Chapter 6 Losing

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Aries looked at the princess and quickly wiped his eyes, trying to pretend he had never been crying. Aries had indeed been crying and it was quite easy to see. Pisces held out her and and Aries took it with a small smile "So we really are leaving, with a bunch of untrained zodiacs on a suicide mission, I know she's you aunt and I'm sorry but this is madness, I can't bare the thought of losing Sagittarius and Capricorn" he said as he looked out the window. Through the window they could see servants preparing for their departure, the servants were bringing all kinds of packable foods down to the gates and tying it up so it would be easier to carry. "Hey it'll be alright, some of them are really strong and will easily be able to stop anyone, and Sagittarius and Capricorn are some of the greatest knights to ever live, if anyone's going to survive its those two" Pisces said in a soothing voice but Aries wasn't buying it, Pisces herself wasn't really sure of what she was saying. "What if the one with the sword is a zodiac and were going to travel with them the entire time? what if they just kill us instantly?" Pisces eyes widened at Aries's words but she quickly hushed him "Your overthinking, try and go get some sleep okay? you'll feel better" Aries nodded and walked back down to the room where he was staying in. He opened the door and silently walked towards his bed, making sure not to wake Taurus and Ophiuchus who were in the beds opposite him. As hard as he tried he couldn't go back to sleep. He left the room to go back to the window, but someone was already there. Gemini was staring out the window, a grim expression on his face which was lit up by an orange light. In a shaking voice he muttered "They burnt down my shop" and he turned to Aries with an angry look "This is because I have to do some suicide mission, that shop was all I had, and now its gone!" he yelled the last part which startled Aries who took a step back. Gemini had split himself into two again, one was staring out the window hopelessly, the other was cursing Aries. Luckily for Aries the outburst didn't last very long, Gemini fell back asleep where he stood and the clone disappeared instantly, Aries looked through the window at the burning building. Some of the townsfolk were trying to put out the fire, the others were dancing around the fire. Aries decided he wanted to pay some people a visit quickly, his powers of speed made this extremely easy for him. Using his powers he ran through the castle and down to the burning shoe shop to help put out the flames. "Down with the Zodiacs! They're being sent to die by our own queen and about time too!" yelled a dancing lady Aries recognized as a café owner he liked to go to "No! the zodiacs will stop the monster and will return to lead out kingdom!" yelled a man who was pouring buckets of water on the flames. Aries stood in the crowd shocked, the entire kingdom was fighting if they wanted them or not, some were saying that they were saviors while others were saying even if they destroyed the sword holder that the queen would kill them if they returned alive. Aries ran back to the castle and sat down on his bed in a trance, the queen was trying to kill them. Ophiuchus let out a little snore and rolled off the bed, which caused Aries to smile slightly. He made up his mind then and there that they would protect all the zodiacs with his life, they were all in this together after all. Taurus let out a yawn and sat up "What re ye doin up so late knight boy?" he asked sleepily "Uh I was thinking" Aries replied and Taurus nodded "Word of advice, guy to guy, thinking causes more pain that actually doin it, just turn off ye brain and you'll feel better" Taurus said smiling, Aries looked at him with a strange look. How does one turn off their brain? "Uh how would I do that Taurus?" Aries asked but Taurus was already asleep again. Aries sighed and pulled the covers on him and tried to shut his eyes, but the thoughts of his friends getting hurt kept him awake and he sat back up. He climbed back out of his bed and walked through the castle to his previous room. In his room was his sword and his belt, he grabbed them and then turned to his suit of armor. He bowed to his armor and walked out of the room while adjusting his sword belt. The zodiacs had a wake up call so everyone was groggily standing in the hallway, Libra almost fell back asleep where she stood and Leo started to asleep on Taurus who she had grabbed to cuddle. The only ones who were truly awake were the knights and Scorpio, Sagittarius was doing up Capricorns sword belt while Capricorn adjusted her wrist guards. Queen Cetus walked into the hall and stared at the zodiacs, in a shaky voice she said "There are clothes for you all in the great hall, you leave at once" Aries growled slightly, the queen had never much liked him so to believe she wanted him dead wasn't a far stretch of the mind. "Wait are we going to eat anything first?" Aquarius yelled and most of the boys nodded that they would most certainly need food. The queen sighed and muttered "the servants have given you food for the trip, I'll tell them to give you some for breakfast" which sent Aquarius into a silent rage. Then it dawned on Aries that the queen never said how they were to get to the holy sword, or even where it could possibly be. "Your highness, are we to travel by cart or carriages?" he asked quietly, trying his best not to get angry. The queen looked a bit nervous and said "Neither, you shall be walking and sleeping in tents the entire way" which caused an uproar, mostly from the prince and princess's "Sleep on the ground?! I will never!" Pisces yelled as her face turned purple with rage. Cetus shushed the room quickly and said "Change into your clothes, spare clothes have been packed for you, you shall have to carry all your supplies as no animals, not even Gwen, shall go with you. In your bags are clothes which you shall have to wash in rivers or lakes, food which you have to try and ration, sleeping gear such as a roll up mattress and a blanket shall also be given at the gates, and a map of the world. Do not try to harm each other for it is useless, your all in this together, and please make it back alive, all of you." None of the zodiacs dared to interrupt the queen whos voice shook through the last part. The zodiacs left quickly to get changed and process what the queen had said. They reunited with the queen at the castle gates, each had been given a large backpack containing their clothing and food and the servants had packed their bedding. The clothes they were given were just normal clothing, but each zodiac was given a belt to hold their knives and the knights had a spot to put their swords. The royal children hugged and kissed the queen for what felt like hours to Aries, he wanted to leave the queen behind and never have to think of her again. "Stay safe, all of you, I send you all my love and I bless you with luck, now go before the sun rises" the queen said as she wiped away her tears. And just like that, the zodiacs left the castle and walked through the kingdom. Some were cheering them on and others were yelling at them to leave and never return, the were especially violent to Scorpio who flipped up his hood and started to sway slightly. Once they walked over the kingdoms border, Aries looked back at the kingdom where he had spent his entre life. He could see the buildings and the people walking around, and the huge castle looming above it all. "Goodbye home, Mum I'll make you proud you put me in knight school" and with that sentence, he turned around and followed the zodiacs into the forest that surrounded the kingdom and they walked down the forbidden path.

Hello and thanks to anyone reading this. I really love updating this book and I hope your enjoying it. And thanks to Mr_Space_Wanderer or Papa_Satan for commenting and liking, you were the first and it was a lovely surprise. See you all in chapter 7 which I am already enjoying writing

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