Ophiuchus and Aquarius, and Scorpio

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The two men and they're two kids were welcomed into the kingdom with a huge party. A ceremony was held for Aquarius, Stevie, and Delphinus to join the royal family. Aquarius was named Prince of a Prince, which he was very annoyed about because he didn't like his title being gayer than he was, Ophiuchus adored the new title and often referred to his boyfriend as his prince. Ophiuchus spent lots of his time helping the kingdom being rebuilt and helping both his sisters run the kingdom, Aquarius spent most of his time caring for the two children and fixing up a house for them to live in. 

Ophiuchus left for a small business trip while Aquarius and the two kids prepared for something very exciting, the proposal. Little did they know the supposed business trip was Ophiuchus making up excuses to go buy a ring for his boyfriend. Once Ophiuchus returned he immediately got down on one knee and proposed which cause Aquarius to burst out laughing a pull out his own ring. They had a medium wedding with only the zodiacs and Chinese zodiacs being there, the two kids were there as well as the ring bearers. The honeymoon was spent stressfully due to Aquarius wanting the kids and Ophiuchus throwing up for most of the holiday. The kingdom welcomed them back in a joint party with Capricorn and Virgo to celebrate the first man and man as well as the first woman and woman marriages in hundreds of years.  

Aquarius spent most of the time being a stay-at-home day while Ophiuchus advised Pisces and Gemini as they adjusted to becoming king and queen. Stevie and Delphinus grew up to be troublemakers and quite often had Aquarius chasing them around the house with wooden spoons. Stevie grew up to become an alchemist and researcher for the kingdom, all of his work being funded by the royal family. Delphinus became a blacksmith and specializes in weapons and tools, all of her supplies were also supported by the royal family. Ophiuchus is determined he will never retire and work until he dies while Aquarius already looks like he's ready to retire and never have to get out of bed again. 

All four members of the house insist that the wind keeps following them around and playing with the things in the house before leaving again. This wind likes to tidy things around the house and shut doors that were left open, the wind is also quite annoyed that they don't think it's him. Scorpio is very proud of the family he wanted to be in, seeing Delphinus and Stevie grow up as well as Ophiuchus and Aquarius move on and become proper lovers and parents. Now Scorpio just sits around and waits for someone to die and give him company while he watches over all the zodiacs, his favorite place being Sagittarius and Cancer's animal shelter. Scorpio loves talking to all of the zodiac's children and often visits them to tell them bedtime stories, the kids favorite is the story of how he died and the story of Aquarius and Ophiuchus's mission into the castle. Scorpio misses Aquarius and Ophiuchus more than he could tell them as a ghost, the only thing he can really do is a couple small chores for them. And whether they realize it or not, the flowers that keep appearing randomly around the house are not there by accident and is instead Scorpio telling his family that he still loves them. 

Goodbye Zodiac War. Is this book the best book ever? No it isn't that great. But I'm fairly proud of it, this was my first time actually finishing a story and while half of it sucked I can still say that I did it. This book is such a weird book and I'm pretty sure it's very confusing to read. So many things were cut out of this book and I have so many notes I can post of little snippets of story that didn't make it in. I'm so grateful that there were people in my comments who said they liked my story or gave me tips, it's an amazing feeling when you get to read people saying they like your story. Thank you all so much for reading my story and I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it

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