Pisces and Gemini

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Pisces was deemed to be the most fit royal to take the place of queen, and Gemini was deemed worthy enough to become king. The wedding and Queening ceremony were held at the same time and the parties lasted for a full week. The couple took the broken kingdom and worked hard to remake it after everything that had happened to it. It was around the same time the kingdom was meant to be having a kingdom wide party when Pisces found out she was pregnant. The king and queen were overjoyed at the news and began preparing themselves to be parents. The healthy Prince Tito was born to his overjoyed parents and kingdom. 

Tito was very excited when he learned his mother was pregnant, His parents however were less excited and more freaked out. News spread that Pisces's pregnancy may have complications and doctors were sent from every kingdom and house to help. A healthy baby girl named Esmerelda was born with her twin Rosemary. Rosemary was born underweight and not expected to survive, but she wasn't giving up so easy. Pisces and Gemini decided that three children was enough for them and dedicated themselves to raising their children and their kingdom together. Gemini was a very loved king due to him knowing what it was like to be a commoner, he helped people be able to afford homes and made more jobs for the unemployed to be able to work. Pisces had less knowledge of what it was like to be a commoner but was loved for what she did know, she knew that the kingdom needed more trades and less taxes. Tito grew up to be especially loved and respected by the kingdom, his younger sisters looked up at him with the most respect and love. Rosemary was fortunate enough to find love at a young age and ended up marrying a prince from another kingdom while they were both very young but always makes sure she visits her family. Esmerelda loved to learn music and preform for people, kings and queens would travel days to see the Dancing Princess preform for them. Pisces and Gemini felt as though their life was done ruling and left the throne to Tito. They stayed in the castle as advisors for their son and live their life happily with each other's company and their children's. 

Another one done, this took way to long to write and I have a feeling it's not easy to read. I think there's only one more of these and then we can say goodbye to Zodiac War, it feels nice knowing I'm about to end a book. Thank you for reading and I hope to see you in whatever I upload next, and sorry for any mistakes or anything that didn't make sense in this little chapter thing. 

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