Chapter 29 Villains and Plans

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"It's all gone" Capricorn muttered as she stared at the kingdom. Flames had engulfed the entire kingdom and Capricorn could hear people yelling and screaming as they tried to flee. Aries stood next to Capricorn with a lost look in his eyes, she knew he was thinking the same thing. "The Queen wouldn't do this" he muttered and Capricorn nodded as she grabbed his hand. Their fingers intertwined as they both tried to process what was happening. "We need to find out if she's dead or not" Aries whispered and Capricorn agreed, Aries began warming up to use his powers and before Capricorn knew it she was inside the kingdom. People screamed as they ducked falling buildings and flames, Capricorn frowned as she saw all the people running. The few who were trying to put out the fire were completely at a loss to the flames and Capricorn could tell they knew. Aries had a lost look in his eyes as he watched the kingdom burn, the only thing not on fire was the castle. Aries and Capricorn walked to the gates of the castle, people along the way were yelling and screaming about the fire and some yelled about them. "You caused this!" a woman spat as she ran past the two, Capricorn looked after her with a lost look. Aries looked up at the castle and Capricorn opened the gates, no guards were patrolling the castle and everything was dead quiet. Capricorn hesitated before walking into the castle with Aries, the banners and decorations the queen had were all gone and the castle was plain. "The servants must have run away with valuables" Capricorn muttered to herself and Aries nodded as he looked around. "Was this necessary?" a familiar voice asked and both knights froze as they recognized the queen. "We will be unstoppable, the second we get Spider back we can finish the plan, I presume Spider has befriended you nephew already?" a male voice asked and the knights peered around the corner. "He's never failed me" Cetus said as she stared up at a brown haired man. Capricorn gasped as she saw the horns on the mans head, the man clearly wasn't normal. "Are you so sure he wont betray you again, he seems to have taken a liking to two of the zodiacs, some could say more than just a liking" the man said and Cetus glared at him. "He'll die even if he betrays us" Cetus said as she stared up at the man. "My zodiacs will be trying to protect these ones, getting rid of my leader is the best way to defeat everyone, give Spider his new mission" the man said as he turned away from the queen and disappeared. 

"You!" Capricorn yelled as she burst into the room with all the zodiacs. "Me?" Scorpio asked as he took a step back and seemed to panic a little. "Your still reporting to the queen!" Capricorn screamed and Aries grabbed her hand to hold her back. Scorpio's eyes widened and he started walking backwards as he panicked. Aries pulled out his sword and held it up to Scorpio's face. "Explain everything" Aries demanded as he dragged the blade across Scorpio's cheek. Aquarius and Ophiuchus ran over to shield Scorpio from Aries but Aries wasn't willing to give up so easily. "He was sent to befriend you Ophiuchus, he's manipulating both of you!" Capricorn yelled and Scorpio shifted awkwardly. "I was sent to be with Ophiuchus, but I would never do anything to hurt him or Aquarius" Scorpio said as he tried to defend himself from the knights. Capricorn was ready to yell again before she felt her heart shatter. Sagittarius stood in front of his brother, even Scorpio was shocked that Sagittarius was defending him. "He can explain when you are both a bit calm-" Sagittarius tried to say but Capricorn slapped him before he could finish. "Your defending a criminal who's betrayed us!" Capricorn screeched and Sagittarius stared her dead in the eyes. "Your little girlfriend is a thief, you don't see me trying to interrogate her" Sagittarius said coldly and Capricorn slapped him again before being pulled back by Virgo. "Babe it's not worth it!" Virgo yelled and Capricorn stopped struggling against her, every good thought she had on Sagittarius suddenly crumbled around her. She could see the same betrayal in Aries's eyes and both thought the same thing, how could Sagittarius do this to them? Cancer ran over to Sagittarius and began healing his cheek while flirting with him, Capricorn growled when she saw the spark in Sagittarius's eyes. "Aries you seem calmer, explain what you saw" Leo commanded and Aries bowed respectfully. "The entire kingdom is in flames, the queen is alive and was talking to a man about how Scorpio has been given a new mission and that he was here to get the prince on his side" Aries explained and Capricorn growled. "You met him? That's bad" Scorpio said in concern but Virgo hissed at him and he quickly took a step back. Capricorn looked into Virgo's eyes and kissed her forehead, Capricorn couldn't lose Virgo at any cost. "Why are you here" Capricorn demanded and Scorpio looked down at the floor. "You wouldn't understand" he replied as he looked off into the distance. Taurus, Leo, and Pisces walked over to join Capricorn and Aries as they glared at Scorpio. Libra and Gemini took each others hand and walked over to Scorpio, the two sides glared at each other. "Babe come here" Aries whispered and Libra shook her head, Capricorn could see Aries becoming more and more desperate for Libra and Pisces was doing the same with Gemini. "Scorpio is helping me, he's going to help me find a cure" Gemini said stubbornly and Libra nodded. "You betrayed us?" Pisces asked in a broken voice and Gemini started trembling. "I would never, and I don't think he did either, he betrayed the queen" Gemini said and Libra backed him up. "Scorpio came here against the queens will, he sleep-talks a lot and I was awake for a long time, I know it isn't proof but it's something" Libra added as she stared at Aries with a lost look. 

The room was silent as half the zodiacs avoided each other, Capricorn lay in her girlfriend's lap as she began thinking about what she had heard. The man said again so clearly Scorpio had betrayed them before, but they clearly sent him on some sort of mission he needed to be near the zodiacs for. Capricorn looked at Scorpio and saw his dazed face, Capricorn felt a ping of anger as they thought of the crown, was the crown and kingdom he had promised a lie too? She had so many questions but she needed to talk to him alone, and with everyone around she knew it was going to be hard to get him by himself. Scorpio said something to his brother and stood up to walk out of the room. "I'm going to the bathroom" Capricorn said quickly as she stoop up and walked out of the room. Scorpio was making himself some food in the kitchen and Capricorn quietly walked over. She stood behind Scorpio for a moment before grabbing his wrists and turning him to face her. Scorpio freaked out and began trying to get out of her grip but calmed down when he saw it was another zodiac. "Explain what the man means by you betraying them before" Capricorn whispered and Scorpio frowned. "I may or may not have saved a couple zodiacs a while ago" he said loudly and Capricorn shushed him quickly. "Shut up I don't want the world knowing, now who's fucking side are you on?" she demanded and Scorpio's eyes began darting around the room. "I suppose both, I want to be on your side but I don't have a choice" he whispered and Capricorn let go of his wrists. "Why do you have to serve the queen, just betray her for good and forget about it" she said and Scorpio sighed "They used to threaten me with my brother but they found something else." Capricorn raised and eyebrow and motioned for him to keep talking. "I have a niece, she was taken away by the man and I don't want to lose her" Scorpio explained and Capricorn's eyes widened. "That's why your doing this? To protect some kid instead of your zodiacs?" she growled and Scorpio gave her a lost look. "She's two! Besides it's not like I had met you before" Scorpio defended and Capricorn sighed. "Where is she?" Capricorn asked and Scorpio looked at the ground sadly. "That man has her, he's the one in control" Scorpio whispered and Capricorn frowned. "Who is he?" she asked and Scorpio gave her a sad look. "Ox of the Chinese zodiacs, he's out to kill us all" he said with a smile. 

Capricorn looked at Scorpio from across the room and tried to read what he was thinking. He wasn't the type to leave his emotions on his sleeve but Capricorn could tell he wasn't having a good time. She walked over to Scorpio and she stood above him for a moment before she started speaking. "I want you to lead us to victory, we need to kill Cetus and Ox and we aren't moving fast enough, I want you to make the plan" she said as she stared down at Scorpio. "Killing them is practically impossible! It's highly likely Ox just brought the queen back to life he's really powerful and I can't stop him!" Scorpio yelled but his words were too fast and started getting a bit jumbled. "Well then we die trying, but I'm not living like this" she said and Scorpio looked down. "If we break into their castle we can defeat them since they're weaker there, but to do that we need a Chinese zodiacs help" Scorpio explained hurriedly and a laugh came from the corner of the room. "Don't worry you have help" Rat said with a wink as he walked into the room followed by Rabbit. "Get ready for an actual battle, your last one went very poorly" Rabbit teased and Capricorn smiled. "We leave tomorrow" she said and the chinses zodiacs nodded. 

Well the next chapter came together fast.  I know I never seem to work with Capricorn and a couple of the other zodiacs, so you got a Capricorn chapter and a plot twist. Anyway I'm sorry for this not so great chapter and I apologize for any mistakes I didn't see. I hope to see you in whatever I update next. 

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