Chapter 35

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"How did this happen?" Capricorn whispered as she broke another stick and threw it into the grey grass. Virgo watched her break her ninth stick and throw it away, she had tried to console her but it was clear Capricorn wasn't listening. The gray grass swayed slightly in the wind, the castle grounds were slowly regaining color since Ox had died. Capricorn was sitting on the steps leading up to the backdoor of the castle, the wind howled all around Capricorn and seemed to whisper that Scorpio's death was all her fault, she had dragged everyone to fight and someone had died because of it. "You should eat something" Virgo whispered and Capricorn looked at her before hiding her face in her hands. "What if it was you that died? How did I ever think this was a good idea" Capricorn whispered and Virgo rubbed her shoulders gently. "You wanted what was best for everyone, we no longer have to hide in fear" Virgo said and Capricorn looked at her. "But at the cost of a life, I didn't like him but I didn't want him to go" Capricorn argued and Virgo sighed. "He was a side swapper, for all we know he was going to betray us at the last second, maybe what happened was best" Virgo suggested and Capricorn hid her face again. "But he didn't deserve to die like that, I saw his body" Capricorn said in a shaky voice and Virgo looked down. "What happened happened, we can't change it even if we want to" Virgo sighed and kissed Capricorn's forehead before walking away. Capricorn looked down at the ground and froze when she saw a statue underneath her feet. A statue of Scorpio stood underneath her and the real Scorpio stood before it. A man stood in front of Scorpio with a large key in his hand, they appeared to be talking before he handed the key to Scorpio. Scorpio bowed to the man who disappeared in a puff of smoke and left Scorpio standing before his statue. Scorpio held the key up and his statue moved to reveal a gate behind it, Scorpio looked up at Capricorn and smiled before walking through the gate. "Hey" Scorpio whispered and Capricorn whipped around to see him standing there. Capricorn gasped and tried to reach out for him but her hands slipped through. "Everyone's worried about you, you've been hallucinating seeing me for hours" Scorpio said and he sat down next to her. "Are you here?" Capricorn asked and Scorpio shook his head. "I'm just your imagination, the real me is watching over his boyfriends" he explained and sat down next to her. "You passed out three hours ago, no ones found your body yet but their all searching madly, mostly Virgo" Scorpio said and Capricorn looked at him confused. "I just saw Virgo?" she asked and Scorpio nodded before replying "You saw imaginary Virgo, the real Virgo is currently screaming at Taurus." The world suddenly seemed to crumble around Capricorn and she sat in a white room with blood splattered on the walls. "Are you mad that I caused your death?" she asked and Scorpio laughed before shaking his head. "He doesn't think it's your fault. now go back home" he answered and Capricorn felt tears prick at her eyes as he seemed to fade away into the white. 

"Capricorn!" Virgo screamed and Capricorn sat up quickly. "What? What's wrong?" she demanded and Virgo screamed before jumping into her arms. "You passed out hours ago and we only just found you! We were so worried" Virgo cried and hugged Capricorn as tight as she could. "You should have seen Virgo, can't imagine the life your going to have after your marriage" Taurus said before Leo dragged him away. "How did I pass out?" Capricorn asked as she rubbed her eyes. "You found the body" Virgo whispered and Capricorn froze as she remembered what she saw before she passed out. "How did you find me?" she asked and Virgo pointed at Pisces who was cuddling Gemini. "She knew where the body was, it's gone now" Virgo said and Capricorn turned to look at her. "Gone?" she asked and Virgo nodded. "Ophiuchus asked for it to be removed from the castle, he couldn't stand looking at Scorpio and Aquarius was having a breakdown while holding the children, Dragon got rid of it for us" Virgo explained and Capricorn looked over her shoulder at Ophiuchus. He was biting his nails while Stevie hugged his leg crying and Aquarius was trying to comfort Delphinus from her crying fit. "Did you all come looking?" Capricorn asked and Virgo nodded. "We needed to find you, unfortunately the kids saw his body" Virgo said and looked down sadly. "We need to leave this castle" Capricorn sighed and Virgo nodded. "Aries decided we would stay for a while longer, to get our thoughts together" Virgo said and kissed Capricorn's forehead. "I don't want to be here, I don't care where we would go I just don't want to be here" Capricorn sighed and Virgo nodded. "Aquarius is the one we're most concerned about, even Ophiuchus and Sagittarius seem to be trying to think of something else but he just randomly bursts into tears, we're staying until he goes a day without crying" Virgo said and Capricorn nodded. "Maybe it is best for his sake if we stay for a while, how is everyone else doing?" Capricorn asked and Virgo shrugged. "Well most people seem slightly shaken or just unaffected, Aquarius, Ophiuchus, Sagittarius and Pisces seem to be taking it the worst" Virgo replied and Capricorn nodded as she looked around the room. "Understandable, his brother and boyfriends then the person who watched him die, they all have a good reason to be freaking out" Capricorn sighed and Virgo nodded. "The kids aren't doing so good either, although it might just be because they're children and probably have no idea what's going on" Virgo added and Stevie let out a loud wail which cut through the mostly silent castle. "What's wrong buddy?" Capricorn heard Ophiuchus ask as he picked up the little boy, poor Ophiuchus was dealing with three crying people while trying not to cry at the same time. "But we're going to be alright, I'm sure the gods have a plan" Capricorn said and turned back to look at Virgo. Virgo looked shocked before nodding slowly and then turning her head to the side. "Did you get hit over the head?" she asked and Capricorn laughed. "No, I just feel like someone's watching over us trying to help" she said and out of the corner of her eye she saw Scorpio nod. Capricorn nodded back and Virgo turned around to see who she was looking at but Scorpio was already gone. "At least you feel better, his death isn't your fault" Virgo said and Capricorn kissed her gently. "Thank you, now lets go help Ophiuchus with the kids and boyfriend" Capricorn replied and stood up to help Ophiuchus. Capricorn took Delphinus from his arms and cooed at the sleeping child, she had tear streaks all over her face and her eyes were puffy. Virgo took the crying Stevie and began to sing to him, Capricorn blushed as she looked at her girlfriend. Hopefully one day in her future she would be holding their child and listening to her girlfriend, hopefully wife by then, sing to their child. Capricorn smiled to herself and then looked back down at Delphinus, she hoped she would be able to have her own daughter in the future. 

Hello, I'm not dead and neither is this story. I had writers block for this story and I this chapter is really weird and doesn't sit right with me but it's still writing. Hopefully the next chapter will come a bit smoother and faster to write instead of whatever this one is but I can't guarantee anything, and as normal I apologize for any mistakes or things that didn't make sense. Well I hope you didn't hate this chapter and I'll hopefully see you in whatever I upload next. 

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