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Justin's pov:
I closed the door gently behind me as I left Darren's room feeling a little odd.I brush the oddness feeling away and placed my hand on the stairs railing.I gently went down the stairs, and half way there I saw Nick.

"Hey Justin! Is your friend doing okay?" Nick ask going as he held on to the railing.

"Yeah, I check his forehead and he's burning up." I say getting fully down the stairs and grabbing myself a glass of water.

"Meaning you touch him." Nick ask me which made me confused.

"Uh yeah obviously?" I answered back questionably.

"Oh no, just notifying." Nick states .

I looked at him with confusion/questionable face on wondering why he would even ask that, "Oh okay."

It was starting to get a little bit awkward with the silence until it was broken by Oliver's voice moving towards us, then passed.

"Hey guy, we are planning on going out! So be ready by 7."

I look at Oliver and nodded as he past by me and Nick. I then tell Nick that I was gonna get ready and he just simply nodded so I leave. I walk back up the stairs and came across Ryan in the hall way.

"Oh hey Ry." I say .

"Oh hey, I just finished getting ready how about you?"

"Oh no I'm about to tho." I say as I went into the room.

I gently opened the door to see no sight of Darren, I was confused knowing that he doesn't feel good. I then heard the showering running and quickly turned my head to the bathroom door. I then knew that he was in the bathroom showering so I shrugged it off and went to my side of the room (to the closet).

As I was literally (in the the closet) struggling and looking for comfy clothes. I heard the shower curtains open as the shower hitting the floor weakened notifying me that Darren was done. I felt nervous for some reason it just felt weird, my arms started trembling, Heart jumping, trembling lips and sweaty palms. I got even more nervous once I heard the bathroom door open which i immediately reacted to. I immediately ducked my head down so he didn't see me. I could hear footsteps from the left side of the room and moving towards the cabinets. My eyes immediately widen as I saw from under the bed the towel dropping to the ground. I started to panic and quickly spring up from the ground while covering my eyes.

"W-WAIT! Im still here!" I yelled as Darren also look startled.

"W-what the fuck-!" I hear Darren say as I hear him pick up the towel from the ground.

"S-sorry! I uh had music on and didn't hear u hah-" I try to lie.

Authors pov:

Darren clears his throat as he wraps the towel back around his waist feeling completely embarrassed. Justin look down at the ground feeling completely embarrassed and dashes by Darren , shutting the door behind him. Darren quickly grab his clothes from the bed and spring back into the bathroom feeling sm embarrassment.


"Woah-!" Oliver says as he bumps into someone.

"Haha- sorry." Justin nervously said trying to cover up the hotness that he was feeling on his cheeks.

"You look red? Did u eat anything spicy." Oliver said sarcastically.

"Y-yeah totally! It was —Uhm." Justin paused trying to figure out what spicy food he should say, then something came up .

"Chicken—! Chicken wings yeah." Justin said, Palms sweating.

"Mmk, Have you gotten ready?" Oliver ask.

"Ugh— no .." Justin said knowing that he has to go back upstairs.

"Oh okay, well hurry up we'll be leaving soon and tell dar to hurry up too!" Oliver said now walking pass justin.

Justin closes his eyes and curses himself before going up the stairs apprehensively.

Justin slowly opens the door to see Darren already fixing up his back locks in the bathroom.

Justin nervously walks pass the bathroom trying not to be noticeable but obviously his plan did not work as Darren notices him an ask him a question, "hey uh justin?"

Justin immediately stop in his tracks as he slowly turns around, "u-uh yeah?"

Darren goes half way out the bathroom, "uh sorry about what happened, I didn't know you were still here hah-"

Justin almost chokes as he scratches the back of his head, "OH!—Oh, no your fine!"

"Oh alright um I finish so if u wanna have a turn in the bathroom then feel free." Darren then stated as he pats the side of the door.

"Oh thanks."

"Or instead if u want me to watch you change~" Darren brought out his sussy boy energy in.

Justin could feel his face turn red as he quickly tried to play it off, "shut up." He scoffed.

Darren smirk a little bit with his flirtness winning again but soon remembered that he had a boyfriend so it has to come to a point where he had to stop the flirtness with Justin which he never wanted to stop..

IK it's short 🙄

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