sebastian then said.

"What really? Dam my man's could pull-" I stop and look at oli.

"Sorry heh-"

Oliver rolled his eyes and sigh before looking at Sebastian again, "How did they meet up?"

"I have no clue, but she's here now that's why I to  inform tell you."


Oliver puts his hands on my mouth to stop me from speaking, "What he means to say is that Uhm— I have a problem."

I rolled my eyes as I took his hands away from my mouth, "Oli, I don't mind telling him.."

"Oh well—go ahead." Oliver said totally surprise as Sebastian just look confused.

"Seb... the thing is. I actually have genuine feelings for Justin.." I slowly blur out feeling anxious.

"Wait are you being serious?"

"Yes.." I say nervous that he wasn't going to except me or anything, just some typical countering .

"I thought u liked Kane tbh." Sebastian randomly said as I almost let out a weirded-out gasp.

"W-what?! Absolutely not! It's just the ship edits." I immediately responded.

"That's unexpected, I would've expected Kane, but Justin? Well it makes sense." He then says.

"I've been liking him, before Nsb like during the ending of middle school." I say now turning bright red.

"Oh well I'm happy for you but.."

"Yes I know...Nick."

"Yep." He said, popping the P. As he started tapping his fingers on his lap.


They all got interrupted by blurry chattering coming from the outside , they couldn't hear clearly sense the windows were up. They then realized the photo shoot must've been over . Hinting them by the way everyone was chatting with drinks and their belongings.

The three boys realized this and get out the car to also get their belongings.

"Where were you guys?" Ryan ask.

"Oh we were just in the car, you know chatting." Oliver says as he gives off a clumsy smile.

"Oh okay,"

Play Format:

Seb: "Oh well okay, Uhm is it time to go?"

Ryan: "Yes it is, now go get your stuff before we head out."

Oliver: "Uhm hey Ry? If you happen to know where Regie is be a gentleman and tell me."

Ryan: "You don't gotta say it like that."

Darren: "He's just playing the dumb responsible leader."

Oliver: "Yeah yeah, but for real where is he?"

Ryan: "Hanging out with some girl , I think it's the same one he met on his dm."

Oliver: "Oh, thanks ."

Ryan: "Why ask?"

Oliver: "I need to make sure I know where everyone is at as a responsible leader."

Ryan; "Alright then, they're still in the studio."

Oliver: "Thanks."

Oliver thanks Ryan as he starts to head towards the studio, quickening up the paste a little bit as he does a lil run.
Oliver gets to the studio as he can start hearing some chatter and — Giggling coming from the opposite sex as his.

He peeks a little bit but not to~oo much. Just so they wouldn't be able to see him. He then focuses on their voices and trying to make out what they were talking about.

"Haha! Yes indeed." He heard Regie say as he laugh with the other

Oliver peek a little more to see how the girl looked. He saw a girl about Justin's height with black tied up hair, brownish sweater, pretty blue nails and a bunny like phone case held in her hands that she place in front of her.

He could feel his jealousy rising up as they kept on giggling with each other. One movement that cross the line for his jealousy was her putting her hand on his arm which drew it. Oliver immediately went over to them and cleared his throat.

"Uhm hey ! Regie we'll be leaving like about right now." I interrupted the both of them.

"Oh okay, oh Oliver meet Leena." Regie says as he looks at the girl.

"Nice to meet you! You must be Oliver right?" She says calmly as she puts her hands up for a shake.

"How you know my name haha." I ask

"Regie ! He told me all about you."

I thought to myself, he has Been talking about me? Which made me blush.

"Yes! This is my leader." Regie says putting his hands on his sides.

Once I heard the word leader I got a little sad that he referred me as a leader and not anything else. I felt like I wanted to curl up in a ball and roll myself out of there but no I didn't, I just stood there like a idiot.

"You okay?" I hear Regie say interrupting my countering and my thoughts.

"Yes I am. But anyways we need to get going so- bye!" I walk away in total embarrassment, feeling stupid .

I could feel their eyes looking at me as I walk out of the studio which made me clench my shoulders and shut my eyes . Feeling totally embarrassed.

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