Chapter 8 Strangers

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The zodiacs ate their food and packed up ready to begin travelling again, but it wasn't long before they reached the first problem. "Right, so does anyone know how to get to the forbidden places where no ones allowed to go so he's most likely hiding there" Capricorn said as she looked at the seven different pathways they had to choose from. "Yeah no, no ones allowed to know stuff like that" Pisces said and turned to the others and asked "Anyone got like a really old map with all pathways shown on it?" everyone shook their heads with a look of pure annoyance. "I recommend not taking the second path unless you like trolls"  said a voice from behind the group. They all turned to find a man wearing a long black cloak, much like Scorpio's. "The path you want is the fourth one, it leads to a valley at the end of the forest, but beware the wolves and try and find the pixies before night, they'll cover you for the night" he said as he began walking down the fifth path "Must be off, I have an old friend to visit" he added as he disappeared into the trees. The zodiacs apprehensively walked down the pathway the stranger had said to go down. Capricorn swore she could feel his eyes on her, even though she never saw his face. As she walked the path Capricorn swore she could see the man following them in the trees and Taurus was a bit on edge as well. "Ay b*tch lady, do you think he's following us?" Taurus whispered in her ear and then whipped his head up to look at the trees. Capricorn nodded and whispered for him to pull out his dagger just in case, Capricorn sped up to the front of the group and Taurus hung back at the end. The fourth path opened up to where a different path would have joined, and standing in the path was a cloaked lady. They lady nodded at them and said "He put you on the right path, continue and I shall follow" "Hold up lady I'm not letting anyone I can't see the body of follow me" Capricorn snapped back and the lady sighed and pointed to Scorpio who's body was completely hidden by his cloak "Well I suppose that's a fair need for a mortal to want to trust whoever's with them" the lady said something quiet at the end of her sentence and only one zodiac heard, the zodiacs blood ran cold and they stopped walking, and she then removed her hood which revealed her orange hair and blue eyes. The lady walked them to a large clearing and her voice rang from the back of the group "Here's where the pixies hide, you'll be safe here" Capricorn turned to thank her, but the lady was nowhere to be found. Capricorn stared at where the lady once was, and then turned to the other zodiacs. Capricorn some trust issues out of all the zodiacs due to her past of being abandoned at a knights house when she was nine, but she never felt any hesitation to not trust the hooded figures. She looked around at the zodiacs and then walked to Aries "Aries we need a leader, if I didn't stop them Aquarius and Scorpio would be long gone and Libra and Cancer need someone they feel safe with" she said and Aries's eyes widened "No you've always been the leader, why not now?" he yelled, which caused the zodiacs to stare at them. Capricorn decided it was best to get their attention "Zodiacs I think we need a leader, and a navigator, and maybe a lot of things. I would prefer for Aries to be the leader because I personally have seen his talent and leadership skills and I believe that if we went to battle, Aries as a leader may be the reason we win" she declared loudly, Sagittarius smiled and said "I believe Aries is a great leader and his battle plans I know he would lead us all to victory"  Libra nodded and added "I don't know him to well, but I believe he would be a great leader, and Capricorn too" Aries looked flustered and blushed when Libra spoke, Capricorn smiled and knew that her best friend may or may not fancy Libra a little bit and she was going to get them together. Capricorn looked around at the other zodiacs, all except Gemini nodded, Gemini looked at Aries and whispered lowly "Can plans really defeat him, did you hear what the lady said" his face didn't have his calmness and the sparkle in his eyes were gone, he looked scared instead. Aries looked confused and asked "What did she say?" but Gemini was clearly done on the subject and looked away, his hand was shaking slightly and his face was twisted with an unreadable look. Ophiuchus looked back at Aries and Capricorn and said "So new leader and co leader as I now declare you are, what's out first move under you rule" he had a smile on his face and his voice was filled with happiness, he certainly wasn't like most nineteen year old boys you would meet. Aries looked at the sun with was rapidly setting and then looked back with a grin "Well we need fire and tents set up, Sagittarius can lead Ophiuchus and Leo to get some firewood and the rest of us will set up tents and prepare the food" he said in his best mock leader voice, the of firewood collectors left and Capricorn snuck over to Scorpio. Scorpio had opened Sagittarius's backpack to start to set up the last tent and looked up when Capricorn came over. "Hello Scorpio" she said cheerily but was ignored "I want to talk to you" she added but was completely ignored again. She frowned and grabbed a tent peg of Scorpio "Now please" she said sternly, Scorpio sighed and muttered "What do you want?" and Capricorn smiled "Do you like Virgo, you seem to only trust her" she asked and Scorpio looked confused "No she's just nice, she's all yours" he answered and went back to setting up the tent "Do you like anyone?" she asked as she helped him hammer in a peg, Scorpio glared at her and replied with "Love is pain and is completely useless, the last thing I want is to fall in love with someone I know will hurt me and die, and friendships are the same, useless and painful" Capricorn stared at him. Had his life been so awful he was pushing everyone away? Capricorn stopped thinking and looked back at him, she was going to be his friend, she just had to keep pushing him for it. 

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