Chapter 34 Kids

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Sagittarius sat blankly as he stared at the wall, Cancer still had her arms around him but Sagittarius barely noticed her. The only thing Sagittarius could think of was his brother who had just as quickly left his life as he had come in it. The two kids had fallen asleep next to him and Delphinus was holding his hand, she was the only family he had left. "It'll be okay" Cancer whispered and Sagittarius nodded numbly. "It was so fast, one day I was fighting him then I felt like I had a brother who would be there for me, and now he's gone" Sagittarius said and Cancer smiled sadly. "At least you now have Delphy, she's your family" Cancer said and Sagittarius looked down at the sleeping child. "I don't think I should take her, don't you think the boys would want her more?" he asked and Cancer looked a bit surprised. "I suppose so, but she's your niece and you should have the choice" Cancer said and she kissed her cheek gently. The mirror jiggled in Sagittarius's pocket and he sighed before pulling it out. "Finally! I have news for you" Draco said as he erupted from the mirror. "Wake up the kids and I'll kill you" Sagittarius said and Draco rolled his eyes. "Your brother went into the mirror and placed something of his in there, I thought you should have it" Draco said and he held out his hand. Sagittarius frowned but took the small item from his hand, Draco disappeared into smoke and Delphinus woke up with a jolt and the boy next to her groaned as he tried to climb back into her lap. "Where Annie?" Delphinus asked as she looked at Sagittarius with a confused look. "Annie went home, we're going to look after you now" Cancer said while Sagittarius looked at the piece of paper Draco had given him. Sagittarius gently unfolded it and gasped when he saw the picture on it. The picture showed five people smiling happily, even though it was hand drawn he could easily tell it was his family. Cancer looked over his shoulder and smiled when she saw the family picture. "You look the exact same, and your sister and mother are beautiful" she said and Sagittarius smiled as he hugged the photo. "Yes they are, thank you Spider" he said and he whispered the last part so Cancer couldn't hear him. "Little boy what's your name?" Cancer asked and Sagittarius snapped out of his dreamland and he stared at the kid. The kid rubbed his eyes before cuddling back into Delphinus's side. "He name is Stevie" Delphinus said as she hugged him. Sagittarius turned his head to look at Stevie and he smiled when he caught the little boys eyes. "Do you think Scorpio is his father, they look very similar" Cancer said and Sagittarius nodded slowly. Sagittarius held out his arms and Stevie climbed into them while Delphinus jumped into Cancer's arms. 

"Hey" Sagittarius said as he stood above Ophiuchus and Aquarius. "Shh, Aqua's asleep" Ophiuchus said as he gently stroked his boyfriends head and gave Sagittarius a blank look. Sagittarius put Stevie onto the ground and Cancer put down Delphinus before she walked away to go talk to Pisces. "I wanted to talk about the kids, do you think Scorpio was Stevie's father?" Sagittarius asked and Ophiuchus gave him a confused look. "The little boy? They do look similar but he never mentioned anything" Ophiuchus said as he looked down at Aquarius. "Do you want to take the kids instead of me?" Sagittarius asked and Ophiuchus looked at him shocked. "What? It's your niece and possibly your nephew! Would you really be alright with that?" he asked and Sagittarius nodded. "Me and Cancer have the choice of having our own kids, and Scorpio meant a lot to you and Aquarius too" Sagittarius explained and Aquarius groaned as he finally started waking up. "Is there a sack of potato's on my stomach?" Aquarius asked groggily and Sagittarius turned to see the kids giggling as they sat on him. "Not a potato" Delphinus giggled and Aquarius sighed as he tried to sit up but was weighed down by the children. Ophiuchus was staring at his boyfriend with a shocked look and eventually Aquarius turned to look at Sagittarius. "Is something wrong?" Aquarius asked as he began playfighting with the children. "I asked your boyfriend if you wanted to keep the kids" Sagittarius said and Aquarius suddenly stopped moving and gave Sagittarius a confused look. "But" he started but Sagittarius shushed him. "I can have kids if I want, and Scorpio also meant a lot to you and Ophiuchus so I thought maybe you would want something left from him" Sagittarius explained and tears began welling in Aquarius's eyes. "You mean it?" he asked in a small voice as he hugged the children closer to him. Sagittarius nodded and Aquarius jumped on him to pull him in a big hug. "You can come by anytime to see them, we'll look after them" Aquarius said through his tears and Sagittarius saw a happy look on Ophiuchus's face. "Should you talk about this as a couple?" Sagittarius asked as Aquarius squeezed him. "Yeah I don't think I can convince him otherwise, we'll be happy to take them" Ophiuchus said as he hugged Sagittarius and both kids joined the pile. "Where uncle?" Delphinus asked once she stopped hugging Ophiuchus's back. "Your uncle isn't here, but you have two daddies now" Ophiuchus said and Delphinus looked confused. "I do? What about Stevie?" she asked and Stevie looked over when he heard his name. "He's coming too" Aquarius said and Delphinus and Stevie jumped into Aquarius's arms. Sagittarius stood up and walked away from where the new family were talking, he could vaguely hear Delphinus talking about Stevie's mother. He walked up to Cancer and gently kissed her cheek, Cancer turned around and smiled when she saw him. "Hi babe, what's up?" Cancer asked and Sagittarius pointed to the new family. "They wanted the kids, they're really happy about it too" Sagittarius said and Cancer smiled as she kissed him. 

"So when are we leaving?" Pisces asked and Sagittarius shrugged. "We're doing a sweep down on the castle to see if anyone else needs saving, we're probably staying here all week" Sagittarius said and the zodiacs all groaned. "I hate it here, I really want to leave" Leo said and Sagittarius rolled his eyes. "Whatever Princess Loser" he said and Leo growled. "Is that challenge I hear?" she said with a spark in her eyes. "I'll race you around the castle" Sagittarius said as he held out his hand to the princess. Leo grinned and shook his hand before starting to run. Sagittarius yelled and darted after the princess, they raced around the castle and Sagittarius felt better having his mind of his brother. Leo suddenly screamed and Sagittarius flew around the corner to see what she was looking at. "Is that another child?" Sagittarius asked and Leo nodded as she snuck up behind the child. Unlike the Delphinus and Stevie, this kid was clearly at least thirteen and clearly had been beaten up. The child was laying on the floor with his back turned to the zodiacs, Sagittarius crept over and saw the pained look on his face as he slept. "I think he's asleep?" Sagittarius said concerned and Leo nodded before motioning for Sagittarius to help her pick up the child. They carefully carried him to the throne room, every move they took was carefully calculated to not wake up the child. "Hey Rat, we found a kid laying on the floor" Leo whisper yelled and all the zodiacs crowded around the child with confused looks. "Ruben" Delphinus yelled and the kid stirred before opening one eye and then sighing as he saw Delphinus. Delphinus and Stevie both ran over to the boy an began jumping on him while laughing and the boy didn't move as he let the children play. "Your on my arm" the boy finally said and Stevie quickly moved as he let the boy sit up. The boy seemed emotionless as he looked around the room and saw all the new faces, he looked down at Delphinus and Stevie before asking "Where's dad?" Stevie giggled and pointed at Aquarius and Ophiuchus and Delphinus ran over to hug Aquarius's legs. Sagittarius grinned as he saw the tears well in Aquarius's eyes and Ophiuchus grin at being called dad for the first time. "That's your dad? Anyway, where's my dad" the boy asked and Stevie shrugged as he climbed into the boys lap. "He's not here, I heard uncle say he left the world" Delphinus said and the boys eyes lit up before he turned to look at the zodiacs. "You killed me dad?" he asked almost hopefully and Sagittarius shrugged. "If your dad was Ox than yes" Aries said and the boy grinned as he hugged Stevie closer to him. "He's finally dead, sure I wanted to be the one to kill him but this is good" the boy said and Stevie grinned up at the boy. "Your his son?" Libra asked and the boy nodded before standing up and picking up Stevie. "Uh hi I'm Ruben, Ox's son" Ruben said as he held out a hand for Rat. "How did you get so beaten up?" Leo asked and Ruben shrugged. "Well my dad wasn't great so people blamed me for what he did and I just ended up like this" Ruben said before he started playing with Stevie. "Do you know who Stevie's parents are?" Cancer asked and Ruben nodded. "Some assassin named Spider and we share the same mother" Ruben said and Sagittarius grinned as he looked at the other zodiacs. "He had a kid?" Capricorn demanded and Ruben sighed before looking back up. "Yeah, Spider was well known around here, I don't think he ever met Stevie though, he just named him" Ruben said before he started talking to the Chinese zodiacs about staying with them. Sagittarius looked at Stevie with a smile before Capricorn dragged him away to help search the building for more random kids. Sagittarius grinned as he thought of his brother, he even named a child after him. Even though the two brothers never spent much time together, Sagittarius was glad he got to know Scorpio was his family. Sagittarius quickly stopped smiling as he realized what he was doing, he shouldn't be happy after his brother died. Sagittarius stopped walking for a moment before he took another glance at the three kids, he hoped he made the right decision letting Aquarius and Ophiuchus take the youngest two, and Ruben seemed like he was staying behind to train his powers. "Hey" Cancer said as she kissed his cheek and saw the blank expression on his face. "I understand this is hard, but I'll be here to help" she said and Sagittarius gave her a soft smile. Even knowing he wasn't, Sagittarius still felt like his brother was in the room. 

Well, hopefully I fixed a hole in a way it sort of made sense. I hope your all not to mad I killed a guy or mad at some things I put in this chapter, like the introduction of Stevie and Ruben who'll show up a bit more in future chapters. Sorry for any mistakes I didn't see. Anyway, thank you all for reading and I hope to see you in the next chapter.

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