Chapter 10 Gone

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Cancer looked at Gemini and Taurus with a look of horror as they yelled "Protect Libra now!" and then turned to each other in shock. Libra looked even more shocked and started freaking out and asking questions. Most of the zodiacs were now in a state of panic, the only ones who weren't panicking were Leo and Scorpio, who just stood there being dramatically unhelpful. Cancer started using her healing powers on Gemini, but nothing happened, and the same with Taurus. Gemini picked up a high heel left by Pisces and launched it into the trees and Taurus looked at him, they stared for a minute then both said "Sword holder" and then ran over to Aries and began rapidly trying to speak but no one could understand. Taurus screamed random words in a huge jumble and it sounded like "Aghaggdhdjsmwnbegdhdjdnbdbfv and egegehwuieyuqgb got it!?" and Cancer couldn't help but giggle at Aries confused face. A large grin spread across one of the zodiacs face as they saw the madness they created, they turned to Cancer and whispered "A big smile for someone about to die" the world around Cancer turned black and she collapsed into a cloud of smoke and disappeared. The last thing she saw was Pisces opening her mouth to let out a blood curdling scream. Cancer awoke tied to a post, she look around and gasped as she saw just where she was. She was tied to the mast of a pirate ship, the ship was old and the flags were torn. She tried standing up but her legs and arms were bound to tight, she stop struggling and yelled "Show yourself you piece of dirt!" her voice echoed around the large cave the boat was in, a shallow laugh echoed around her. "A piece of dirt? is that the best you got, you really are a castle kid ay?" the voice asked as it echoed around the large cave. She looked up at the cave she was in, the rocks echoed the voice and it was impossible to tell where he was, and she was really hoping that she wasn't seeing blood on one of the walls. "We'll stop you! Just wait until I escape yo-!" a hand clamped her mouth shut and she looked up at her kidnapper. Her kidnapper had hidden his face and his body, but Cancer knew who he was. He removed his hand from her mouth and he slapped her across the face, he raised the sword to kill her but stopped suddenly. He laughed manically and looked down at her "This is so boring, lets make this fun ay? If your zodiac savers don't find you in two days you'll die by this blade, you better start praying" he turned sharply and the sword vanished from his hands. In a flash the wooden door behind him had started glowing at it swung open into the forest Cancer and the zodiacs had been travelling, he was going back to gain their trust. Once the door shut Cancer was plunged into darkness, a single tear left her eye as she looked around trying to see anything in the pitch black. Would the zodiacs be able to find her in time? And what happens if thy begin to trust him and then they all get killed by him? Cancer made up her mind that she was going to escape and tell the zodiacs who it was, she just needed to get out of these restraints. She struggled and struggled, but they were on to tight to even let her move. A loud sob filled the cave and Cancer began to cry loudly, she needed to help the zodiacs. She needed to help Pisces, her best friend and savoir. Somewhere far away in a small cottage, a man heard her desperate cries for help. He had sworn he would never use his cursed powers again, but this emotion was so different from the others. Last time he had ignored an emotion like that everyone he loved had perished in a fire. He lowered his tea cup and stood up, he turned to walk over to his sword and took it off the wall. His hand turned blue and he used his powers to open a doorway to the one feeling the emotion, he hesitated before walking through but decided even if it was one of his old friends they really needed his help that time. The pirate ship rocked slightly and Cancer's eyes widened as a large blue circle appeared in front of her. She began to struggle as all the images of the kidnapper coming back flew through her mind. The man stuck his head through the blue circle, and then walked through as he looked at his surroundings. It was a strange place to be needing help so much, who needs help in a cave on a old ship? He scanned the now illuminated cave, and then he saw a person cowering by the ships mast. Cancer was crying buckets and she was preparing to scream at the top of her lungs, but the man quickly shushed her. "What a strange place to need me, and why are you down there?" he asked as he walked towards her. Cancer looked up at him and silently showed him that she was tied to the mast, he bent over and cut the ropes with a emerald dagger. She cowered on the floor and waited for him to stab her with his dagger, but he never did. "Who are you child, only zodiacs can summon me, and you are not one of my zodiacs" he asked kindly, Cancer looked up at him and summoned the courage to say "I'm Cancer, who are you?" the man stared down at her and then held out his hand, Cancer took it and the man helped her to her feet. "Well I have many names, most called me general, some called me vermin, others called me rude things such as rainbow general, my friends and fellow zodiacs called me Rat" he replied as he looked over at his blue portal. He turned back to Cancer and calmly stated "You look stressed" Cancer felt rage consume her "I just got kidnapped and a strange man with a terrible name just came out of a blue thing!" she roared and Rat just stared at her. Rat looked at her with a slight bit of disgust that she was so disrespectful to a legend, but rolled his eyes and pushed her into the blue portal. Cancer fell into a small cottage made of wood, and Rat walked in behind her "Kettle just boiled, I'll make some tea and then we can talk" Rat said as he walked to the stove to take the teapot and then sat down to question Cancer. 

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