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"Justin....please come out." Oliver desperately tries to get Justin out the room, he's been there all day sense the accident. Justin miserably looks out the window, countering and chairing every single moment he has with his love. Feeling more broken every thought and memory that came to him. The necklace, their first kiss, the hugs, the laughs, the joy all gone in just one day. He doesn't respond the fear of braking down if spoken one word, he felt quilt everywhere. It's my fault, why did u leave him, why couldn't u just stay..those words were deep in thought making Justin question himself.

Justin still kept Darren's belongings in their use to be shared room, keeping them as they were a special place in his heart, not having the gut to take them out. More knocks came and he finally decided to open the door, it was Oliver and he pulled Justin by the shoulders giving him a tight hug. Justin didn't resist and finally broke down, crying into his chest. Oliver sighed as he too felt like he was gonna cry.

Downstairs it was silent no one knew what to say, or do. Everyone was drenched and tired from all the tears they've cried. Then Kane spoke, ".....guys." No one spoke but tubers their heads to Kane. "I know...it hard." He said trying not to cry himself. "Guys, I'm still wondering...." Ryan suddenly spoke, everyone made their focuses towards Ryan."Wasn't he just healing? How did he get sh-" before Ryan could say anything everyone was startled by the sound of a door being swung open. Everyone looking at the direction they saw Justin storming downstairs followed by Oliver, they looked desperate and determined. The rest got confused and followed after. "Where are y'all going?!" Regie shouted running up close behind. "We are going to find out the truth." Oliver say's in determination, Regie looked back at the others confused but still went with it. They all followed the two in the car and waited as they drove off, the car ride was silent and awkward. Soon they made it to the hospital where Darren has been in and immediately went to Darren's room, the front desk lady noticed this and followed them to stop, other nurses came and try to get them to stop.

Obviously they kept on going and barged into the room Darren was "killed" in. Entering there were nurse, doctors preparing Darren's body. The nurses looked shocked and stood up, "You can't be here! Who gave u the-"
"Don't FUCKING touch him!" Justin yelled and immediately went mad and started yelling, it was another bad situation until Ryan noticed a familiar face behind one of the mask from the nurse. "Hey." Ryan said eyebrows up and walking towards the female nurse, who looked puzzled. Everyone stood quite as they watched. "Do I know you." I said and walked closer to the nurse, the nurse looked a bit startled and nervous which made Ryan more suspicious, the rest of the members looked at them in confusion as so as the nurses and doctors. "What do you mean?" The nurse said trying to act unfamiliar.

"I-its...you.." he said puzzled and confused. "The girl I met at the party! ITS YOU." Ryan yelled and took of her mask to find out he was right. After taking off the mask she immediately was shocked and everyone had their eyes on her, Seb also recognized her. Finding out that her identity was shown she immediately pushed Ryan and ran out the door. Everyone was shocked and as Ryan ran after her as well as Seb and Regie. The rest was still there and decided to search the place.

The doctors and nurses that were still in the room also ran after her, having a intruder in their team. Oliver, Kane & Justin searched the room. Kane saw a bag that must've been the girls bag, looking in it he saw a gun. "G-guy's!!" Kane yelled and Justin, Oliver went towards him. Justin took the gun and the realization hit him... he looked at the gun in disbelief and knew it cause what happened. Oliver and Kane felt the same way and were irritated.

Dashing through the halls and passing by confused people the girl who was at the party soon to be known as Angela was getting away from the rest who were following her. Desperately going down the stairs, Ryan and Seb quickly ran downstairs as Regie went another way to hopefully catch up faster. Getting to the basement full of cars she ran through trying to find a place to hide, she found a pillar and hid behind it. Just then Ryan came and Seb followed close behind. "Shit shit, I knew there was something off about this!" Ryan said in frustration as he started looking around. "Do you think she's the one who.." Sebastian said following up with Ryan. "Most likely yes." Ryan said and took out his phone. "Call me real quick, we gotta separate so keep in touch." He said and left to find her, Seb went with it and went another direction, calling Ryan who immediately answers as they both search for the suspect.

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