Chapter 24 Fight

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"Shit!" Aries yelled as he used his sword to fly out of Scorpio's way. "If you stop moving it wont be so painful" Scorpio yelled as he turned to attack again. Gemini growled as he struggled to pull out the sword Capricorn had given him. Scorpio saw him struggle and laughed as he then lunged at Gemini. Gemini screamed as he felt Scorpio's sword cut deep into his arm and Scorpio grinned as he saw the blood dripping. Gemini fell to his knees and gasped as he saw a statue of Scorpio underneath him. The statue was covered in blood but it was disappearing whenever Scorpio made someone else bleed. Cancer rushed over to Gemini and began healing his arm as fast as she could. "How is he fighting off so many people?" Gemini growled and Cancer looked down at him. "He's using his powers to hold off other people while he fights one" Cancer said as she quickly ran over to Taurus who had been hit with one of Sagittarius's rouge fireballs. "Sagittarius stop your hurting other people!" Gemini screamed but Sagittarius clearly wasn't listening. Gemini stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Sagittarius rage filled eyes, Gemini had felt similar rage when his grandmother tried to kill him. "Come on fight Gemini!" Pisces yelled as she ran over and ducked under the fireball. "Sagittarius is trying to kill him, he's not trying to take him" Gemini said as he ran over to Sagittarius and tried to calm him down. "Hey man your going to hurt someone else if you keep throwing them!" Gemini yelled as he ran over to Sagittarius and slapped his hands down. "I'm going to kill him, he deserves everything" Sagittarius growled as he threw another fireball at his brother. Gemini turned around when he heard Scorpio's scream as a fireball hit his leg and Gemini could see burns already forming. Scorpio turned to Sagittarius and threw his sword which flew past Gemini's face and the blade just brushed past his nose, Gemini stood shocked for a second as he tried to gasp for air. Scorpio lunged at his brother and Gemini was flung straight into the lake where he felt the cold water fill his lungs. Gemini spluttered as he reached the surface and looked around. He was stranded in the center of the lake and he gasped as he saw the fight far away from him. Gemini began to swim back over to the fight but he could already tell things were going poorly. He could see Scorpio using his powers on everyone and hearing their screams of pain, he could recognize Pisces screaming voice and he felt rage surge through him. He walked back onto shore and saw Aries's sword laying on the beach. All the zodiacs had been captured by Scorpio's powers and were all screaming as Scorpio preformed some sort of blood torture on them. Gemini held the sword in his left hand as he raised it above his head. He ran towards Scorpio who saw him at the last second and managed to get away with just a scratch on his leg. "Crap I thought I had everyone" Gemini heard Scorpio growl before he swung his sword up ready to attack. Gemini plunged Aries's sword into Scorpio's leg and he heard a yell from the younger male. Scorpio turned to him in a rage and flung his sword away before pinning Gemini ground as he tried to stab Gemini in the face with the sword. Gemini scrabbled to his feet and tried to run off to get a different sword but Scorpio growled before using his powers to stop Gemini from being able to walk. Scorpio growled before pulling the sword out of his leg with a yell. Pisces let out a scream and Libra was begging Scorpio to stop. "Shit she's not going to be happy about this" Scorpio yelled as he fell to his knees in pain, Scorpio put his hand to the stab wound on his leg and Gemini could see the blood pouring out of it. Scorpio grabbed his sword and pressed a small gem on the handle. "Captured your zodiacs" he said into the sword and a woman's voice replied to him. "Finally, bring them to me now" the woman said with a laugh and Gemini could see the look of annoyance in Scorpio's eyes. Gemini looked at Leo and winked, Leo seemed to understand what he meant and turned to Scorpio. "Oi you bastard" she yelled and Scorpio tried to stand back up and turned to her. "Very princess like Leo" he said as he looked at her with an annoyed smile. Scorpio's eyes widened as Leo began to use her powers on him. "Release me" she said and Scorpio who was completely under her trance did exactly what she said. Taurus suddenly let out a yell and Leo whipped around and broke off her power connection on Scorpio. Scor jumped onto Scorpio and began licking his face. "God dang it dragon, I'm not you friend" Scorpio yelled as he lost concentration on all the zodiacs and released them from his powers. "Scorpio you have to surrender, you know we will win this" Gemini said as he raised his sword and Scor curled around his legs. Scorpio growled and went to grab his sword but gasped when he realized it wasn't there. He looked around and stood horrified when he felt a cold blade on his neck. "Looking for this?" Libra asked as she pressed his sword harder into his neck. Scorpio grinned before he kicked Libra back. Libra fell back and the sword cut deep into Scorpio's neck, blood was everywhere and Scorpio was on his knees struggling to breathe. Ophiuchus and Aquarius both ran over to Scorpio and began trying to help him. "Cancer please come help" Aquarius yelled as he tried to stop the bleeding from Scorpio's neck and Ophiuchus was trying to help the stab wound on his leg. Gemini took a step back and took Pisces hand before staring into her eyes. "This isn't what happened in the book" he said and Pisces nodded worriedly. "We need to knock him out otherwise he'll keep fighting" she said and Aries nodded as he grabbed the back of his sword and hit Scorpio over the head. Ophiuchus let out a yell and Cancer began screaming about how she had to treat two very dangerous wounds. "We won" Taurus said with a lost look in his eyes and Leo took his hand. "We need to take him back to the castle, what we do with him the I don't know" Sagittarius said as he stared down at the grass. "I don't think this fight is over" Capricorn said as she looked down at Scorpio's lifeless body. "She's not going to be happy about it, who the hell is she?" Virgo asked as she used her powers to bind Scorpio with vines. "Someone must be helping Scorpio, we need to find out who" Capricorn said as she bent over Scorpio and brushed her hand over his cheek. Ophiuchus growled and slapped her hand away before he stared at Gemini. "We need to send only one person to the castle first, I don't trust the queen" Gemini said and Pisces gasped before letting go if his hand. "No we can't trick her" she said and Leo nodded. "She may not be the best person but she's still our aunt, I could never trick her" Leo said in a small voice and Taurus put his head on her shoulder. "We can't trust anyone, except maybe men which is weird" Taurus said as he kissed his girlfriends cheek and pulled her in for a hug. "I vote we send someone the queen knows, she'll trust them more" Libra said and the rest of the zodiacs nodded. "I'll go, I know the queen" Capricorn said as she picked up Scorpio's sword and wiped of the blood. "No you can't!" Taurus and Virgo both yelled but Capricorn just raised her hand. "We go back to the castle now, I'll go in and talk to the queen, if anything happens you all need to leave immediately" Capricorn said calmly and she pulled out her own sword and wiped off all the blood off it. "Me and Sagittarius can be waiting close by to help Capricorn if she needs it" Aries said and the zodiacs all nodded rather reluctantly. "Let's go now, the sooner the better" Sagittarius said as he stared down at his brothers body. "Does anyone need healing first?" Cancer asked as she stood up and looked around. "Yeah he cut my arm" Ophiuchus said as he held out his arm and Cancer began to help him. "Let's go" Gemini said once Cancer was done healing. All the zodiacs began to follow Gemini and even from the front of the line Gemini could sense some tension between Aquarius and Ophiuchus. "Move it ladies, we're almost done this suicide mission, can't wait to put up my feet and relax for once cause I a done with this shit" Capricorn sung out and the other knights cheered. "Couple more hours of walking then we get to the castle" Pisces said with a smile and Gemini grinned. "Then maybe the prince and princess can have a fucking rest instead of doing more of this" Gemini said and Pisces hit him for bad language. "Yeah maybe a rest would be nice, I just hope everyone will be alright so we can all rest" Pisces said as she took Gemini's hand and began skipping beside him. Gemini smiled at the woman he hoped to marry and looked down at the ground as he tried to figure out how he got so lucky. He stopped smiling when he saw the statue of Scorpio underneath him, this time completely drained of blood and had multiple arrows sticking out of the eyes. Suddenly feeling sick to his stomach Gemini bent over and threw up everywhere. The zodiacs all ran over as Gemini fell to his knees gasping for air as he looked at the statue. He could see himself firing arrows into the statues eyes and he suddenly felt dizzy and completely collapsed. Gemini found himself standing in complete darkness, the only light was coming from a small candle on the ground. "Your here, your mind is much easier to reach but I'm sorry about my methods" Scorpio said as he invited Gemini to sit down. Gemini took a step back and flinched when he heard Scorpio's laugh. "I only want to talk Gemini, don't worry I can't hurt you here" Scorpio said and Gemini took one more look around to try and see anything before he sat down in front of Scorpio and the candle. 

Hi, Thought I would put my note here so I don't spoil anything. Sorry this took so long and it's a bit confusing, I've been trying to research some stuff and I've been animating. Yes with Gacha but come on it's not that bad, I like gacha just not some of the people that use it, and I use gacha for the zodiacs so I can see what they look like and how to describe them. Anyway, this chapter was a bit strange and I'm sorry the fight wasn't very fighty, I've never actually written fight scenes before but I tried, I did go and edit a bit more in so I hope it's a bit longer and more interesting. This story is not over so I had to set it up for some more drama, and some more plot twists. Anyway I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you in the next chapter of whatever I upload next. 

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