Chapter 15 Reveal

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The last thing Leo saw as she ran into the mist was Taurus's head colliding with the ground, blood trickled down his face and he didn't move. The portal swallowed Leo whole and she found herself tied to a ships helm. She could see Taurus tied to the mast and she almost cried when she saw him still bleeding everywhere. "Well, I didn't expect to get two of you but what a lovely surprise" a voice said from behind her.  The caves echoes with his voice and Leo shuddered, she didn't want to realize that the killer was a zodiac. "Your insane" She said and the killer laughed and walked out from behind her. Scorpio grabbed her chin and got right up in her face "Darling I know" he whispered in a silky voice, his eyes were full of hatred and there was a large malicious grin on his face. "What have you done with Cancer?!" Leo asked quietly as she stared right into Scorpio's eyes. His expression fell and he sighed "Well she was were Taurus is but she got out" he said as he pointed to Taurus. Scorpio straightened himself up and walked over to Taurus, he looked down and then kicked Taurus's head causing Leo to scream and tears to start welling in her eyes. Taurus seemed to begin waking up and Scorpio's eyes lit up as he looked down at him. Leo was desperately trying to break free from the restraints but nothing worked, she cried out for Taurus who opened one eye. Taurus looked at Leo and then noticed the shadow cast over him, he lifted his head and met the eyes of Scorpio. "You" Taurus muttered as he lay his head back down "Me" Scorpio said calmly as he watched the blood spilling from Taurus's head. "We should have realized it was you" Taurus muttered and rolled over to look at Scorpio, Scorpio's grin widened and he replied "Yeah you probably should of, but you didn't." Leo growled and fought some more against her restraints, Taurus was also struggling against his but neither could escape. Scorpio rolled his eyes and his grin faded "Don't go escaping now, I already have to find Cancer and I don't need to be looking for you as well, I'll kill you after I sort out the other zodiacs" Scorpio said with a wink. Leo growled again and Scorpio laughed at her "Goodbye lovebirds, you can say goodbye to each other when I stab my sword in Taurus's head later" Scorpio said as he opened a portal and jumped through it. Taurus and Leo looked at each other and they both felt their hearts sink. "Well princess, I suppose we better have that date now" Taurus said as he forced a smile. A small smile crept onto Leo's face as she looked at him "I thought our first date would have cakes and nice food but this works too" she replied and Taurus let out a small laugh. "I'm sorry for protesting outside the castle for years, I just thought I should say it so I can die without feeling too bad about it" Taurus said with a slight smile, Leo smiled back and replied with "I'm sorry I didn't realize my peoples living conditions or I would of been on the streets helping everyone." Despite the man she loved practically staring death in the face, Leo felt the happiest she had every felt around a man. They sat in silence for a few minutes before Leo decided to break it. "I always wanted to go on a ship" she said and Taurus smiled "I've been on one before, but it was awful" he replied and began telling the story of him being terribly seasick when he was nine. Both the zodiacs were smiling and laughing as they told each other about their very different backstory's. Goat felt a strong surge go through him as he awoke in his chamber. Only a feeling of love and happiness could wake him up and it was a feeling hard to come by in any zodiac. Using his powers he located two young zodiacs tied to a ship, he frowned and raised an eyebrow. Leo gasped as she watched a portal open next to Taurus and she screamed when an arm came through it. Instead of Scorpio coming to kill Taurus, a man she had never seen before walked through. "Keep it down would you" he said as he yawned and looked down at Taurus "Strange place you've found yourself in, how did you two yet here?" he asked and Taurus stared up at him ready to scream. "Who are you?" Leo asked in a scared voice and the man just looked at her "Goat" he replied calmly and then sat down next to Taurus. "You look a lot like my old friend Tiger" he said pointing at Leo and Leo just nodded timidly. "No need to be scared kids, I don't bite, I'm here to help" Goat said as he pulled out a small pocket knife. He cut the ropes Taurus was tied to and Taurus cut off Leo's. "So children, I have been sleeping for about nineteen years can you inform me what is going on?" Goat said as he sat back down on the ships floor. "No we have to get out of here before Scorpio comes back" Leo said as she picked up the pocket knife and grabbed Taurus's arm. Taurus grabbed Goat and they began dragging him away from the ship, but to their dismay the ship was floating in a huge cave with no way to get off it unless they wanted to go swimming. "Hey you can open portals right? Can you open one to a good patch of land quite far away from here?" Taurus asked Goat and Goat opened a portal underneath them. All three of them fell through the portal and landed in a large forest full of mushrooms and rabbits.  "So now can you explain?" Goat asked from where he had sat down on a stump "Goat there s a man coming to kill us and we need to get back to our friends because he is currently with them" Leo said and Taurus nodded. "Oh the man in the hood thing, yeah I don't like the look of him" Goat said calmly as he opened another portal. "Here I'll take you to our realm to have a rest and my friends can help us locate your friends" Goat said as he beckoned for them to go through the purple portal. Leo gasped as she saw a huge temple loom above her, Taurus followed behind her and looked up at it in complete awe. Goat walked up to the doors and nocked seven times. The door flung open and a very angry woman stood there "Where have you been sleeping beauty?" she roared and Goat just smiled "Morning Dragon, these two kids needed some help and they were lucky enough to wake me with their love" he explained and he pointed at Taurus and Leo who awkwardly smiled back. Dragon let all three of them in and began cleaning Taurus's wound while Goat made them some tea. "Dragon do you know if Snake is home, he could find them" Goat asked as he handed Dragon a tea, Dragon shook her head and replied with "No ones sure, he's really mad at Monkey" Goat frowned and asked "Who is home?" Dragon looked down sadly "Only me, Monkey, and Ox" Taurus and Leo looked at each other sadly, did this mean they couldn't find the zodiacs and warn them? "I can try to find them, they certainly can't be happy if two of their friends are missing" Dragon said as she finished drinking her tea. "Oh what emotion are you ma'am?" Leo asked as politely as she could, Dragon turned to her with a small smile "I'm rage, and I should be addressing you as Princess shouldn't I?" she said and Leo bowed her head. They all finished their tea in silence and then Dragon stood up and walked into the kitchen. She returned a few minutes later with a bowl of water. She place the water bowl down and tapped it with her index finger, the water turned dark shades of purple and red before showing Ophiuchus crying underneath a tree. "There this boy is feeling much rage, do you know him?" Dragon asked and Leo ran over to the water bowl. "Yes! He's my brother! Take me to him please!" Leo screamed and Taurus ran over with a large smile on his face knowing they would be going back to the zodiacs. Dragon opened a portal next to the crying Ophiuchus. Ophiuchus screamed and stood up ready to run and protect his other sister. Dragon walked through the portal and looked at the mini zodiacs who were staring terrified at her. Scorpio began slowly backing away, and he began running when he saw Leo and Taurus walk out of the portal. "Stop!" Taurus yelled as he grabbed Sagittarius's sword and began running after Scorpio. Leo hugged Pisces and Ophiuchus as they both cried into her chest. Goat and Dragon also began chasing after the run away chaos scorpion but he was to fast for everyone except Aries. Aries activated his powers and began to race after Scorpio, Scorpio saw this and opened a portal and jumped through it. The portal disappeared before anyone could go after him. "I wasn't even gone for a full day Pisces you can stop crying" Leo whispered into her sister ear, Ophiuchus was cuddling her as well and sobbing his eyes out. "Well, now we know who has the sword" Libra said as she tried to brighten the mood, Capricorn and Virgo smiled slightly and then turned to their appointed leader. Aries stood in front of the zodiacs and put his sword back into its holder. "If anyone see's Scorpio you can attack him, we must all work together to defeat him and I don't want to lose anyone else" Aries said and all the zodiacs nodded. Taurus pulled out the compass of love and turned to Aries who had pulled out his sword, both were shaking and trying to fly out of their masters hands. Virgo's green bracelet she always wore was also shaking violently and flew off her wrist. A note fell from the bracelet and Virgo stared in shock before picking up the note. She scanned the note with wide eyes and she took back her bracelet. "The bracelet of nature" Dragon said in awe as she looked at it, Goat smiled and looked at her. "How did you know?" Virgo asked as she put her bracelet back on "I made it" Dragon said with a smile before she and Goat walked back through a portal. Scorpio growled as he watched them, he needed a new plan and fast. Aquarius felt his heart sink and tears well up in his eyes, Scorpio was so nice to him but he was planning to kill him? Aquarius looked away from all the others, he saw Scorpio peeking through some trees before disappearing again. If Scorpio wanted him dead then that's what he would get, that's how love worked right?

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