Chapter 9 He Knows

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Gemini didn't sleep all night, the lady's words rung around in his head and he was starting to become paranoid. None of the others seemed to hear what she said and Gemini started to wonder if he didn't hear anything at all, maybe she hadn't said anything at all and Gemini just imagined an entire lady, maybe he just imagined he was a zodiac and that he was on this crazy mission to save the world. A loud snore told Gemini he most certainly wasn't imagining and he rolled over and looked at the sleeping Taurus. Gemini climbed out of the tent and sat down by the fire, its crackles reminded him of the fires in his shop. His enjoyment didn't last long before he felt watched, he looked around the camp and then saw who he had feared. The orange haired lady was standing in the trees, he stood up to run to the tent but she shushed him. "Its true what I said, the one you seek walks with you, you need to find him and don't find the wrong one like I did" she said in a silvery voice "You have to find him fast, he's already planning an attack" she added as she turned to walk away "Wait! who are you and who is the one I need to find?" Gemini pleaded and ran over to her. he stopped dead in his tracks and just stared at the lady in shock, on her head were two moving cat ears. "I am Tiger, and you must find him on your own, figure out who you can trust and take him down, our lives depend on it just as much as yours, if he gets through you he will come for us and we are weak without our leader" she replied as she flicked her tail out from behind her "Why would he come after you? I thought he was only after zodiacs?" Gemini asked as he ran after the lady who was walking away. She stopped and turned to him "I am a zodiac, so is my husband who you saw earlier, we are of a different kind and he wants us gone to, beware little boy before you end up in this trance like life" Gemini blinked and she was gone, he stood in shock and then ran back to the tents to jump on the new leader. As he reached the tent he stopped dead in his tracks, figure out who he could trust is what she said, could he really trust them? Gemini thought for a moment, than sat back down in front of the fire. The lady said she was a zodiac too, was she part of the other group? The questions spun around Gemini's head like a spinning top, and Gemini felt as though he was losing his mind. To think that one of the zodiacs he thought he could trust was trying to kill everyone was nagging at his mind, was the sword holder trying to kill them? Is it possible he wanted them for something else? A voice cut through the crackles of the fire and Gemini looked up at Virgo. "You're up early" she said and sat down opposite him, Gemini sighed in relief that he was saved from his own mind. "Y-yeah just couldn't sleep you know" he stuttered and mentally slapped himself for his stutter. Virgo didn't believe his lie and asked "How are you feeling, you look stressed out" Gemini sighed and replied "I talked to the lady we saw and found some things that I'm trying to process and it's not going great" Virgo's eyes widened and she began to question him "Nothing bad right? Do you know her name? Who has the sword?" "It was awful news and her name was Tiger, and the man we saw was her husband I think" he replied and Virgo tilted her head in confusion. "What a strange name" she said and looked back at him, Gemini looked away and freaked out, what if it was her and now she knows? Gemini couldn't trust anyone here, but he had a sneaking suspicion on three people. Taurus was loud and had a fiery temper, it wasn't hard to believe it might be him. Aquarius hated everyone and would probably love to see them all burn, and his power of invisibility could help hide a sword. Then there was Scorpio who didn't like to speak and had poison and other bottles everywhere, maybe he was going to poison them all? Before Gemini could really think about the three zodiacs he suspected, Capricorn came out of a tent to wake everyone up. Gemini suddenly realized he had been up for hours just staring at the fire and Virgo had been up for an hour with him. The other zodiacs grumpily came out of the tents and they prepared breakfast and packed up the tents. Gemini found himself having a staring competition with Aquarius, who stared back with a slight grin. Aquarius mouthed 'good morning' and winked, Gemini frowned and tilted his head slightly to the right. Aquarius tilted his back and looked at him with his huge grin, and when Gemini tilted his head the other way Aquarius did the same. Gemini was very confused and quickly turned away, out of the corner of his eye he saw Aquarius's smile fade and he looked sad. He turned back and Aquarius began to smile again, as much as Gemini knew he shouldn't trust anyone, he no longer believed Aquarius could be the sword holder, even if his reason was that Aquarius had a very funny grin and seemed quite nice. When they started to walk down the path Tiger had told them to, Aquarius ran up to Gemini. In a slightly breathless voice Aquarius said "Hi Gem" and Gemini smiled at the nickname "Hello Aqua, can I help you?" Aquarius smiled and said "You can help by being my friend" and Gemini nodded with a grin. The two boys kidnapped Libra from her conversation about knitting with Pisces and joined her in on Air sign talk. The three of them smiling and laughing as they walked through the forest, Gemini smiled and decided that maybe he could trust the Air signs. Taurus felt a cold wind fall over him and he looked back at the air signs, and he could of sworn he saw a man behind them. A man with a sword raised above Libra's head. Taurus shrieked and the man disappeared, all the zodiacs turned to Taurus who looked shocked and disturbed. Taurus turned to Capricorn with a look of horror, his felt unable to move and his legs buckled underneath him. Taurus was left on his knees panting on the ground and the other zodiacs ran to him to help, Taurus knew that the sword holder was about to attack, but he just didn't know who he was going to attack. Gemini took a step back and swore he saw a man with a sword in the trees, the sword was pointing at Libra, Gemini turned pale and sat down. Both Taurus and Gemini thought the same thing, Protect Libra. 

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