
830 26 13

At the house
<<Play format >>

Regie: "Hey Leena!"

Leena: "Heyyy Regie!"

Regie: "What are you doing here ay?"

Leena: "So I'm gonna throw a big party at my place and I was wondering if you and your friends would like to come?!"

Regie: "Uh yeah sure why not."

Kane: "Sorry I was Eavesdropping but is there like any theme for it?"

Leena: "Oh yeah. It's like a summer theme , for this upcoming summer!"

Kane: "So it's a pool party?"

Leena: "Yes pretty much!"

Regie: "Sounds cool."

Kane; "What time?"

Leena: "Like around 5:06 AM."

Regie: "We'll be there!"

Leena: "Great! Oh hi Oliver!"

Leena waved at Oliver who was coming downstairs. Oliver smiled and waved back, going up to them.

Oliver: "Hey Leena."

Regie: "Hey Oli, She's inviting us to a big pool party ."

Oliver: "Oh really? Sounds fun."

Leena: "Great! Now I'll be going to y!know to prepare~!"

Leena winked and smiled as she headed out the door. The three boys said their goodbyes as they started getting ready.

Ryan: "Hey oli, Woah where you going?"

Oliver: "Actually all of us, we got invited to Leenas pool party."

Ryan: "Ooo, let me get Seb!"

Oliver: "Ok~"

Ryan: "Why u say it like that."

Oliver: "Don't worry about it. Just go."

Ryan: "Uhh okay."

Ryan gives Oliver a questionnaire face and leaves to go get Seb.

Ryan barges into Sebastian's room and immediately pulls the covers off of him. Showing sleepy Sebastian half away now.

Seb: "W-wha-"

Ryan: "GET UP."

Seb: "No."

Ryan: "GET TF UP! ITS ALMOST 5:00!"

Seb: "Yeah so?"

Ryan: "Ughh! We are going to Leenas house because she's throwing a pool party!"

Seb: "Really? Fine just hold on."

Ryan: "NOW HURRY!"

Seb: "U better wear a bikini ~."

Ryan: "Bitch tf?! HELL NO."

Seb: "Chill I was joking."

Ryan: "Imma call Justin."

Seb: "Well okay then don't do it in here you dumb ass, I'm changing."

Ryan: "Stfu it's not like I was gonna stay in here bro."

Seb: "you can~"

Ryan: "BRO- didn't u just say I couldn't."

Seb: "Do you?"

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