Chapter 28 Brain Fried

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Gemini looked down at the ground with a horrified look. No matter where he turned all he could see were dead bodies of all his friends. Knives and swords were all covered in blood and bottles of poison were laying around everywhere. "No" Gemini groaned as he began to run in the other direction, everywhere he looked he saw bodies and weapons covered in blood. "You can't escape it" a voice said from behind him and Gemini whipped around to see his refection in a lake. "This is how my world ended, save me" his reflection said before disappearing into the depths of the water. The lake suddenly vanished and left in its place was a burning cart, a scream cut through the night and Gemini whipped around to see a burning Pisces reaching for him. "Help me please!" she screamed and Gemini quickly ran over but she turned to dust the second he touched her. The rest of the zodiacs all began fading away and then turning to dust and drifting away. "This is how my world ended, you could have helped us" a burning Gemini said as he slapped the real Gemini. "Gemini!" a voice yelled but it seemed to far away to reach. The voice was yelling and Gemini turned to see Libra covered in blood screaming his name. Gemini jolted awake and met Libra's eyes as she bent over him. "You good? You were crying in you sleep" she said and Gemini nodded slowly. He sat up and looked around the room with the sleeping zodiacs. He could see Capricorn and Virgo cuddling in one corner and Scorpio sleeping on Ophiuchus and Aquarius in another, he looked at Pisces and smiled when he saw her cuddling up to her sister. "What time is it?" Gemini asked in a raspy voice and Libra shrugged. "Most likely around three, are you alright?" she asked and Gemini looked back up at her. "Just a bad dream" he replied as he looked around the room again. "Why are you awake?" he asked and Libra just shrugged. "Aries kicked me and I woke up" she said as she sat back down and cuddled into her boyfriends arms. "Go to sleep, we'll find out about the queen in the morning" Libra said as she kissed her boyfriends cheek and shut her eyes. Gemini stared at Pisces and tried to shake the image of her burning from his mind. He tried to shut his eyes but an image of Scorpio's bleeding statue seemed to be in front of him and he opened his eyes quickly. He looked over at Scorpio who was peacefully sleeping on Ophiuchus's arm and Aquarius's leg. Gemini stood up and walked over as quietly as he could to get to the sleeping boys. Gemini nudged Scorpio with his foot and Scorpio groaned as he cuddled into Aquarius's side. "Too early Cetus" Scorpio mumbled into Aquarius and then let out a little snore. Gemini prepared to kick Scorpio before he suddenly jumped at the loud voice. "What are you doing?" Aquarius asked as he looked up at Gemini with a sleepy look. "Waking up your boyfriend" Gemini replied and Aquarius snorted. "He's not my boyfriend yet, and let him sleep he clearly doesn't get enough of it" Aquarius said as he sat up and lay Scorpio on his lap. "I wanted to talk to him about the statue of him" Gemini said as he sat down next to Aquarius. "Covered in blood?" Aquarius asked with a yawn as he began stroking Scorpio's hair. "How did you know?" Gemini asked and Aquarius smiled. "He showed me the day his friend kidnaped me, it was so weird seeing it" Aquarius said as he stared off into the distance and began to remember the statue. "Can you tell me anything else?" Gemini asked and Aquarius nodded before he began to explain everything he knew.

"Good morning everyone" Gemini said as he brought out pancakes for all the zodiacs. The ones who were awake were staring groggily at him and the sleeping ones slowly began to wake up. "Breakfast is ready, good morning sleepyhead" Aquarius said as he came in with another plate of pancakes and then hugged Scorpio. "What's all this?" Pisces asked as she grinned at Gemini. Gemini tapped her nose and handed her a plate with pancakes. "Me and Aquarius couldn't sleep see we made breakfast" Gemini explained as he sat down next to Pisces and kissed her cheek. Pisces began eating and Gemini turned to see a new couple finally starting to happen. He could see Sagittarius and Cancer giggling as they fed each other pancakes and laughed about little jokes. Gemini nudged Pisces as she grinned when she saw her bestfriend and Sagittarius. "Yay she now has a boyfriend, now everyone has someone" Pisces said as she leant against Gemini's shoulder. "Not quite, what about those three?" Gemini said as he pointed to where Scorpio was breaking up a fight between Aquarius and Ophiuchus. "Everyone in this room will die because of you" a voice said and Gemini began to looking around the room horrified. "Babe what's up?" Pisces asked and Gemini looked at her with his eyes wide. "Didn't you hear the voice?" he asked and Pisces raised an eyebrow and shook her head. "If you mean my brother insulting someone then yes I heard it" she said confused and Gemini felt the hairs on his neck stand up. "She'll die because of you, you don't want that do you?" the voice asked and Gemini began looking around the room again, this time he wasn't alone. "Did you guys hear something?" Aquarius asked and Gemini began nodding. "A voice?" he asked and Aquarius looked at him before slowly nodding. "Maybe you should just get more sleep, Capricorn how do you feel about going to check on the kingdom" Aries said and Capricorn nodded. "We'll go see what's happening with the queen, we'll be back" she said as she and Aries left.

"Why are you running away, you know who I am" the voice said and Gemini clutched his head. "No I don't, why are you here?" Gemini managed to say as he looked around the dark room he was in. He didn't remember how he got there or who had put them here, the last thing he remembered was Scorpio and Aquarius watching him. "I'm you" the voice said and Gemini watched himself walk out of the darkness. Gemini began to stutter but the other Gemini raised his hand. "I won't hurt you if I get the body" the other Gemini said as he stared the real Gemini dead in the eyes. "No! I finally have everything" Gemini yelled and the other Gemini scowled. "Everything? You mean Pisces, well I'll make sure she dies the worst" the other Gemini growled and Gemini's eyes widened. "If your me why would you do this?" Gemini asked and the other Gemini smiled. "If I can't have good things neither can you" he said as multiple other Gemini's came out of the darkness. "Your the only one who's zodiacs are still alive" one of the other Gemini's said and the real Gemini took a step back. A sudden scream awoke Gemini and he stared up at Cancer. "Thank god, you passed out" she said as she began feeling Gemini's forehead. "Babe your okay!" Pisces yelled as she hugged her boyfriend and pecked his lips. Leo and Ophiuchus glared at Gemini and Gemini nodded awkwardly. "You should probably eat something" Scorpio said as he looked through the doorway and threw Gemini an apple. "Wait I need to talk to you" Gemini said and Scorpio raised an eyebrow. "Yeah sure" Scorpio said as he began eating an apple and staring at Gemini. "Alone" Gemini said and all the zodiacs starting giving him weird looks. "That serious? I can teleport us out of here" Scorpio said and Gemini nodded. A portal opened underneath him and Gemini let out a yell as he suddenly fell through. "Is this a ship?" Gemini asked as he looked around a huge cave and stared down at the wooden deck underneath him. "Yes it's a ship, sit down and begin talking, and eat the food" Scorpio said as he sat down on a chair and pushed Gemini onto his. "I wanted to ask what's going on with your statue and me" Gemini said and Scorpio gave him a confused look. "Statue's easy, the more blood I spill the more goes on the statue, dark reminder of what I've done set up by the queen. But I don't know what you mean by you?" Scorpio said and Gemini nodded before explaining. "It's like there's more of me, not bodies but minds or different worlds of me" Gemini began and then cringed at his words. "You can clone yourself right? maybe your powers backfired?" Scorpio suggested and Gemini frowned. "Backfired?" he asked and Scorpio nodded before adding "Mine did once, it was awful." Gemini frowned before looking at Scorpio with a blank face. "How would it backfire for me, do you think there's multiple of me?" he asked and Scorpio frowned as he began to think. "Well my powers backfired when I used them for too long, maybe there's a clone yours that's still around somewhere" Scorpio suggested and Gemini nodded. "That's possible, I had no idea how to control my powers until a few years ago" he said and Scorpio nodded. "If we find the clone maybe you'll be fine, but I really don't know" Scorpio said as he stood up and began to open a portal. "Let's go then" Gemini said as he walked back through the portal. 

Hello, hope you enjoyed this chapter and maybe understand what I was doing when I put in the overdramatic name, and I apologize for any mistakes. I felt inspired and wanted to write a little more of Gemini when I really should be doing the four characters I seem to ignore the most. Anyway thank you so much for reading and I'll hopefully see you in whatever I update next. 

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