Capricorn and Virgo

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Capricorn came back the most loved and respected female knight in history, women all around the world celebrated her name. Capricorn loved all the glory but always made sure Virgo was included in celebrations and was as respected as her. The two dated for five years before Virgo organized the most romantic and expensive date she could think off so she could propose in style. With the help of Delphinus and Ophiuchus she somehow managed to get the ring come on the back of a toucan wearing a small tuxedo, Capricorn still has no idea how she managed to get a toucan and a tiny suit for him. The two had a beautiful wedding inside the Chinese zodiacs castle. Capricorn chose the location so he wouldn't be upset that he missed out on the wedding, Virgo just gave in and even set up a place for the missing zodiac. The couple decided not long after their honeymoon that the house they lived in was getting lonely and decided they needed children. Having no way to have their own child they decided adoption would be the best solution, and after only four days they found a street child named Porter. The second they saw the child both women knew they wanted him, Capricorn completely forgot about ever wanting a daughter the second she looked into the little boys eyes. Porter was welcomed into the family with welcoming arms, he was severely underweight and it took months for him to start looking healthy. Virgo decided she wanted to open up her own shop and with the help of Aries she had a perfect little shop in the middle of the kingdom. She sold a large range of plants and flowers while Capricorn became a private swordsman teacher. Porter often helped Virgo around the shop, he took an interest in plants and quite often got caught taking books on plants from library's and his aunts shop. Porter also loved talking to walls and his plants, his mothers have both talked to Libra and discussed their children's weird behaviors. Virgo plans on keeping her shop open until the end of her days and then passing it to Porter who she hopes will have his own children to pass it to, Capricorn is also hoping that Porter will take an interest in swords and begin training with her. The couple are very happy with their son and are deciding whether or not to find another child when Porter is older. The three of them are happily settled together and Capricorn and Virgo are focused on raising their son to be a good person. 

Another ending for you, not my best work but I do like it. I've been a bit busy so I haven't been writing as much as normal, and when I've been writing it's been for Zodiac Fairytales and it's a romance/sad scene for when I actually set up the couples, so the scene I've been writing wont be in the story for ages but I love the scene. As normal I apologize for any mistakes I didn't see and thank you for reading and I hope to see you in whatever I upload next. 

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