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Authors P.O.V

It was morning ooo and everyone was DRENCHED from all the Alcohol and partying that went on yesterday.

It was a very weird evening for the members, waking up and feeling pain in their stomachs they then scatter to the toilet. Well not all the members, Darren however was feeling pretty li good. He felt no pains or anything of that sort, he was up and running, not literal😛.

So most likely when a member needed help he would be there to help them. Especially Justin and regie, those two were all over the place.

Regie walks to the kitchen, grooming counters lazily. By doing that he was knocking down things that were on the counter, attracting Darren's attention.

"Regie! C'mon bru." Darren said immediately grabbing Regies wrist, preventing him from knocking anything else down.

"W-what cuh-" he muffled, slighting his eyes half open.

Darren tilted his head a lil and made a 'seriously' look, dragging the drenched guy away from the kitchen. "Cmon dude, go relax on the couch."

The bear said carefully sitting the drench nonchalant man down. As he put the man down he noticed Justin trying to open the fridge but instead layed against it tirelessly.

The bear looked back at the nonchalant man, "I'll be back. DONT get up!" He gave the demand and ran towards the also drenched kitten. Who was nearly half awake.

He slide against the floor with his soft socks and kneeled against the fridge. From the noise of the sliding Justin looked up at him, eyes barley opened.

He blinked lazily, "D-Darry, my head hurts." He muffled in a whiny voice.

"Mhm not surprised, do u need water?" He ask, looking at the fridge then back at Justin.

Justin nodded and carefully moved away from the fridge so Darren could open it. Darren grabbed a water bottle from the bottom right fridge and closed it right after.

He handed it over to Justin, leaning against the counter in-front of him.

"Uhm Justin." Darren said a little nervous to what he was about to say.

"Mhm," Justin softly muttered out. Lifting his head up to face Darren.

"Last night... you kissed me on the cheek and I just wanted to know if you were just drunk or-" Darren couldn't finish his own sentence due to embarrassment.

Justin look at him for a second in complete silence.

Darren became more anxious by the second Justin stayed silent, until he finally spoke. "I-it was intentionally.. It was just a thank you because you were so helpful with me and made sure I was okay." Justin slightly smiled.

Darren felt his heart beat rapidly as his feelings just got deeper. His heart glowed up once he saw Justin smile which made him uncontrollably smile. It was like his smile was contagious.

There tension staring contest was cut short once Regie yelled, "IM HUNGRY CUH~!" He whined.

Darren rolled his eyes and smiled at Justin before going to deal with the whiny nonchalant man. Justin just playfully shook his head and took a sip of his water.

*Ding Ding*🛎️

The doorbell rang alerting the members inside. Darren looked at the door then looked at Justin to give him a single to open it, having to deal with the drenched nonchalant man was already difficult.

Justin shrugged and went to go open the door, his eyes were met with the eyes of the person who hurt him the most.

"N-nick.." Justin was too stunned to say anything else but just starred.

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