Chapter 27 Down with the plan

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"Put the poison in here, then we wait" Ophiuchus said as he looked at Aquarius. "He wont be happy about this" Aquarius said as he glared at Ophiuchus. "He wont know until it's too late, besides he wont interfere" Ophiuchus replied as he stared at Aquarius with a grin. "I can see why Scorpio liked you, you're very different from everyone I've seen" Ophiuchus said as he crossed his arms and stared into Aquarius's eyes. Aquarius opened his mouth to speak but Ophiuchus raised his hand and continued talking. "Scorpio will never be with you, he'll choose me and you can't do anything about that so why should try to be friends" he said and Aquarius started turning red with anger. "I would rather die than be friends with you, I'm doing this so we can end this stupid fate" Aquarius growled and Ophiuchus smiled at him. "Killing my aunt won't solve all the problems, we have to destroy the entire kingdom" he said in a cold voice and Aquarius took a step back. "We can't do that!" Aquarius yelled but Ophiuchus just raised his hand. "We have too, and I'm not saying to do it now" Ophiuchus said with a smile as he walked over to Aquarius and began massaging his shoulders. "Maybe we can make a deal" Ophiuchus whispered into Aquarius's ear, Aquarius shivered and broke out of Ophiuchus's grip. "Kill the queen with me and I won't take Scorpio for myself, we can share" Ophiuchus whispered and Aquarius pushed him against the wall. Aquarius grabbed Scorpio's device and put it in his ear before Ophiuchus could take it off him. "Scorpio? Scorpio! We're in the queens room, Ophiuchus is tryi-ah!" Aquarius yelled as Ophiuchus hit him across the head with his sword. "Your going to ruin this!" Ophiuchus yelled as he took the device off Aquarius and put it in his ear. "He's lying, something happened I don't think Aquarius is on out side" Ophiuchus said in his best panicked voice. "I'll come get you, hang on" Scorpio said through the device and a portal opened underneath the two zodiacs. The portal opened into the room with the rest of the zodiacs who all began scrambling to talk to the boys. "What's going on?" Scorpio asked as he ran over to Ophiuchus and stared at Aquarius. "He's trying to destroy the entire kingdom saying it's the only way!" Aquarius yelled and Ophiuchus took a step back in fake fear. "That's what you said after you tried to make me kill my aunt!" Ophiuchus yelled back and Aquarius jumped on him as he began throwing punches. Ophiuchus and Aquarius rolled across the floor as they began fighting each other with everything they had. Ophiuchus felt a sharp tug on the back of his clothes and Scorpio pulled him out of the fight. Aries was holding the very mad Aquarius back and Ophiuchus was being held by a annoyed Scorpio. "Right idiots, explain what the hell that was" Scorpio said as he dropped Ophiuchus and signaled Aries to let go of Aquarius. "He was talking about killing the queen and you mostly, and then about having to destroy the entire kingdom" Aquarius said hurriedly and Ophiuchus rolled his eyes. "You were the one saying that!" he yelled as he put on his best act and stared Aquarius down. Virgo whispered something to Capricorn who nodded and walked over to Aries. "Yeah that's true, but we can't exactly tie up the prince" Aries said and Capricorn slapped her hand over his mouth. "Idiot now he knows" Virgo said and Aries smiled apologetically. "Ophiuchus, why did you tell Aquarius to take out the headpiece?" Virgo asked and Ophiuchus took a step back. Ophiuchus through for a moment before sighing and giving up. "Yeah he's telling the truth, I was trying to kill my aunt and I've succeeded" Ophiuchus said with a laugh as he put his hands up. "How have you succeeded?" Leo asked and Ophiuchus turned to her with a small smile. "I poisoned her tea, don't worry it'll be painless" Ophiuchus said as he smiled apologetically at his older sister. Pisces slapped him and Leo began screaming as they realized he wasn't joking. "How and when did you do that?" Aquarius asked and Ophiuchus smiled at his confusion. "I just put it in when you weren't looking, I just put it in the cup" Ophiuchus replied as he pulled out the empty bottle of poison he stole from Scorpio. "How dare you!" Pisces yelled as she slapped her brother again, this time knocking him to the floor. Ophiuchus looked up at his two sister and he smiled slightly, they never knew what had happened to him when they weren't around. "Did you have a different reason?" Capricorn asked and Ophiuchus nodded as he tried to stand up. "My aunt is capable and willing to do awful things to get herself to power, she did it to me and Scorpio and probably countless others, she doesn't deserve the life she was given" Ophiuchus said as he stood up and looked Scorpio dead in the eyes. Scorpio looked uncomfortable and took a small step back to stand next to Aquarius. Ophiuchus frowned when he saw the blush on Aquarius's face when he saw Scorpio stand next to him. "We'll be free if she dies" Ophiuchus whispered as a tear rolled down his cheek, Scorpio looked at him briefly before whispering to his brother. Sagittarius nodded and pointed at Ophiuchus before turning back to his brother and whispering something to him. "Leave Ophiuchus alone, I think there's more to his story that we don't know and wont know unless he feels alright telling us" Sagittarius said and most of the zodiacs began complaining. "He's probably succeeded in killing the woman who cared for us for years!" Leo yelled as Pisces began crying and hugging Gemini. Sagittarius sent all the zodiacs out of the room and he looked at Ophiuchus with a stern look. Ophiuchus was confused for a minute but saw that Scorpio and Aquarius had stayed behind. Scorpio was talking to Aquarius and Aquarius was whisper yelling back at him. "Ophiuchus! Aquarius and I have offered to keep a close eye on you since some of the others don't trust you" Scorpio said cheerfully as he dragged the complaining Aquarius over. "You don't hate me?" Ophiuchus asked and Scorpio began to laugh. "You helped me when I did something, and Aquarius doesn't have a choice" Scorpio said as he put his hand on Ophiuchus's shoulder. "Everything will be fine, presumably" Scorpio said as he looked off into the distance. "For now" Aquarius added in a quiet voice as he glared at Aquarius, both of them knew that it was going to be insufferable being near each other.

Hello, sorry about the long update I had writers block and couldn't figure out what to write, I must have re-written this chapter three times or so. I'll try and be faster next update but we'll see what happens, and like always sorry for any mistakes I didn't see. Hope you enjoyed and I hope to see you in whatever I update next.

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