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⚠️TW: Gore & drug abuse actions situations!!

Harm on a member will be shown on this story, remember all of this is fiction and is obviously not real.

All the members are healthy and are doing well irl!

Weapons will be involved.


"S-shut the fuck up! I have no choice." Her voice cracked. "What do you mean by choice-" "Drop your fucking weapons!" She cut him off, still pointing at them with her heavy -weapon.

Both men drop their medals forcing themselves to raise their hands.
"Leena why the fuck are you in this?! What the hell is going on." Regie spoke.

"It is none of your business of why she's doing it." Suddenly a more manly voice spoke. "Here we go again, this ugly mf who can't get dick nor pussy so he just me to make others suffer." Regie spoke making Kane chuckle. What can I say he's nonchalant.

They could feel nick was getting pissed and winked at each other. "Yes so premature. If I were you I would've just accepted the fact that I can't get both genders." Kane added making Regie laugh. Regie quickly grabbed the pole he dropped and turned around, throwing it at Nick. Causing the two to act quickly, Leena starts firing causing Regie to grab Kanes hand a make a run for it.

"Quick over there." Regie pointed out a spot to hide behind. Breathing heavily Kane spoke, "These people- ay." Regie chuckled. "It's time to take shit into our own hands."

"You see over there, there are guns. What we need to do is get over there and grab some." Regie pointed at the direction where the guns were, lay'd across a desk.

"Alright come on." Kane whispered, carefully crawling towards the desk with Regie following close behind. Regie grabbed one of the guns which was turned out to be a Hk416-e, he gave the most devious smirk as he looked at the weapon in his hands. Knowing Kane he grabbed two 92 Pistols and put them in his pockets.

[With Oliver & Seb]

"Careful, careful." Sebastian kept on reminding Oliver who was lowering his back to get Darren in the car. After a bit struggles Darren was finally in the car still K.O cold. "What the fuck do we do?!" Seb runs his hands aggressively through his hair, you coke hear the frustration in his voice. Oliver took a minute to look around their surroundings and noticed a small shed in the backyard, squinting his eyes a lil more he noticed it looked opened. The door didn't seem closed but it seemed a little bit open.

But before Oliver could say anything to Seb they heard firing that came from inside the house, causing the two boys to get startled. "What the fuck, were those gunshots?!" Sebastian questioned surprised. "Shit! Now we got fucking gunshots?!" Oliver quickly started running into the house leaving Sebastian there dumbfounded.

"Oliver wait!-" Sebastian paused, looking back at Darren who was now conscious. "S-Seb? What the f-fuck-?" Darren muttered, he looked exhausted. Sebastian could tell he probably forgot what happened to him. "Shit Darren! Uhm pls stay here!" Sebastian takes one last glance at the two men in the car and carefully shuts the door. He then locked the doors with the keys that he had in his hands, as far as he knew he didn't want Darren to leave the car that injured.

"The fuck..? Shit ow what the fuck happened to my arm?!.." Darren started looking around his arms and legs, realizing he was bleeding in most scratches. He was confused but then started having a headache, he was about to look around the car for water when he realized justin was right next to him. He was k.o which worried Darren. "What the fuck, Justin?!" He quickly went over to Justin, he was struggling because of the wounds he had. He started shaking the boy who eventually woke up, "Mhm.." he mumbled. Darren was worried and pulled Justin closer to him, "Justin? What the fuck is happening!" He asked. Justin looked up at Darren cluelessly, then it clicked. "Shit..!"

"Ryan?!" Yelled oliver who was now in the house, "where the fuck did he go?!" Oliver started to run around the house to looked for Ryan to then realize where he might be. "SHIT." He ran back to the basement.

As soon as Sebastian was about to step in the house, he stopped in his tracks once he heard footsteps from the backyard. Sebastian closed his eyes thinking about what he should do, should he go after his brother? Should he check those footsteps from the backyard?

"Shit." He made up his mind and went toward the backyard. Slowly walking towards the backyard he noticed a familiar person go into a shed. Knowing it was Nick he quickly ran towards him without thinking. Quickly swinging the door open and knocking over the person. "Ya! What the fuck-" Nick cursed as they both hit the ground. Sebastian turned the person around and quickly grabbed something close, swinging it at the him, Nick quickly dogged the attack and pushes Seb towards the galleons. Causing the galleons to knock over and land on Sebastian, it gave the Nick the chance to stand up and grab a weapon.

"Who do you think you are?! A hero?" Nick snickered, gripping onto a hammer. "Your birth certificate should really be rewritten as a letter of apology, cuz dam I feel bad for your mother." Sebastian wasn't the one to back down quickly and immediately got up, little struggles but who cares. He got up and stared at Nick who was about the strike. Nick ran towards Sebastian and try to strike him, Sebastian immediately dogged making Nick hit the wall. He quickly took the hammer out from the wall and swung again towards Sebastian. They were taking turns tackling each other each fighting for top positions. Nick was about to strike again but Sebastian had a plan, he grabbed two tables that were next to each other and lifted himself up, kicking nick to the ground.

Immediately right after Nick fell he quickly goes over to him and knocks him out cold. Breathing heavily he realized what he just did, "Did I just do that?! YES I FUCKING DID!!" He cheered for himself, grinning at the sight. He soon snaps back to reality and grabs the hammer that was being held by Nick. He was debating on going further and hitting Nick with the weapon or just locking him in the shed. He looked around for a second and soon came up with another plan.


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