Chapter 1 Attack

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"Princess Pisces its time to get up" Cancer sung as she stripped the covers of the sleeping princess. Pisces groaned and rolled over, trying to pull the covers back on her and she groaned once more she realized they were gone. She sat up sleepily and saw Cancer fiddling with the dress she had to wear that day. She sighed and flopped back onto her bed, the last week had been full of parties with neighboring kingdoms and nobility and today was just the same. Another dress, another party, another night of little sleep. "I wish I didn't have to go to these parties Cancer, why can I not stay with you?" Pisces asked sleepily as she sat back up on her large bed. "Because princess, you are royalty and royalty attend parties and meet handsome boys, servants prepare the parties" Cancer replied as she started to help the princess dress. Cancer didn't like being a servant, but she was glad she was Pisces servant, Pisces was a lovely young lady and all the servants liked her very much. Cancer admired the princess loads, especially since the princess liked to take her to parties as well. The princess and her servant had something in common, they were both Zodiac's, with Pisces power of water breathing and Cancer's healing, Pisces felt like they were an unstoppable duo .Cancer was treated as if she was nobility, but she still served for the royal family since she was just a commoner to them. "Princess, it is time to see your sister, she is expecting you" Cancer said as she pinned up her hair. "Yes, lets go" Pisces replied smiling as she opened the door and walked out with her best friend


"Where is she Sagittarius, I can't wait this long" Leo groaned as she sat  waiting for her sister. Leo was an early riser and one of her three favorite knights Sagittarius was on morning shift, and was getting extremely tired of her whining. "She'll be here any minute your highness" he sighed for the hundredth time that hour. Just then Aries and Capricorn, Leo's other favorite knights, turned the corner. Aries was a charming young man that captured hearts wherever he went, Capricorn was the only female knight in the kingdom and intimated most men. "Good morning Princess" they both said as they bowed. Leo waved her hand and smiled "Any news to bring me?" she asked and Capricorn sighed. With hesitation, Aries told her the events of the morning "Well your highness,  that cook boy led another protest and burnt down a clothing shop, but still escaped our forces" he delivered calmly while Capricorn fidgeted. She had made it her goal to capture the brat that was leading these protests, but had been failing for months. "Your highness I wish to request another stake out for the boy" she said bowing, she was going to get him, she had too. "Cap, I don't think that's wise" Sagittarius spoke up but was quickly shushed by Leo who looked at her knight with a straight face. "Request granted, don't injure him, blah blah" she said and then quickly corrected herself with "Don't injure him because we want to interrogate him" and mentally slapped herself for being improper. Then her brother walked in smiling widely.


Ophiuchus burst in with a swarm of maids following him trying to force him into more proper clothing. He looked at his sister who was sitting straight in her throne. "Morning Leo, is Pisces really not here yet? lazy bones she is, its already 7 in the morning!" he said loudly as he sat down in his throne in a very un prince like manor as the maids scurried away. "Morning Ophi, you look happy" she said smiling at her brother "did you meet a lady?" she added teasingly. Ophiuchus gave her a fake glare and laughed "No, I wrote a new song and I really like this one" he said smiling as Pisces burst through the door and rushed over to her throne and sat down. "Now we're all here, to the banquet table!" Ophiuchus squealed at the thought of food in his mouth. 


Aquarius scowled as he put the un-poisoned food on the table in front of the queen, how he would love to watch the queen choke on her food. He had lived in the castle for as long as he could remember and he grew to hate it more with each passing day. He walked out of the dining hall and washed the grime of his face. He looked out the window and gasped as he saw a man chasing a young boy in a black cloak with a hood covering his head. The young boy turned the corner and the man followed, but as soon as the man did, he dropped to the floor. Aquarius stared in shock, why was the boy being chased? and what happened to the man? He didn't have time to think before he was sent outside with scraps for the pigs. "Gwen did you see the chase earlier, wasn't it strange?" He asked as he fed Gwen the pig, Gwen snorted and curled up next to him. Aquarius smiled at the pig, his only true friend on this awful planet. he prayed that would change soon, maybe he and Gwen could leave this place, or maybe he could reveal he was a Zodiac and be treated like a noble, then he and Gwen could live a happy life. Maybe even meet a ma-WOMAN!!! Yes woman, dating men is illegal he reminded himself and sighed as he walked back inside to bring the queen her mail.


"Here's your change sir" Gemini said smiling at the young boy who happily walked away with his new boots. Gemini loved his job, making boots wasn't a particularly fun job but Gemini love seeing children smile as they put on their new boots.  He was content with his life, he had a nice house, lots of friends, and he wouldn't give up his life for anything. "Gemini Twins! this is the royal guard and you are needed by the queen!" yelled a loud voice from outside his door. Gemini jumped, he was needed? was the queen in desperate need of boots? not very lady like but that wasn't his business. He walked up to his front door and opened it and stared at the men in armor "Hello, may I ask why I am needed, do I need to bring any supplies?" He asked politely. "No, take nothing, we leave now" said the guard closest to him as he grabbed Gemini by the arm and began to drag him away. "Wait! let me lock up my shop first" Gemini screeched and struggled out of the guards arms to lock up his shop. Once he was done the guard grabbed his arm, but Gemini slapped him off and insisted that he could walk perfectly fine by himself, but his nerves were starting to rise.


Something happened and it was plain to see that the queen had freaked out, she had sent out hundreds of guards to round up the other Zodiac's. Capricorn was currently standing in a room with Princess Leo, Princess Pisces, Prince Ophiuchus, the other zodiac knights Sagittarius and Aries, and Pisces friend Cancer. Queen Cetus was barking orders at the guards to find every zodiac on the face of the earth is they had to and the guards were running everywhere, in the queen's hand was a crumpled letter. "Aunt Cetus what happened?" Leo asked timidly from the corner while she held Sagittarius hand so hard it was turning white. Cetus turned to face the zodiacs she currently had "We are under attack, the holy sword has been taken, I fear the worst for our kingdom." Capricorn gulped, whoever held the holy sword was practically unstoppable, and she knew if the zodiac's were being rounded up, they were going to fight whoever had the sword. All she could do was hope that the other zodiacs had fighting experience, or great powers to help, otherwise it was practically suicide.

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